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Percentage who had been mistakenly identified by eyewitnesses

: 77

Chances that a judge in a 2003 study deemed a taped confession to be voluntary if only the suspect appeared on camera

: 4 in 5

Chances if both the suspect and interrogator were [Cinema|filmed]

: 2 in 3

Number of [Days|days] a [Japan|Japanese] arrestee can be interrogated without a [Lawyer|lawyer]

: 23

Percentage of [Japan|Japanese] arrestees who confess to [Crime|crimes]

: 92

Percentage brought to trial who are convicted

: 99.9

Amount that a [Colorado|Colorado] state [Prison|prisoner] is paid to work a day as a field hand at a local [Agriculture|farm]

: 60?

Number of U.S. [Prison|prisoners] freed through [Genetics|DNA] evidence since [1980s|1989]

: 201

Number who died on duty during the [BillClinton|Clinton] years

: 7,500

Date on which he was “elevated‚” to “Uncle Ben, Chairman‚”

: 3/30/07

Percentage of [Army|U.S. soldiers] who say they “know for certain‚” that someone in their unit is [Homosexuality|gay] or lesbian

: 23

Minimum number of [Witch|Wiccans] currently serving in the military

: 1,870

Price from an [Illinois|Illinois] company to turn the cremated ashes of a loved one into a 1.5-carat diamond

: $24,999

Number of smaller diamonds the company offers in its “Family Plan‚”

: 4

Rank of Nevaeh, “heaven‚” spelled backward, among the fastest growing names given to American newborns since 2000

: 1

Percentage change in the number of [Louisiana|Louisiana] and [Mississippi|Mississippi] newborns named [HurricaneKatrina|Katrina] in the year after the hurricane

: +153

Percentage of [WestVirginia|West Virginia] public [Education|schools] that will use the [VideoGame|video game] [Dance|Dance Dance] Revolution in P.E. classes next year

: 100

Rank of [Golf|golf] and [Basketball|basketball], respectively, among the ten pro [Sport|sports] Americans view as the most “ethical” and “upstanding”

: 1, 10

Percentage change since [1990s|1994] in [Corruption|Barry Bonds]’s [Fashion|shoe] and jersey size, respectively

: +24, +18

Percentage increase since [1980s|1980] in a [Men|male] action figure’s relative bicep, chest, and calf size, respectively

: 64, 55, 70

Donation Arnold Schwarzenegger was given by [DonaldTrump|Donald Trump] after appearing on The Apprentice in [March|March]

: $10,000

Amount paid on eBay in [May|May] for an unsalaried [Summer|summer] internship at GQ [Magazine|magazine]

: $30,200

Estimated value of the “[Fashion|style]/[Narcissism|grooming] makeover‚” the intern will receive

: $1,500

Amount Uncle Ben’s [Rice|rice] spent this year to [Propaganda|rebrand] the “iconic character‚” of its fictional namesake

: $20,000,000

Number of [Army|U.S. soldiers] who have died in combat or non-combat situations while on duty since 2001

: 9,185

Percentage of [Baghdad|Baghdad] residents who have a [Family|family] member or friend who has been wounded or [Death|killed] since 2003

: 77

Chance that an inmate at any of the U.S.-run [Prison|prisons] in [Iraq|Iraq] has been identified as a “foreign fighter‚”

: 1 in 195

Number from this sample that were found not to be functioning

: 7

Number of U.S.-run [Iraq|Iraqi] reconstruction projects declared successfully “complete‚” that inspectors visited this year

: 8

Number of postings by the [StateDepartment|U.S. State Department]’s “digital outreach team‚” on [Arab|Arabic] [Internet|websites] this year

: 490

Percentage of national news at [Russia|Russia]’s largest independent [Radio|radio] network that management says must now be “positive‚”

: 50

Portion of the stalls at these markets that are now empty

: 1/4

Percentage of workers at [Russia|Russia]’s retail markets that can be [Immigration|foreign-born], according to a law that took effect in [April|April]

: 0

Portion of the worldwide revenue from [Food|food] retailing accounted for by ten [Business|corporations]

: 1/4

Estimated amount in state [Taxes|taxes] [WalMart|Wal-Mart] avoided last year by renting stores from shell companies it created

: $403,000,000

Percentage of every dollar spent at a chain store in [Chicago|Chicago] that is

: 43

Percentage of every dollar spent at a locally owned [Chicago|Chicago] store that is retained or recirculated in the city

: 68

Amount the program has given to metropolitan areas, retirement communities, and resorts

: $39,100,000,000

Amount the USDA’s [Rural|Rural] Development program has given in aid to distressed rural areas since 2001

: $8,600,000,000

Amount the [Prison|prisons] are paid by [Agriculture|farmers] for each inmate’s daily work

: $77.20
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