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Number of them who could list the Commandments

: 1

Percentage who are members of the Royal Society for the Protection of [Bird|Birds]

: 1.9

Number of U.S. states with legally enforceable trust laws for [Pets|pets]

: 30

Minimum number of insurgent attacks in [Iraq|Iraq] since [November|November] 2003 using explosive-carrying [Dog|dogs] or [Donkeys|donkeys]

: 6

Minimum number of [Army|U.S. generals] in [Iraq|Iraq] using [Business|private security companies] for their personal security

: 4

Date on which USAID launched an [Telecommunications|Internet] campaign asking Americans to help pay for the [Iraq|Iraqi] reconstruction

: 9/9/05

Amount it had raised as of early [October|October]

: $1,400

Number of [Army|U.S. soldiers] who have posted photographs of dead [Iraq|Iraqis] or [Afghanistan|Afghans] on

: 32

Cost of the access to the site’s [Pornography|pornography] that each soldier was given in exchange

: $20

Number of [Alabama|Alabama] state [Senate|senators] co-sponsoring a bill last [Summer|summer] to “protect‚” public displays of the [Superstition|Ten Commandments]

: 10

Percentage of [Britain|British] adults who are members of any of their country’s three major political parties

: 1.2

Estimated number of U.S. [Abortion|abortions] that were prevented in 2000 through use of the morning-after pill

: 51,000

Price in [SouthAfrica|South Africa] next year of a latex [Vagina|vaginal] insert that latches onto a [SexualAssault|rapist’s] [Penis|penis] and requires surgical removal

: 35?

Amount a [Germany|German] company says it can save a [Transportation|cargo ship] in annual fuel costs by outfitting it with a giant kite

: $1,200,000

Amount [Weather|weather]-related [Disaster|disasters] cost worldwide in 2004

: $107,000,000,000

Percentage change since [1970s|1970] in the amount of the earth’s land stricken by [GlobalWarming|severe drought]

: +100

Number of degrees Fahrenheit that temperatures in [California|California] ’s [Wine|wine] country have risen since [1970s|1971]

: 1.6

Percentage change since then in the average [Alcohol|alcohol] content of the region’s [Wine|wines]

: +18.4

Miles per hour of two low-flying [Denmark|Danish] fighter [AirTravel|jets] in [February|February] when they startled a [Animal|reindeer] named [Christmas|Rudolph] to death

: 450

Amount his owner, a professional [Santa|Santa], was paid by the [AirForce|Air Force] in [September|September] to buy a new Rudolph

: $5,000

Amount a foot [Business|soldier]’s [Family|family] is paid if he is [Death|killed]

: $5,000

Percentage change with all other countries

: +147

Amount the [UnitedStates|U.S.] spends annually on imported toys

: $23,631,000,000

Amount spent by the next ten highest toy-importing nations combined

: $21,729,000,000

Average number of [Economics|credit cards] per U.S. household

: 12.7

Percentage of middle-class [UnitedStates|Americans] who spent more than a third of their [Economics|income] on home ownership in [1970s|1975]

: 2.8

Number of [Homelessness|homeless] [SanFrancisco|San Franciscans] hired to be extras in a [Cinema|movie] with [Entertainment|Will Smith] as a formerly homeless [Wealth|millionaire]

: 250

Average hourly wage made by [Drugs|drug-dealing] [Business|foot soldiers] in [Chicago|Chicago], according to a [ColumbiaUniversity|Columbia University] study

: $3.41

Percentage change since [1990s|1995] in the [UnitedStates|U.S.] trade deficit with [China|China], as a percentage of U.S. [GDP|GDP]

: +202

Average number of [Louisiana|New Orleanians] [Murder|killed] by [Gun|gunfire] each month since 2000

: 16

Number of the 1,035 confirmed [HurricaneKatrina|Hurricane Katrina]–related [Death|deaths] that were caused by [Gun|gunfire]

: 8

Number of [Cuba|Cuba’s] fourteen provinces that were directly hit by a Category 4 hurricane in [July|July]

: 12

Number of people that the [Cuba|Cuban] government successfully evacuated to safety

: 1,535,000

Chances that one of the 126 [WalMart|Wal-Marts] shut down by [HurricaneKatrina|Hurricane Katrina] reopened within ten [Days|days]

: 9 in 10

[Days|Days] after [HurricaneKatrina|Katrina] hit that the first strip club was reopened in [NewOrleans|New Orleans]

: 20

Percentage of their income from “dollar [Dance|dances]‚” that its [Sex|strippers] are donating to relief efforts

: 100

Portion of [Britain|British] [Food|food] aid for [HurricaneKatrina|Katrina] evacuees that still sits unused in an [Arkansas|Arkansas] warehouse

: 7/10
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