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Number of [Texas|Texas] high [Education|schools] that offered [Superstition|Bible] courses as electives last year

: 25

Score by which [Russia|Russia] defeated [Kazakhstan|Kazakhstan] in the 2006 [Homelessness|Homeless] [Sport|World Cup] final in [September|September]

: 1???0

Ratio of the number of people worldwide who are [Obesity|overweight] to the number who are [Hunger|undernourished]

: 5:3

Chances that a patient who undergoes [Obesity|weight-loss] [Medicine|surgery] will develop complications within six months

: 2 in 5

Percentage of [Britain|Britons] who say they would give up [Sex|sex] to live to 100

: 40

Portion of [Britain|Britain]’s fertility clinics that have an insufficient supply of [Sperm|sperm]

: 7/10

Percentage of [Women|women] who have an [Orgasm|orgasm] during [Sex|sex] with a [Men|man], according to an [Australia|Australian] study

: 69

Percentage who do during [Sex|sex] with [Homosexuality|another woman]

: 76

Percentage by which a [Men|man]’s chances of being [Homosexuality|gay] increase for every older brother he has

: 33

Number of life-size photo cutouts of troops that [Maine|Maine]’s [Army|Army National Guard] has given to relatives

: 200

Number of these courses that broke the law by being primarily devotional and sectarian, according to a [September|September] study

: 22

Number of times [GeorgeWBush|President Bush] has declared an event or outcome not to be “acceptable‚” so far this year

: 42

Number of times he said this the previous three years combined

: 33

Percentage of Americans in [October|October] who said that [Congress|Congress] should impeach [GeorgeWBush|President Bush]

: 51

Number of non-citizens charged with vote fraud in U.S. elections since 2002

: 21

Cost, in one [Mexico|Mexican] town, of a six-hour tour “full of obstacles and persecution‚” across a mock U.S.-Mexico border

: $14

Estimated percentage of the town’s population that has illegally crossed the real border

: 90

Cost of an eight-day tour of [Israel|Israel’s] “struggle for survival and security in [MiddleEast|the Middle East]‚”

: $1,895

Percentage of [Football|N.F.L.] fourth downs on which teams are better off “going for it,‚” according to a [Hippies|Berkeley] study

: 40

Date on which the authorization was extended to 2007

: 9/30/06

Chances that a [Cuba|Guant?namo] detainee was turned over to [Army|Coalition] forces by an [Afghanistan|Afghan] or [Pakistan|Pakistani] citizen

: 9 in 10

Average reward that [Propaganda|leaflets] airdropped over their countries promised for every “terrorist‚” turned in

: $5,000

Amount a cable [Television|TV] reporter paid a former Army interrogator to [Torture|waterboard] him in [July|July]

: $800

[Minutes|Minutes] into the [Torture|waterboarding] that a producer decided he had to stop it

: 24

Number of incidences of [Torture|torture] on [Television|prime-time] network TV shows from 2002 to 2005

: 624

Number on shows the previous seven years

: 110

Number of people the U.S. [Terrorism|counterterrorism] agent Jack Bauer personally [Torture|killed] last season on the [Television|TV] show 24

: 38

Percentage change from 2004 to 2005 in the number of [Crime|criminal] violations by [Army|U.S. military] recruiters

: +106

Number of private firms that have been hired since 2002 to recruit [Business|soldiers] for the [Army|Army]

: 7

Average amount the firms are paid per recruit

: $5,700

Number of Americans and [Britain|Britons] who now work in the IT industry in [India|India]

: 30,000

Monthly cost for a U.S. [Student|student] to receive unlimited online [Education|tutoring] from a [Bangalore|Bangalore]-based “e-tutor‚”

: $100

Minimum number of [Folly|PlayStation 3s] whose spare [Technology|processing] power will be used next year for biological research

: 10,000

Factor by which the interconnected game systems will be faster than the world’s most powerful supercomputer

: 5

Factor by which the number of “perfect games‚” [Sport|bowled] last year exceeds the number in [1980s|1985]

: 7

Percentage of fourth downs on which N.F.L. teams do go for it

: 13

Minimum number of checkpoints [JesusChrist|Mary and Joseph] would face today on their journey from [Palestine|Nazareth] to Bethlehem

: 10

Number of worldwide incidents last [Christmas|Christmas] of “[Santa|Santarchy],‚” which involves roving mobs of unruly Santas

: 29

Number of [Sweets|fruitcakes] that [Alcohol|drunken] [Santa|Santas] catapulted into the air at the event in [Portland|Portland], [Oregon|Oregon]

: 6
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