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Number of [Iraq|Iraqis] who have been given [Refugee|refugee] status in the United States since 2003

: 764

Chance that an [Iraq|Iraqi] has fled his or her home since the beginning of the war

: 1 in 8

Year by which the world’s [Fish|seafood] will run out, at current rates of decline

: 2048

Percentage of the world’s [Fish|fished] [LivingOrganism|species] that have lost at least 90 percent of their peak populations

: 29

Percentage change between 2000 and 2005

: +3.2

Percentage change between [1990s|1990] and 1999 in the world’s global [GlobalWarming|carbon emissions] from burning fossil fuels

: +0.8

Estimated amount that Americans lose each year by buying overheated [Gasoline|gasoline], which has less energy per gallon

: $959,000,000

Average number of miles [Driving|driven] by an American in 2004 and 2005, respectively

: 13,711, 13,657

Average number of new [Banking|banks] chartered annually in the United States since [1990s|1995]

: 167

Number of previous months since [Recession|the Depression] that this had been the case

: 0

Number of consecutive months that the American workforce has spent more than its take-home pay

: 20

Percentage of U.S. voters who said in [December|December] that “America’s best [Days|days]‚” were “in the past‚”

: 48

Percentage who said that success in [Iraq|Iraq] was “not very likely‚” or “not at all likely‚”

: 41

Percentage of [USMilitary|U.S. military] personnel in [December|December] who thought more troops should be sent to [Iraq|Iraq]

: 38

Number between [1990s|1999] and 2002

: 8,051

Month when the total value of [EuropeanUnion|euros] in circulation worldwide surpassed that of U.S. dollars

: 6/2006

Rank of [Turkey|Turkey] and [Israel|Israel]

: 35, 36

Number of anti-Zionist [Judaism|Orthodox rabbis] who appeared at [Iran|Iran]’s conference to “discuss‚” the [Holocaust|Holocaust] last [December|December]

: 6

Rank of [Iran|Iran] and the United States, respectively, among nations with the most living kidney donors per capita

: 1,2

Amount that [Iran|Iran]’s tourism ministry says it pays travel agents for every Westerner they bring to the country

: $20

Amount it pays for an [Asia|Asian]

: $10

Estimated median personal [Wealth|wealth] worldwide

: $2,161

Average number of Legos owned by each person worldwide

: 75

Estimated percentage of U.S. household spending that is controlled or influenced by [Child|children] under 14

: 47

Minimum number of hits received each month by the [GeneralMotors|GM] [Internet|website] [Folly|]

: 40,000

Portion of [Women|female] [College|college] [Student|students] and graduates who say attending [Spring|Spring] Break results in “increased [Sex|sexual] activity‚”

: 3/4

Portion of [Girl|Girls] Gone Wild footage that is shot in the month of [March|March]

: 1/4

Rank of the U.K. and the U.S., respectively, among thirty-six “nation brands‚” rated by worldwide [Polling|polling] last year

: 1, 9

Percentage he says he actually got, before he “falsified‚” the number to make it acceptable to [Europe|Europe]

: 93.5

Official vote percentage with which [Belarus|Belarus]’s president was reelected last [Winter|winter]

: 86

[Poverty|Minimum wage] this year, given new rules that require more [Hours|hours] in session

: $139.97

Minimum hourly wage last year of a member of the [HouseOfRepresentatives|U.S. House of Representatives]

: $203.95

Number whose alleged [Crime|crime] is [Murder|murder]

: 14

Number of the 541 members of [India|India]’s lower house of parliament who have been charged with [Crime|crimes]

: 125

Percentage change in the number of adults in their fifties doing so

: +63

Percentage change since 2002 in the number of U.S. [Teenager|teens] using [Drugs|illegal drugs]

: ???15

Number of U.S. states where [Marijuana|marijuana] is the top [Business|cash crop]

: 12

Estimated portion where forests increase warming, by trapping more heat than their CO2 consumption reduces

: 1/3

Estimated portion of the earth where forests reduce [GlobalWarming|global warming], through consumption of CO2

: 1/3
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