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Year by which drilling can begin under [Greenland|Greenland]’s northeast shelf, at current rates of warming

: 2022

Average number of years by which the nine [RepublicanParty|Republican] candidates are

: 3

Average number of years by which the eight [DemocraticParty|Democratic] candidates are [SeniorCitizen|older than their] [Marriage|spouses]

: 9

Factor by which [NewYorkCity|New York] mayor Michael Bloomberg’s net worth exceeds this

: 11

Estimated total net worth of the seventeen [Democracy|presidential] candidates who have appeared in the party debates

: $430,000,000

Amount that [BarackObama|Barack Obama] had received from such donors

: $320,514

Amount that [HillaryClinton|Hillary Clinton] had received by this [Spring|spring] from former donors to [GeorgeWBush|George W. Bush]

: $454,850

Percentage of [RepublicanParty|Republicans] who said in [June|June] that they favored universal health care

: 51

Percentage of Americans who report being able to get a same-day or next-day [Doctor|doctor]’s appointment when sick

: 51

Number of times they met with industry [HouseOfRepresentatives|representatives]

: 113

Number of times [FDA|FDA] officials met with consumer and patient groups as the agency revised its drug-review policy last year

: 5

Average annual cost of a private intelligence contractor

: $250,000

Average annual cost to [Taxes|taxpayers] of a U.S. government intelligence officer

: $126,500

Number of the 150 foreign-service officers at the U.S. Embassy in [Baghdad|Baghdad] who speak fluent [Arab|Arabic]

: 15

Estimated portion of the world’s undiscovered [Oil|petroleum] that is buried under [Arctic|Arctic] [Ice|ice]

: 1/5

Earliest year, in a 2004 estimate, that [China|China] was projected to surpass the United States in CO2 production

: 2024

Year that [China|China] is now expected to pass the U.S.

: 2007

Percentage change since [1990s|1990] in [GlobalWarming|greenhouse-gas] emissions from [Russia|Russia]

: ???29

Percentage change from the United States and [Canada|Canada], respectively

: +16, +25

Estimated number of barrels of [Oil|oil] that lie under [Ecuador|Ecuador]’s largest rainforest [NationalPark|national park]

: 920,000,000

Number of [Brazil|Brazilian] [Agriculture|farms] whose [Pig|pig] waste a [StLouis|St. Louis] company is using to generate electricity

: 40

Number of the 121 U.S. biofuel refineries that have been cited by the [EPA|EPA] since 2004 for polluting

: 57

Chances that a U.S. worker in [1990s|1990] drove to and from work [lonely|alone]

: 3 in 4

Value of the [Gasoline|gasoline] that the American Red Cross is giving to two randomly selected blood donors this [Summer|summer]

: $3,500

Sentence, in months, received by a [Veterans|Veterans] Affairs official last year for taking kickbacks on purchases of red tape

: 46

Annual amount that [Ecuador|Ecuador] asked the “international community‚” in [June|June] to pay it for not drilling in the park

: $350,000,000

Number of U.S. states that have added [Pets|pets] to their [Violence|domestic-violence] laws

: 6

Minimum number of U.S. [Business|corporations] that offer [Pets|pet] [Insurance|insurance] to [Jobs|employees]

: 1,600

Number of [Llama|llamas] it has had to rent to guard the [Goat|goats] from neighborhood [Dog|dogs]

: 2

Number of [Goat|goats] that Chattanooga, [Tennessee|Tennessee], has rented to roam city land and clear kudzu

: 12

Factor by which the growth rate of poison ivy exposed to today’s CO2 levels exceeds the rate at [1950s|1950s] levels

: 2

Percentage of the U.S. Forest Service budget in [1990s|1991] and today, respectively, designated for [Fire|firefighting]

: 13, 43

Rank of on-the-[Jobs|job] [Heart|heart] [Medicine|failure] among the top [Death|killers] of [Fire|firefighters]

: 1

Chances that a U.S. [Fire|firefighter] is [Obesity|overweight]

: 9 in 10

Projected cost to [HealthCare|Medicare] in 2030 of treating dementia, expressed as a percentage of the program’s total budget today

: 98

Number of years that Fred Thompson and [NewtGingrich|Newt Gingrich] are, respectively

: 24, 23
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