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Number that now use electronic [Democracy|voting] machines with [Corruption|no recountable] paper trail

: 15

Chances that a [California|Californian] lives in an area whose air pollution exceeds that state’s legal limit

: 9 in 10

Percentage change so far this year in the total number of contracts traded

: +1,425

Number of [Business|corporations] that are now members of the [Chicago|Chicago] Climate Exchange, which trades pollution rights

: 210

Factor by which the average noise level underwater in the ocean has increased since [1960s|1965]

: 3

Minimum decibel level, on average, at which [AfricanAmerican|African Americans] in a recent study could hear a high-pitched sound

: 21

Chance that a [Caucasian|white] [AmericanWomen|American woman] does

: 1 in 2

Chance that an [Africa|African]-[AmericanWomen|American woman] says that she worries about becoming a “bag lady‚”

: 1 in 3

Percentage change for Kool menthol [Tobacco|cigarettes]

: +20

Percentage change since [1990s|1998] in the average amount of nicotine that [Tobacco|cigarettes] deliver to the lungs

: +10

Factor by which this exceeds the number it [Death|killed] last century

: 10

Total expenditures this will artifically shift from fiscal year 2006 to fiscal year 2007

: $5,200,000,000

Number of people whom [Tobacco|tobacco] will [Death|kill] this century, if current trends hold

: 1,000,000,000

Number of the fifty states that are still not in compliance with the 2002 Help America [Democracy|Vote] Act

: 8

[Minutes|Minutes] it took a Princeton researcher to hack into a Diebold [Democracy|voting] machine in [September|September]

: 1

Percentage of Americans who cannot say in which year the [September11|September 11] attacks occurred

: 30

Percentage who think that U.S. [Islam|Muslims] should have to carry special I.D.

: 39

Chance that a U.S. [Islam|Muslim] is [Arab|Arab]

: 1 in 5

Number of [StateDepartment|State Department] foreign-service members whose [Jobs|jobs] require them to know [Arab|Arabic]

: 160

Amount that U.S. embassy staff in [London|London] owe in unpaid traffic charges

: $1,600,000

Average percentage change in the U.S. aid a country receives when it sits on the [UnitedNations|U.N. Security Council]

: +59

[Days|Days] before the end of this fiscal year that [HealthCare|Medicare] payments to [Doctor|doctors] and [Medicine|hospitals] will be halted

: 9

Number of [Congress|congressional] resolutions proposed since [1980s|1989] that have contained the word “delicious‚”

: 5

Number written by [JimmyCarter|Jimmy Carter]

: 20

Average by [USPresident|U.S. presidents]

: 4

Average number of [Literature|books] written by each [France|French] president since [WWII|World War II]

: 8

Percentage of [Turkey|Turkey]’s residents in 2004 who supported their nation’s joining the [Europe|European] Union

: 73

Percentage by which the number of U.S. house [Fire|fires] on [Thanksgiving|Thanksgiving Day] exceeds the daily average

: 32

Fraction of [Manhattan|Manhattan] real estate that could be bought with the annual [Gambling|gambling] earnings of [NativeAmerican|Native American] tribes

: 1/8

Percentage by which the average payments on these loans will increase

: 25

Number of U.S. mortgages whose interest rates will reset next year to higher levels

: 2,000,000

Number of years since record-keeping began in [1920s|1929] that this percentage has been so low

: 0

Percentage of U.S. [GDP|GDP] represented by [Jobs|salaries and wages] today

: 45

Average number made each year under [BillClinton|Bill Clinton]

: 65

Number of additions made to the U.S. endangered-[LivingOrganism|species] list so far under George W. [GeorgeWBush|Bush]

: 56

Estimated amount that smog costs [California|California] in extra [HealthCare|health-care] expenses each year

: $71,000,000,000
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