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Percentage who want a withdrawal on a one-year timeline

: 48

Percentage of [Baghdad|Baghdad]’s Shiites who say that all U.S. forces should leave [Iraq|Iraq] within six months

: 32

Average annual percentage change, since [1960s|1965], in U.S. spending when one party controls the presidency and [Congress|Congress]

: +3.4

Number it awarded for the [VietnamWar|Vietnam War]

: 21,630

Number of Silver Stars [Army|the Army] has awarded so far for heroism in the [Iraq|Iraq] and [Afghanistan|Afghan] wars combined

: 249

Minimum number of [Women|women] in [Afghanistan|Kabul] who committed [Suicide|suicide] by self-immolation last year

: 36

Factor by which the number of U.S. air strikes in [Afghanistan|Afghanistan] since [June|June] has exceeded the number in [Iraq|Iraq]

: 19

Rank of [Iraq|Iraq]’s current [War|civil war] among these in terms of fatalities per year

: 9

Average duration, in years, of the 130 [War|civil wars] fought worldwide since [1940s|1945], according to a [StanfordUniversity|Stanford] professor

: 11

Percentage who say forces should be reduced even more gradually, as the “security situation improves‚”

: 0

Chance that a U.S. hybrid-[Driving|car owner] also owns a non-hybrid [SUV|SUV]

: 1 in 4

Rank of this, among the fourteen countries [Polling|surveyed]

: 14

Amount the [Pentagon|Defense Department] is paying [NorthDakota|North Dakota] researchers to develop a biofuel for military [AirTravel|jets]

: $4,800,000

Tons of live World War I ordnance dug up in [Belgium|Belgium] each year, on average

: 300

Percentage of [Germany|Germans] today who say they are unsatisfied “with the way [their] democracy functions”

: 51

Consecutive years that the U.N. has ranked [Norway|Norway] as the best country to live in

: 6

[Minutes|Minutes] after the ranking last [Fall|fall] that [Norway|Norway]’s aid minister said Norwegians needed to fight their “culture of whining‚”

: 38

Percentage of city-dwelling [India|Indian] [Men|men] aged 16 to 25 who say they expect the [Women|woman] they marry to be a virgin

: 63

Percentage of these who have had [Sex|sex] with a [Prostitute|prostitute] or another [Men|man], respectively

: 22, 17

Chances that a [HipHop|hip-hop] fan has had five or more [Sex|sexual] partners in the last five years, according to a U.K. study

: 2 in 5

Chance that a [CountryMusic|country-music] fan has

: 1 in 67

Average number of times an adult worldwide has [Sex|sex] each year, according to self-reporting in polls

: 103

Average in [Japan|Japan], the lowest of forty-one countries [Polling|surveyed]

: 45

Percentage of 16- to 34-year-olds in [Japan|Japan] who say they are happy

: 8

Number of U.S. states that passed legislation last year expanding the right to [Murder|shoot someone] in self-defense

: 14

Minimum number of [Texas|Texas] death-row inmates who have MySpace pages

: 36

Percentage of solved cases of identity theft in which the victim turns out to know the thief personally

: 52

Amount that [Britain|Britons] paid to “[Nigeria|Nigerian]-style‚” email and letter scams last year

: $661,500,000

Total [Oil|oil] revenues that have flowed into [Nigeria|Nigeria] since [1970s|1974]

: $728,500,000,000

Percentage of [Nigeria|Nigerians] living on less than [Poverty|$1 per day] in [1980s|1985] and today, respectively

: 32, 71

Chance that a U.S. worker in [1970s|1970] experienced a drop in income that year of one-half or greater

: 1 in 14

Percentage of worldwide IPO proceeds in [1990s|1999] that were realized on U.S. exchanges

: 56

Factor by which this exceeds the amount in the previous five years combined

: 2

Amount spent in 2006 to take U.S. public companies private

: $248,460,000,000

Amount the [WhistleBlower|whistle-blowers] were [Corruption|allowed to keep] as reward

: $190,000,000

Total value of fraud cases to which [WhistleBlower|whistle-blowers] tipped off the [JusticeDepartment|Justice Department] last year

: $3,100,000,000

Average when control is divided

: +1.5
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