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Percentage change during the presidency of [GeorgeWBush|George W. Bush], before [HurricaneKatrina|Hurricane Katrina] hit this [Fall|fall]

: +107

Percentage change since 2004 in the number of [Football|NFL] teams that require all fans to get full pat-downs

: +167

Amount [UnitedStates|Americans] spent last year on “[Folly|fantasy football]‚”

: $2,079,000,000

Percentage of [UnitedStates|U.S.] [Women|women] who own [Sex|vibrators]

: 46

Average number of hits the site receives each day

: 198,000

Number of [Sex|erotic] [HarryPotter|Harry Potter] [Literature|fan-fiction] stories posted on a [Internet|website] run by an [Illinois|Illinois] [Women|woman]

: 1,750

Average number of new [Telecommunications|blogs] created each second

: 1

Rank of [Microsoft|Microsoft] in 2004 and 2005, respectively

: 1, 8

Rank of the [FBI|FBI] among ideal [Jobs|employers], according to U.S. [College|undergraduates] polled in [Spring|spring] 2004

: 138

Estimated number of pro-[Terrorism|terrorism] [Telecommunications|websites] worldwide in [1990s|1998] and today, respectively

: 12, 4,700

Current backlog of quilts they face

: 588

Number of volunteers who are making personalized quilts for the next of kin of all [Army|U.S. soldiers] [Death|killed] in [Iraq|Iraq]

: 150

Years after the start of the [Iraq|Iraq] War that a majority said this

: 1 1/4

Years after the start of the [VietnamWar|Vietnam War] that a majority of Americans first said it was a “mistake‚”

: 3 1/2

Number of [Journalism|journalists] [Death|killed] in [VietnamWar|Vietnam War] during twenty years of war there

: 63

Percentage change in the average monthly price of [Oil|oil] during the [JimmyCarter|Carter Administration]

: +85

[Days|Days] after [HurricaneKatrina|Katrina] hit that [DickCheney|Dick Cheney’s] office ordered an electric company to [Avarice|restore] power to two [Oil|oil] pipelines

: 1

[Days|Days] after [HurricaneKatrina|Hurricane Katrina] that the White House authorized sending federal troops to [Louisiana|New Orleans]

: 4

Percentage change since [January|January] in the total value of [SaudiArabia|Saudi Arabian] stocks

: +83

Percentage discount that [Venezuela|Venezuela’s] [HugoChávez|Hugo Chávez] has said he will offer [Poverty|poor] Americans on [Oil|oil] and [Gasoline|gas] purchases

: 40

Minimum number of Americans who have signed up so far at the [Venezuela|Venezuelan] embassy in [WashingtonDC|Washington]

: 140

Rank of the fugitive ex-president [Peru|Alberto Fujimori] among top-[Polling|polling] prospects for Peru’s [Democracy|election] next year

: 1

Portion of imports from CAFTA nations that already avoided U.S. tariffs before the treaty

: 4/5

Percentage change, in today’s dollars, in the average U.S. price of [Fashion|apparel and shoes] since [1990s|1995]

: ???30

Price, from an online vendor, of a “[Justice|Free] [Media|Judith Miller] ‚” [Fashion|thong]

: $9.99

Price to attend a [Business|sold]-out “confidential,‚” “off the record‚” political forum with [Media|Robert Novak] in [September|September]

: $595

Number [Death|killed] in [Iraq|Iraq] since [March|March] 2003

: 71

Salary of a new [StateDepartment|State Department] [Jobs|job] created, in Secretary [CondoleezzaRice|Rice’s] words, to “accelerate the demise‚” of [Cuba|Castro’s] regime

: $145,000

[Hours|Hours] before [Democracy|polling] closed that host Sean “Diddy‚” Combs told viewers to “vote or die‚”

: 1.5

Percentage margin by which an [Entertainment|MTV] awards-show poll for best-dressed [Men|male] attendee was decided this [Fall|fall]

: 1

Number of consecutive years that the percentage of [UnitedStates|Americans] living in [Poverty|poverty] has increased

: 4

Number of consecutive years that the U.S. [Economics|median income] has failed to increase

: 5

Minimum back rent that the city, after winning in the [SupremeCourt|Supreme Court], is now intending to charge them

: $951,718

Years that property owners in New London, [Connecticut|Connecticut], spent fighting the city’s seizure of their land

: 5

Percentage of [Housing|homes] in [Louisiana|Orleans Parish] that lacked flood [Insurance|insurance]

: 54

Number of [Women|women] who posted for [Refugee|refugee] [Men|men]

: 4

Number of out-of-town [Men|men] who posted to [NewOrleans|New Orleans] ’s [Internet|Craigslist] site seeking [Refugee|refugee] [Women|women]

: 49

Minimum number of [Child|infants] impeded from boarding [AirTravel|airplanes] because their names were on the U.S. [Terrorism|no-fly] list

: 14

Estimated chance, worldwide, that a [Fatherhood|father] is unknowingly raising another [Men|man]’s [Child|child]

: 1 in 25
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