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Rank of Christopher Hitchens’s [Religion|God] Is Not Great

: 2

Amount in [Taxes|taxes] it thereby saves each year through a [Texas|Texas] “agricultural‚” exemption

: $328,000

Minimum amount that [Religion|religious] groups received in [Congress|congressional] earmarks between 2003 and 2006

: $209,000,000

Amount such groups received during the previous fourteen years

: $107,000,000

Number of times this year that U.S. [Media|media] have called Gen. David Petraeus “King David‚”

: 24

Number of times they have called him a “warrior intellectual‚” or “warrior scholar‚”

: 26

Minimum number of [Literature|books] about the [Iraq|Iraq] war published in the United States so far

: 835

Number of these that are [Child|children]’s [Literature|books]

: 32

Number of copies a [Literature|book] of poems must sell per week to make the [Poetry|Poetry] Foundation’s bestseller list

: 50

Rank of Richard Dawkins’s The God Delusion among’s top-selling “Religion and Spirituality‚” [Literature|books] this year

: 1

Head of [Cattle|cattle] that [Finance|Fidelity Investments] keeps on a portion of its corporate campus near [Texas|Fort Worth]

: 25

Number of copies [CatholicFaith|Pope Benedict XVI]’s [Literature|book] [JesusChrist|Jesus] of Nazareth has [Business|sold] in the United States

: 68,000

Estimated number of pieces of silver that could be bought with the royalties

: 21,250

Total amount that U.S. [CatholicFaith|Catholic] dioceses have paid out since 2002 in [Child|child] [Sex|sex]-abuse settlements

: $1,073,000,000

Number of different reasons for having [Sex|sex], as identified in a 2007 University of [Texas|Texas] study

: 237

Number of escort services and [McDonalds|McDonald]’s [Food|restaurants], respectively, in [WashingtonDC|Washington, D.C.]

: 26, 23

Percentage change in the average amount of [Food|food] a person will consume when eating with one other person

: +35

Percentage change with four or seven others, respectively

: +75, +96

Number of kernels of [Corn|corn] it takes to make the corn syrup used in one kernel of [CandyCorn|candy corn]

: 3

Ratio of the number of calories in a [CandyCorn|candy corn] kernel to the number in a real [Corn|corn] kernel

: 8:1

Chance that a [Child|child] of [Immigration|immigrants] to [Germany|Germany] is granted a spot at a [College|college]-preparatory high school

: 1 in 7

Average grade and highest grade, respectively, that the group gave out

: D, C+

Amount that [Driving|poor roads] cost Americans in repairs and other extra operating costs each year

: $67,000,000,000

Estimated amount needed over the next twenty years to maintain U.S. sewer systems

: $390,000,000,000

Percentage change since [1990s|1990] in the average size of an American master bathroom

: +50

Percentage change since [1980s|1980] in the average amount of solid waste generated by an American

: +24

Number of square feet of U.S. self-storage space built since [1990s|1998]

: 1,000,000,000

Number of U.S. [College|colleges] that have closed since [1990s|1990]

: 288

Number of the seventeen [Islam|Islamic] universities in sub-Saharan [Africa|Africa] that have been founded in the past ten years

: 10

Age at which most [Germany|German] [Child|children] are slotted into high [Education|schools]

: 10

Number of different areas of U.S. infrastructure graded by the American Society of Civil Engineers in 2005

: 15

Chance for all [Germany|German] [Child|children]

: 1 in 3

Percentage change since 2004 in U.S. [Immigration|immigration] to [Canada|Canada]

: +46

Percentage change since then in total retail sales in Crawford, [Texas|Texas]

: ???27

Percentage disapproval rating for George W. [GeorgeWBush|Bush] in [July|July]

: 66

Ratings for Harry Truman in [1950s|1952] and [RichardNixon|Richard Nixon] in [1970s|1974], respectively, the only presidents ever to climb as high

: 67, 66

Chance that a [CEO|CEO] who left one of the top 2,500 global companies in [1990s|1995] was forced out

: 1 in 8

Number of [WalMart|Wal-Mart] [Jobs|employees] on whom the company secretly took out life-[Insurance|insurance] policies from [1990s|1993] to 1995

: 350,000

Minimum number of deceased [Jobs|employees] on whom the firm has collected

: 453
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