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Percentage change in the number of [Iraq|Iraqis] aged nine to seventeen detained

: +540

Number of sixty [Iraq|Iraqi] detainees [Polling|surveyed] who said they had attacked U.S. forces for political reasons

: 12

Percentage change since the start of the [Iraq|Iraq] war “surge‚” in the number of Iraqis detained in U.S.-run [Prison|prisons]

: +50

Estimated number introduced during the previous ten years

: 1,300

Factor by which the average weight gain of the graduate [Student|students] exceeded that of the undergraduates

: 2

Feet on each side of the U.S.-[Canada|Canadian] border that by law are supposed to be kept clear of brush

: 10

Percentage of the border that has not been maintained since 2000

: 44

Percentage change in U.S. residential-construction [Jobs|employment] since [March|March] 2006, if illegal [Immigration|immigrants] are counted

: ???15

Percentage change if illegal [Immigration|immigrants] are excluded

: ???4

Average percentage decrease in a home’s value for each foreclosure that takes place within a one-eighth-mile radius

: 1

Number of [Manhattan|Manhattan] residents who received federal [Agriculture|farm] subsidies between 2003 and 2005

: 573

Portion of [Israel|Israel]’s 265 kibbutzim that are now at least partially privatized operations

: 7/10

Number of customers who have flown the [Vatican|Vatican]’s new “pilgrim [AirTravel|airline]‚” to holy sites in [Europe|Europe]

: 890

Size, in ounces, of the bottle of holy water provided to each customer on its inaugural [AirTravel|flight] in [August|August]

: 3.4

Maximum number of “unsaved‚” players permitted per team in a [Massachusetts|Massachusetts] [Christianity|evangelical] [Softball|softball] league

: 4

Estimated percentage of [Women|women]’s [College|college] [Sport|sports] teams that were coached by women when Title IX was enacted in [1970s|1972]

: 90

Average number of [Hours|hours] of housework that a [Boy|boyfriend] in a cohabiting couple does each week

: 10

Average number a [Marriage|married] [Men|man] does

: 9

Percentage change since [1990s|1991], based on a [Polling|survey] of U.S. [Medicine|hospitals], in the number of electric-carving-knife accidents

: ???80

Number of [Student|students] whose pre- and post-[Thanksgiving|Thanksgiving] weights were measured for a 2006 University of [Oklahoma|Oklahoma] study

: 94

Chances that an entering high school [Student|student] will not graduate within the same span

: 4 in 10

Number who said they had done it for [Money|money]

: 16

Percentage change, since the beginning of the surge, in the number of internally displaced [Iraq|Iraqis]

: +43

Percentage of [Iraq|Iraqis] who say the surge has reduced security in the areas it targeted

: 70

Percentage of Americans [Ignorance|who believe] the U.S. has “already achieved victory in [Iraq|Iraq]‚”

: 11

Amount that a [Army|U.S. Army] private paid a [Men|man] to [Gun|shoot] him in the leg last [July|July] to avoid another tour in [Iraq|Iraq]

: $500

Price that a [Boston|Boston]-area company charges for My [Child|Child]’s Pack, a bulletproof backpack

: $175

Estimated number it has [Business|sold] so far this school year

: 1,000

Estimated amount that teacher turnover costs U.S. school districts each year in recruiting and training

: $7,000,000,000

Chances that a new public-school teacher in [Philadelphia|Philadelphia] will leave within six years

: 7 in 10

Number of [Immigration|immigration] measures introduced into state legislatures so far this year

: 1,404

Percentage of Americans who have not read a [Literature|book] in the past year

: 27

Percentage of [AfricanAmerican|African Americans] who have not

: 20

Factor by which the education-related [Finance|debt] of [AfricanAmerican|African-American] [Education|Ph.D.]’s exceeds that of [Caucasian|white] Ph.D.’s

: 2

Number of the top ten [Television|TV] shows watched by [AfricanAmerican|African Americans] in [1990s|1997] that were also among the top ten shows overall

: 1

Portion of [Caucasian|whites] and [AfricanAmerican|African Americans], respectively, who say that [Immigration|immigrants] take American [Jobs|jobs]

: 1/4, 1/3

Percentage of all race-hate [Crime|crimes] in L.A. in which the victims are [Hispanic|Latino] and the perpetrators [AfricanAmerican|African-American]

: 18
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