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Percentage who said, two months before [RichardNixon|President Nixon] resigned, that [Watergate|Watergate] was “very serious‚”

: 49

Percentage who said it was “just politics‚”

: 42

Years since a White House House official as senior as [Corruption|I. Lewis Libby] had been indicted while in office

: 130

Years after resigning that the official, Orville Babcock, drowned while trying to build a lighthouse

: 9

Percentage approval rating of [BillClinton|Bill Clinton] the day after impeachment and George W. [GeorgeWBush|Bush] in [November|November], respectively

: 73, 37

Percentage of [Russia|Russians] today who approve of the direction their country took under [JosephStalin|Stalin]

: 37

Percentage of Americans who said in [November|November] that the Valerie Plame leak scandal was of “great importance‚”

: 51

Chance that one of the 23,688 human genes has now been [Science|patented] in the United States

: 1 in 5

Age of the [Girl|girl] who made the first [Bear|bear] [Death|kill] in [Maryland|Maryland]’s [Hunting|hunting] season last [Fall|fall]

: 8

Total service charges collected by U.S. [Banking|banks] in 2004

: $32,000,000,000

Factor by which this exceeds the total from [1990s|1994]

: 2

Number of [Weather|weather] futures traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the first nine months of last year

: 612,000

Number in all of 2004

: 120,000

Number of small [Business|businesses] that applied for U.S. disaster loans after last [Fall|fall]’s hurricanes

: 244,602

Percentage that had been approved as of mid-[November|November]

: 3

Tons of hurricane-related waste still waiting to be hauled away in [Louisiana|Louisiana]

: 22,000,000

Tons of waste produced by [NewYorkCity|New York City] each year

: 8,500,000

Number of plague-infected mice that a [NewJersey|New Jersey] biomedical research center says cannot be accounted for

: 3

Chance that an [AirTravel|airliner] has dangerous levels of disease-causing pathogens in its drinking water

: 1 in 7

Percentage by which circumcision reduces the risk of [AIDS|HIV] infection, according to a study in [SouthAfrica|South Africa]

: 60

Percentage of free [Condoms|condoms] distributed in [India|India] that are used for purposes other than [Sex|sex]

: 75

Average height gain, in inches, of [Teenager|adolescents] who use human growth hormone over five and a half years

: 2

Cost per inch that represents

: $41,000

Percentage of the homegrown music that must also be “traditional‚”

: 50

Number of times [SaddamHussein|Saddam Hussein] should be executed each day, according to [Iraq|Iraq]’s new president

: 20

Number of U.S. [Prison|prisoners] serving life sentences with no parole for [Crime|crimes] they committed while juveniles

: 2,225

Number of [Prison|prisoners] serving such sentences in all other countries worldwide

: 12

Average number of mass protests in [China|China] each day

: 200

Number of [Labor|manufacturing] [Jobs|jobs] that [China|China] has lost since [1990s|1996]

: 21,000,000

Percentage change last year in foreign direct investment in [China|China]

: ???2.1

Portion of its [Currency|currency] reserves that [Venezuela|Venezuela] says it transferred from U.S. [Banking|banks] to [Switzerland|Swiss] banks last [Fall|fall]

: 2/3

Percentage of all music on [Venezuela|Venezuelan] [Radio|radio] that must be homegrown, according to a new law

: 50

Number of product placements on U.S. network [Television|TV] shows in prime time last year

: 101,212

Change since [1990s|1996] in the percentage of all [LatinAmerica|Latin Americans] who say democracy is the best form of governance

: ???8

Change in [Venezuela|Venezuela]

: +14

Last year in which the price of heating [Oil|oil] was as high as it is expected to be this [Winter|winter]

: 1982

Number of years the United States could meet its energy needs by burning all its [Trees|trees]

: 1

Chance that a [Britain|Briton] has bought a [Literature|book] “solely to [Mendacity|look] intelligent‚”

: 1 in 3

Estimated number of Americans who make [Mendacity|fake] [NativeAmerican|Indian] arrowheads

: 5,000

Number of arrowheads they produce each year

: 1,500,000
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