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Percentage change since 2000 in the estimated number of [Hispanic|Hispanic] voters in the United States

: +122

Percentage of people worldwide who lack access to a toilet or an outhouse

: 41

Average consumed by a [Poverty|poor] U.S. [Child|child]

: 2.1

Average amount of [Meat|meat], in pounds, consumed by a [Wealth|wealthy] U.S. [Child|child] each week

: 1.7

Minimum number of U.S. [Death|deaths] from [Food|food] allergies each year, according to the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network

: 150

Number of U.S. states where a majority of public-school [Student|students] were [Poverty|poor] enough to qualify for subsidized [Lunch|lunches] in [1980s|1989]

: 1

Percentage who aren’t sure whether they would or not

: 7

Percentage of [NewJersey|New Jersey] residents who say they would like to move out of the state

: 49

Chances that a new [Immigration|immigrant] to the United States moves directly to the [Suburbs|suburbs]

: 2 in 5

Percentage of U.S. [Women|women] today who dye their [Hair|hair]

: 55

Chance that a [Fashion|red lipstick] tested by a [WashingtonDC|Washington] advocacy group last [Fall|fall] contained dangerous levels of lead

: 1 in 3

Number of nations where more than 30 percent of the legislature is currently composed of [Women|women]

: 20

Number where more than 40 percent is

: 3

Ratio of the number of [Hispanic|Latinos] in [Iowa|Iowa] to the number of full-time [Agriculture|farmers]

: 7:4

Percentage of [RepublicanParty|Republicans] today who say that free trade is bad for the U.S. [Economy|economy]

: 59

Percentage of Americans who say they trust the [DemocraticParty|Democrats] and the [RepublicanParty|Republicans], respectively, to ensure prosperity

: 54, 34

Last year that the gap was so far in the [DemocraticParty|Democrats]’ favor

: 1992

Number of U.S. states [JohnKerry|John Kerry] would have won in 2004 if votes by [Poverty|poor] Americans were the only ones counted

: 40

Number if votes by [Wealth|rich] Americans were the only ones counted

: 4

Percentage of NYU [Student|students] who say they would “permanently forfeit” their vote for $1 million

: 50

Portion of the U.S. population that has lived only under presidents named [GeorgeWBush|Bush] and [BillClinton|Clinton]

: 1/4

Estimated portion eight years from now, if [HillaryClinton|Hillary Clinton] were to win two terms

: 1/3

Number of the 194 nations in the world that have had one or more [Women|female] heads of state since [1900s|1900]

: 30

Number of [Minutes|minutes] it takes all 13,000 [NewYorkCity|New York City] cabs to release this much

: 7

Estimated number of tons of CO2 released on New Year’s Eve from all the [Champagne|champagne] bottles uncorked by Americans

: 8

Price, from a [Britain|U.K.] company, for a can of “ashtray‚” fragrance, to be used by pubs after a recent [Tobacco|smoking] ban

: ?8.50

Percentage ownership in the team Ebbsfleet United that the site agreed to purchase in [November|November]

: 51

Number of [Britain|British] [Soccer|soccer] fans who have given ?35 each to a [Internet|website] in order to collectively purchase a pro team

: 25,000

Percentage of Americans who say they are willing to have an [Internet|Internet]-access device implanted in their brains

: 10

Chance that the office [Computer|computer] of an [FBI|FBI] [Jobs|employee] has [Internet|Internet] access

: 1 in 3

Average amount each line-stander is paid per hour

: $20

Percentage of the disputes that were resolved in favor of the [CreditCards|credit-card] company

: 94

Number of [CreditCards|credit-card] disputes in [California|California] resolved since 2003 by one of the nation’s largest arbitration firms

: 19,300

Percentage of U.S. adults who are victims of fraud each year, according to an FTC study

: 14

Portion who failed to do so when the same study was repeated in 2007

: 1/3

Portion of U.S. [Men|men] who [Disease|failed] to wash their hands after using the bathroom, in a 2005 study

: 1/4
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