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Percentage of Americans who say that attacks on civilians are sometimes justified

: 24

Number of magnetic “Support Our [USMilitary|Troops]‚” ribbons [Business|sold] by the leading [Labor|manufacturer] in 2004

: 4,000,000

Number [Business|sold] last year

: 48,000

Percentage of [Veterans|veterans] of the wars in [Iraq|Iraq] and [Afghanistan|Afghanistan] who have filed for disability with the VA

: 27

Percentage of [Pakistan|Pakistanis] and [Indonesia|Indonesians] who say that attacks on civilians are sometimes justified to defend [Islam|Islam]

: 8

Ratio of American Mormons to non-American Mormons worldwide in [1980s|1980]

: 5:2

Chance that a [Folly|psychic] fell asleep during the test

: 1 in 6

Number of different [Hinduism|Hindu] rituals that will perform on one’s behalf at temples in [India|India]

: 104

Price for the most expensive ritual, the three-hour Chandi Homam

: $630

Price from, including standard shipping, of an “In God’s Care [Death|Casket]‚”

: $924.99

Percentage of U.S. [CatholicFaith|Catholic] dioceses that say they have had incidents of embezzlement during the last five years

: 85

Rank of [Money|money] and God, respectively, among “the very best thing[s] in the world‚” to [Britain|British] [Child|children] under 10

: 1, 10

Rank of [Britain|Britain] among twenty-one [Wealth|rich] countries the U.N. ranked this year for “child well-being‚”

: 21

Portion of all [Iran|Iranians] who are [Child|under the age of 30]

: 3/5

Denomination in rials of [Iran|Iran]’s new largest [Banking|banknote], which features a [Nuclear|nuclear]-power symbol on its back

: 50,000

Percentage of [Egypt|Egyptian] [Women|women] under the age of 50 who have undergone [Genitalia|genital] mutilation

: 96

Percentage of these operations that are now carried out by [Medicine|medical] professionals

: 75

Number of [Britain|British] [Men|men] last year who had [Vanity|cosmetic] [Medicine|surgery] to reduce the size of their [Breast|breasts]

: 177

Amount the [Britain|British] military spent in 2002 researching whether [SupernaturalBeing|psychics] could find terrorist hideouts

: $35,000

Chance that a [SupernaturalBeing|psychic] it tested could, blindfolded, identify some portion of the contents of a sealed envelope

: 1 in 3

Percentage of these that had no evidence linking them to [TerroristNetwork|terror activity], according to an internal audit

: 47

Percentage of [Veterans|soldiers] given [Medicine|medical] discharges in 2001 who were given permanent disability benefits

: 10

Chances that an American thinks the United States has a “mainly positive influence‚” on the world

: 2 in 3

Chances that a [Russia|Russian] thinks that Russia does

: 4 in 5

Percentage of top [Russia|Soviet] officials under [MikhailGorbachev|Mikhail Gorbachev] who were drawn from the armed forces or security services

: 5

Percentage of top [Russia|Russian] officials who have been under [BorisYeltsin|Boris Yeltsin] and [VladimirPutin|Vladimir Putin], respectively

: 47, 78

Weeks after losing his [Senate|Senate] seat that Rick Santorum joined a think tank to start a program called America’s Enemies

: 9

Number of cases brought by U.S. [Lawyer|Attorneys] between 2002 and 2004 that the [JusticeDepartment|Justice Department] listed as terror-related

: 3,279

Minimum number of new U.S. anti-[Immigration|immigration] groups formed since [January|January] 2005

: 305

Number of suits filed against [RudolphGiuliani|Rudy Giuliani] between [1990s|1994] and 2001 by the [NewYork|New York] Civil Liberties Union

: 34

Percentage of Americans in [February|February] who said they would be unlikely to vote for a candidate who has been [Divorce|divorced] twice

: 26

Percentage who said they would be unlikely to vote for a [SeniorCitizen|72-year-old]

: 58

Percentage who said they would be unlikely to vote for an [AfricanAmerican|African American] or a [Tobacco|smoker], respectively

: 6, 21

Total donations that [BarackObama|Barack Obama] has received from [Tobacco|tobacco] companies since 2000

: $0

Amount that [AlanGreenspan|Alan Greenspan] reportedly received for the [February|February] 26 speech in which he warned of a [Recession|recession]

: $150,000

Total value that U.S. [Finance|stock markets] lost the next day, partly as a result of his warning

: $632,000,000,000

Number of [LosAngeles|L.A.] branches of [Banking|Bank] of America that now offer [CreditCards|credit cards] to customers without [SocialSecurity|Social Security] numbers

: 51
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