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Number of years since this poll began in [1990s|1990] in which the gap favoring either party was so large

: 0

Percentage of Americans this year who say they are [DemocraticParty|Democrat]-leaning and [RepublicanParty|Republican]-leaning, respectively

: 50, 36

Estimated total annual revenue of panhandlers in the [LasVegas|Las Vegas] metropolitan area

: $24,000,000

Percentage change since [1990s|1990] in the number of pawn shops in [NewYorkCity|New York City]

: +523

Chance that an American under the [SeniorCitizen|age of 65] went without health [Insurance|insurance] at some point during the past two years

: 1 in 3

Number of these companies that [HealthCare|Medicare] took any action against

: 0

Number of the forty-nine companies audited in 2003 that were found to have made major errors

: 41

Portion of all private [Insurance|insurance] companies participating in [HealthCare|Medicare] that were audited in 2001 and 2006, respectively

: 1/4, 1/7

Minimum number of edits to Wikipedia since [June|June] 2004 that have been traced back to the [CIA|CIA]

: 310

Number of the sixty-five other [Senate|senators] serving those same years who sponsored more

: 60

Number of bills, amendments, and resolutions sponsored by Fred Thompson during his eight years in the [Senate|Senate]

: 167

Rank of [LibertarianParty|Ron Paul] among [RepublicanParty|Republican] candidates who have received the most in contributions from U.S. service members

: 1

Percentage of contributions from members of the [USMilitary|U.S. military] for 2002 campaigns that went to [DemocraticParty|Democrats]

: 23

Total from the education industry

: $6,406,000

Total contributions to 2008 [Democracy|presidential] campaigns so far that have come from the [Oil|oil] and [Gasoline|gas] industry

: $1,727,000

Percentage of [DemocraticParty|Democrats] who think that [HillaryClinton|Hillary Clinton] is proposing to withdraw all [USMilitary|U.S. troops] from [Iraq|Iraq] within a year

: 76

Number of trafficked people these task forces have identified

: 1,362

Number of [Dance|lap dancers] whose tips and [Menstruation|menstrual] cycles were tracked by a recent University of [NewMexico|New Mexico] study

: 18

Percentage by which a [Dance|dancer]’s tips during fertile [Days|days] exceeded those during [Menstruation|menstruation]

: 92

Estimated number of [Sex|stripper] poles [Business|sold] in the U.S. last year for home or gym use

: 59,000

Average amount that [Men|men] spent in a store that used a “[Men|masculine]‚” fragrance, in a [Washington|Washington] State University study

: $81

Average amount they spent when the store used a “[Women|feminine]‚” fragrance

: $24

Estimated amount that Americans lose every year by not redeeming gift cards

: $8,000,000,000

Percentage of [Shopping|shopping]-mall and party [Santa|Santas] who believe that [Child|children] “lie when they say they’ve been good‚”

: 54

Number of [Golf|golf] clubs a [Phoenix|Phoenix] tourism group is sending to troops overseas as part of its “Operation White [Christmas|Christmas]‚”

: 14,000

Number of [Christmas|Christmas] [Trees|trees] FedExed last year to [USMilitary|U.S. troops]

: 11,854

Number of [Seconds|seconds] it takes a synthetic [Christmas|Christmas] [Trees|tree] to burn

: 32

Number of separate human-trafficking task forces that the [JusticeDepartment|Department of Justice] has set up since 2000

: 42

Average number of [Sex|sexual] partners a person in a [Wealth|wealthy] country has in his or her lifetime

: 10

Portion of the world’s supply of morphine that is consumed in six of the world’s [Wealth|wealthiest] countries

: 4/5

Estimated percentage of the world’s [Women|female] [Tobacco|smokers]

: 8, 7

Estimated percentage of the world’s [Men|male] [Tobacco|smokers] who live in the United States and [China|China], respectively

: 3, 31

Percentage change since 2000 in the value of [China|China]’s private security and surveillance industry

: +265

Number of the world’s five most valuable companies last year that were [China|Chinese]

: 0

Percentage change so far this year in the value of the [SP500|S&P 500] and the major [War|defense-company] stocks, respectively

: +7, +41

Percentage of Americans overall who [Mendacity|believed] this

: 37

Percentage of U.S. [CEO|CEOs] [Ignorance|who believed] this [Spring|spring] that the [Economy|economy] was either “good‚” or “excellent‚”

: 84
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