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Number of the models that showed the [NorthPole|North Pole] having [Ice|ice]-free [Summer|summers] by 2100

: 7

Minimum number of different [Literature|books] [Business|sold] in the U.S. last year, as tracked by Nielsen BookScan

: 1,446,000

Number of these that [Business|sold] fewer than 99 copies

: 1,123,000

Number that [Business|sold] more than 100,000

: 483

[Days|Days] after the DVD release of Borat that it became the top item shipped to [Kazakhstan|Kazakhstan] by

: 4

Percentage of [Britain|British] [Islam|Muslims] aged 16 to 24 who advocate death for Muslims who convert to another faith

: 36

Percentage who say they “admire organizations like [AlQaeda|al-Qaeda] that are prepared to fight the West‚”

: 13

Number of months that mud has been erupting from the ground in eastern Java, [Indonesia|Indonesia]

: 10

Amount that is currently emerging per day, in gallons

: 36,900,000

Number of recent [Computer|computer] models that a team of climate experts studied to assess [Arctic|Arctic] warming

: 15

Percentage change in [NorthAmerica|North America]

: ???26

Grant that [NASA|NASA] has given an [Arizona|Arizona] [Space|astronomer] to study how to block solar rays with a cloud of small spacecraft

: $70,000

Number of two-foot-wide [Space|spacecraft] he says would be required

: 16,000,000,000,000

Chance that a watt of U.S. [Nuclear|nuclear] energy is generated in part by material from former [Russia|Soviet] warheads

: 1 in 2

Number of [Aliens|UFO] sightings in [France|France] since [1950s|1950], according to newly released [France|French] government documents

: 1,650

Portion of these sightings that [France|France] has classified as inexplicable

: 1/4

Cost, from a [California|California] company, for a headset that can control a [VideoGame|video game] with brain waves

: $50

Number of different moods it can read, in order to select an appropriate [Music|MP3] playlist

: 3

Amount that Lockheed Martin has spent so far on Polecat, a new unmanned stealth aircraft

: $27,000,000

Date on which the only prototype crashed when the self-destruct mode was accidentally activated

: 12/18/06

Minimum number of copies [Business|sold] of Flipping Houses for Dummies since its publication last year

: 17,000

Factor by which uninsured [Child|children] in U.S. [Medicine|hospitals] are more likely to die of their injuries than are insured children

: 2

Chances that a large U.S. metropolitan area has seen its [Murder|homicide] rate increase since 2004

: 7 in 10

Rank of [NewOrleans|New Orleans] among cities with the highest per-capita [Murder|murder] rate last year

: 1

Rank of [Houston|Houston] and [Atlanta|Atlanta], respectively, among U.S. cities with the most [Business|Fortune 500] headquarters

: 2, 3

Number of the sixteen states of the South where more than 25 percent of adults are clinically [Obesity|obese]

: 12

Number of all other states where this is true

: 5

Number of U.S. states in [1990s|1990] and 2005, respectively, where more than 14 percent of adults were clinically [Obesity|obese]

: 0, 50

Ratio in [1980s|1985] of the number of new [Housing|homes] with two or fewer [Bedroom|bedrooms] to the number with four or more

: 4:3

Percentage change since 2000 in the number of Americans living at less than half the federal [Poverty|poverty] line

: +32

Chance that the buyer of a [Housing|U.S. home] in 2006 now has “negative equity,‚” i.e., the [Finance|debt] on the home exceeds its value

: 1 in 6

Percentage of [CEO|CEOs] of [SP500|S&P 500] companies whose [Housing|homes] are at least 10,000 square feet or sit on more than ten acres

: 13

Average percentage by which growth in their companies’ stock prices lagged behind that of [CEO|CEOs] with smaller [Housing|homes]

: 7

Percentage of [Wealth|white-collar] Americans who brought work with them on vacation in [1990s|1995]

: 23

Percentage change since [1900s|1900] in Americans’ average amount of leisure time

: 0

Percentage of U.S. households that will have a [VideoGame|Nintendo] Wii by 2011, according to Merrill Lynch

: 30

Portion of all [Internet|Internet] traffic today that is file sharing of music, [Cinema|films], and videos

: 2/3

Percentage change since [1990s|1990] in worldwide demand for newsprint

: +18
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