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Percentage of these adults in [1950s|1953] who were in [MentalHandicap|mental institutions]

: 75

Percentage of American adults held in either [Prison|prisons] or [MentalHandicap|mental institutions] in [1950s|1953] and today, respectively

: 0.67, 0.68

Number of vehicles in the motorcade that transports [GeorgeWBush|President Bush] to his regular bike ride in [Maryland|Maryland]

: 14

Number of bathrooms in John Edwards’s new [NorthCarolina|North Carolina] home

: 11

Ratio of the number of [Poverty|poor] Americans living in cities to the number living in [Suburbs|suburbs]

: 10:11

Factor by which the overall death rate for U.S. [AfricanAmerican|blacks] aged 15 to 64 exceeds the rate for blacks in state [Prison|prisons]

: 2

Number for the general population aged 15 to 64

: 308

Number of U.S. state [Prison|prisoners] per 100,000 who die behind bars each year

: 250

Estimated amount they cost the [Economy|economy] through higher [HealthCare|health care] costs

: $160,000,000,000

Estimated amount that U.S. adults who grew up [Poverty|poor] cost the [Economy|economy] each year through increased [Crime|crime]

: $170,000,000,000

Chances that a director of a U.S. [Business|corporation] does

: 3 in 5

Amount it grossed at the [Cinema|U.S. box office]

: $30

Number of U.S. universities in [1990s|1996] and last year, respectively, that had endowments over $1 billion

: 20, 62

Rank of the People’s [Banking|Bank] of [China|China] among the world’s most profitable banks last year

: 1

Maximum body-mass index that [China|China] now allows for any foreigner adopting a Chinese [Child|infant]

: 39

Maximum number of [Divorce|divorces] that prospective [Parenting|parents] can have between them

: 2

Percentage of all [Guatemala|Guatemalan] [Child|infants] who are adopted by Americans

: 1

Estimated number of babies who have been created so far through in vitro fertilization

: 3,000,000

Estimated number of Americans who die each year as a result of [Doctor|doctors]’ sloppy handwriting

: 7,000

Number of times that the title of “world’s oldest person‚” changed hands in [January|January]

: 3

Average number of years that Nobel Prize–winners in [Chemistry|chemistry] or [Physics|physics] live longer than those merely nominated

: 2

Number of the world’s top ten [EnglishLanguage|English]-language [Entertainment|Scrabble] players who are not native English speakers

: 3

Score by which a [Technology|software] program called Quackle beat a former Scrabble champion in a tiebreaker last [Winter|winter]

: 482???465

Cost to make the [Cinema|film] Zyzzyx Road, which was released last year

: $1,200,000

Chances that a U.S. institutional investor thinks that corporate executives are “dramatically overpaid‚”

: 9 in 10

Total last year

: $170,900,000,000

Total value of U.S. government [Corruption|contracts] in 2000 that were handed out without competitive bidding

: $91,000,000,000

Fine paid in 2006 by a company building the U.S. border fence, in a guilty plea for hiring illegal [Immigration|immigrants]

: $4,700,000

Ratio in [1990s|1999] of the number of U.S. federal [Jobs|employees] to the number of private employees on government [Corruption|contracts]

: 15:6

Word count of the combined U.S. federal [Taxes|tax] regulation in [1990s|1995]

: 7,652,000

Average amount of unpaid [Taxes|tax] the [IRS|IRS] discovers for each hour spent auditing a large or medium-sized company

: $5,195

Change since 2002 in the average number of [Hours|hours] that the [IRS|IRS] devotes to each audit of a large company

: ???252

Number of local [DemocraticParty|Democratic] officials who have been

: 262

Number of local [RepublicanParty|Republican] officials who have been investigated by the U.S. [JusticeDepartment|Department of Justice] since 2001

: 37

Percentage who believed this in [January|January] 2007

: 16

Percentage of G.O.P. House and [Senate|Senate] members in an [April|April] 2006 poll who believed humans are causing [GlobalWarming|climate change]

: 23
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