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Number of [BillClinton|Clinton] officials who were

: 4

Number of [GeorgeWBush|Bush White House] officials who are authorized to discuss pending [Crime|criminal] cases with the [JusticeDepartment|Justice Department]

: 711

Percentage of Marines stationed in [Iraq|Iraq] who say they agree that “all non-combatants should be treated as insurgents‚”

: 16

Date on which the U.S. first proposed a [UnitedNations|Security Council] resolution to disband the monitoring team

: 6/8/07

Number of U.N. staffers in [NewYorkCity|New York] who still have full-time [Jobs|jobs] monitoring [Iraq|Iraq] for [WMD|weapons of mass destruction]

: 34

Average number of liters of bottled water delivered to [USMilitary|U.S. troops] in [Iraq|Iraq] each day

: 1,400,000

Ratio of the amount of water used to make the containers to the amount of bottled water consumed

: 2:1

Estimated amount of [Oil|oil], in barrels, used to make the bottled-water containers [Business|sold] in the U.S. last year

: 16,000,000

Portion of [India|Indian] companies that maintain [Gasoline|gas]-run generators and stores of gasoline to use during power outages

: 1/2

Chances that a [Europe|European] industrial plant emitted less CO2 last year than its new EU quota allowed

: 19 in 20

Percentage who believe their own [Parenting|parents] are to blame for the problem

: 15

Portion of U.S. states where the [GlobalWarming|projected climate] in 2100 will not be able to sustain their official [Trees|tree] or [Flowers|flower]

: 3/5

Number of these states where reading scores showed any improvement on a thirty-eight-year-old national test

: 8

Number of U.S. states where middle school reading scores have improved since 2002, as measured by the states’ tests

: 33

Average amount each of these directors has received from the publishers of reading materials [Business|sold] to [Education|schools]

: $727,000

Number of the five directors of a [Education|No Child Left Behind] reading program who had [Corruption|financial ties] to [Mendacity|curricula] they developed

: 4

Percentage who held some [PoliticalLeader|political position] prior to their appointment

: 45, 22

Percentage of federal inspectors general appointed by [GeorgeWBush|Bush] and [BillClinton|Clinton], respectively, who had prior audit experience

: 36, 66

Number of [GeorgeWBush|Bush] appointees who regulate industries they used to represent as [Corruption|lobbyists]

: 85

Percentage of [Britain|British] [Child|children] aged seven to eleven who say they “worry about [GlobalWarming|global warming]‚”

: 34

Portion who say they would consider [Suicide|ending their own lives] if ill with a [Disease|terminal disease]

: 1/3

Chance that an inmate serving a life sentence in [Italy|Italy] signed a [May|May] letter asking to be sentenced to death

: 1 in 4

Number of [Prison|prisons] in [Britain|England] that provide personal trainers for unfit inmates

: 25

Minimum price for a [Disney|Disney] World “VIP‚” tour, which includes a personal guide to negotiate the lines at rides

: $750

Number of different nationalities represented among the staff at the headquarters of [CocaCola|Coca-Cola]

: 58

Number of words spoken by [ClarenceThomas|Clarence Thomas] during [SupremeCourt|Supreme Court] oral arguments since [February|February] 2006

: 132

Number by Samuel Alito, the Justice who spoke the second-fewest words

: 14,404

Weight, in ounces, of all the information that passed through the [Internet|Internet] last year

: 0.00004

Cost per minute last [Spring|spring] for [Telephone|callers] to the [Vienna|Vienna] public library to have [Literature|literary] [Sex|erotica] read to them

: 49?

Average number of [Minutes|minutes] callers listened

: 4

Portion of Americans who believe there are circumstances in which a [Medicine|medical] patient should be allowed to [Suicide|die]

: 7/10

Minimum number of U.S. [College|colleges] that now offer on-campus sites for the ashes of alumni

: 9

Amount the consulates spent last year to repatriate the bodies of [Mexico|Mexicans] who died here

: $3,800,000

Number of the forty-seven [Mexico|Mexican] consulates in cities across America that have opened since [1980s|1980]

: 42

Percentage who said they would be less likely to vote for a [Democracy|presidential] candidate who favored such a plan

: 66

Percentage of [RepublicanParty|conservative] voters who said in [May|May] that they favor amnesty for illegal [Immigration|immigrants]

: 55

Amount the PAC has paid since then in [Corruption|consulting fees] to Thompson’s son

: $196,260

Amount the political action committee of 2008 hopeful Fred Thompson has given to [RepublicanParty|Republican] causes since 2003

: $83,650

Number of the 525 donors who raised at least $100,000 for [GeorgeWBush|Bush] in 2004 who have yet to support a 2008 candidate

: 343

Percentage who say they “neither agree nor disagree‚”

: 39
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