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Number of U.S. [Science|patents] that have been issued for corporate [Taxes|tax]-avoidance strategies

: 32

Number of [Weapons|weapons] that the [Pentagon|Pentagon] has issued to [Iraq|Iraqi] security forces since 2003

: 505,093

Percentage of these that have been registered in any trackable fashion

: 2

Number of LAPD officers shot by suspects between [1980s|1985] and 2005

: 90

Number shot by themselves or other officers

: 68

Annual budget of [Miami|Miami]’s [Policing|police] department, expressed as a percentage of the production cost of the [Cinema|film] [Schlock|Miami Vice]

: 83

Number of different forms of [IntellectualProperty|copyright] [Piracy|piracy] a [BoyScouts|Boy Scout] must identify to earn a “Respect Copyrights‚” merit patch

: 3

Years that elapsed between the awarding of U.S. [Science|patents] No. 1 and No. 1,000,000

: 75

Years between [Science|patents] No. 6,000,000 and No. 7,000,000, awarded last year

: 6

Factor by which [Men|male] life-[Science|scientists] are more likely to patent their findings than are their [Women|female] counterparts

: 2.5

Average number of months after workers and equipment were ordered to [Iraq|Iraq] that substantial work on the projects began

: 6

Estimated percentage of the assets held by [SP500|S&P 500] companies in [1980s|1980] and 2006, respectively, that were intangible

: 20, 70

Minimum number of [SouthAfrica|South Africans] who do their [Banking|banking] entirely by mobile [Telephone|phone]

: 500,000

Number of Orthodox [Israel|Israelis] who subscribe to one [Judaism|rabbinically] approved cell-[Telephone|phone] service

: 30,000

Average amount by which “kosher‚”-to-“kosher‚” calls are cheaper per minute than calls to non-plan numbers

: 3?

Number of members in the world’s only remaining [Religion|Shaker] community

: 4

Year by which [SouthKorea|South Korea] intends to have a [Robot|robot] in every household

: 2013

Amount a [RhodeIsland|Rhode Island] [Men|man] received in a settlement last year over his faulty [Penis|penile implant]

: $400,000

Percentage change since [1970s|1970] in the height of the National [Christmas|Christmas] [Trees|Tree]

: +63

Average number of times that [BillClinton|President Clinton] did in his addresses

: 103

Percentage of Americans who say they support universal health care over the current system

: 56

Percentage who say they would support it if it limited their choice of [Doctor|doctors]

: 28

Number of uninsured patients to whom a [Texas|Texas] [Medicine|hospital] has given free preventive care since 2002

: 5,000

Estimated percentage change over two years in the number of emergency-room visits by these patients

: ???50

Estimated number of gallons of extra [Gasoline|gasoline] burned each year because Americans are [Obesity|overweight]

: 938,000,000

Amount that the U.S. government spent on energy research and development in [1970s|1979], adjusted for inflation

: $7,770,000,000

Average number of times that [GeorgeWBush|President Bush] has used the pronoun “I‚” in each of his State of the Union addresses

: 36

Chance that an American in [1990s|1998] described the quality of the U.S. [HealthCare|health-care] system as “poor‚”

: 1 in 7

Factor by which [HillaryClinton|Hillary Clinton]’s spending on her 2006 reelection exceeded that of any other [DemocraticParty|Democratic] candidate

: 2.5

Maximum percentage support that her opponent, John Spencer, ever got in polls

: 33

Minimum number of [NewJersey|New Jersey] public officials who have been indicted since 2002

: 104

Factor by which [AfricanAmerican|African Americans] are more likely than [Caucasian|white] Americans to believe their votes will not be tallied

: 3.5

Chance that a [Student|student] at a private U.S. [College|college] in [1990s|1992] came from the nation’s top income quartile

: 1 in 4

Percentage change since 2002 in the number of [AirForce|U.S. Air Force] security clearances revoked due to personal [Finance|debt]

: +900

Percentage of their total cost that five audited [Iraq|Iraqi] reconstruction projects spent on overhead costs

: 35
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