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Projected cost of disability payments to [Iraq|Iraq] War [Veterans|veterans] by 2050, based on rates for [GulfWar|Gulf War] [Army|veterans]

: $285,000,000,000

Rank of 2004 among the most [Economics|fiscally] reckless years in [UnitedStates|U.S.] history, according to the comptroller general

: 1

Average estimated salary, in today’s dollars, of the dads on the ten top-rated [Television|TV] shows of the [1950s|1950s]

: $77,000

Points a player earns for delivering a parcel of medicine, in the [UnitedNations|U.N.] World [Food|Food] Programme’s [Entertainment|video game]

: 250

[Minutes|Minutes] that [NBC|NBC] and [CBS|CBS] spent covering the [Sudan|Darfur] [Genocide|genocide] last year

: 8

Estimated amount of [Africa|African] [Wealth|wealth] held in foreign accounts, expressed as a percentage of African [GDP|GDP]

: 172

Ratio last year of the estimated total bribes to the nation’s federal revenues

: 5:2

Percentage change since 2001 in the estimated value of all bribes paid to [Russia|Russia] ’s government officials

: +800

Amount it would have cost to purchase the country’s entire 2004 poppy [Agriculture|crop]

: $600,000,000

Portion of all [UnitedStates|U.S.] foreign aid that goes to helping the recipients buy U.S.-produced [WMD|weapons], equipment, or services

: 1/4

Length, in yards, of U.S. snipers’ [Army|longest] confirmed [Death|kill] in [Iraq|Iraq]

: 1,050

Number of sites in [Iraq|Iraq] from which materials usable to make [WMD|biological or chemical weapons] are now “missing‚”

: 118

Age that the [Pentagon|Pentagon] in [July|July] proposed to set as the maximum for all new military recruits

: 42

Number of “veterans of the global war on [Terrorism|terrorism] ‚” that the VA budget assumed for 2005

: 23,553

Total U.S. spending on [Heroin|poppy] eradication and other [Drugs|antidrug] efforts in [Afghanistan|Afghanistan] last year

: $780,000,000

Months he worked as a baggage screener at [GeorgeHWBush|George Bush] [AirTravel|Intercontinental Airport] before being [Business|fired] in [July|July]

: 6

Minimum number of centuries in [Prison|prison] served by U.S. convicts for [Crime|crimes] of which [Genetics|DNA] evidence later exonerated them

: 19

Number of U.S. states where [Sex|bestiality] is [SexualAssault|legal]

: 20

Amount that [California|Oakland] residents can now be fined if their [Dog|dog] has not been implanted with an [Telecommunications|ID microchip]

: $100

Years after the [California|Watts] riots that the [Race|Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation] [IntellectualProperty|trademarked] “Burn Baby Burn‚” for a [Food|hot sauce]

: 40

Portion of [California|L.A. County] ’s [Race|black] residents who would need to move in order for the city to be fully integrated

: 3/4

Months that a Louisiana state judge was suspended for wearing an Afro [Hair|wig] and [AfricanAmerican|blackface] to a [Halloween|Halloween] party in 2004

: 6

Kernels of [CandyCorn|candy corn] [Labor|manufactured] for [Holiday|Halloween] each year

: 9,000,000,000

Number of different stories offered for sale at any one time on a [Netherlands|Dutch] [Literature|dial-a-fairytale service]

: 4

Price to listen to a seven-minute story

: $1.70

Number of [Entertainment|terrorist] acts that one song by the [Houston|Houston]-based rapper [Arab|Arabic] Assassin describes him committing

: 4

[Days|Days] after the [London|London] attacks that [GeorgeWBush|Bush] said the U.S. was at war abroad “so we do not have to face them here at home‚”

: 4

Months of vacation that [GeorgeWBush|President Bush] has taken in five years

: 11

Chance that a [Medicine|medical] study may be inaccurate or [Mendacity|misleading], according to the AMA’s journal

: 1 in 3

Percentage by which the average amount of [Medicine|anesthetic required by redheads] exceeds the average for everyone

: 19

Chances that a user of [Medicine|Pfizer] ’s new Parkinson’s disease drug will become a pathological gambler as a result

: 3 in 200

Percentage who hear an “upper-class‚” or “BBC‚” voice

: 30

Percentage of [Medicine|patients] hearing voices who hear a [Men|male] voice, according to a [Britain|British] study

: 71

Chance that a corporate officer of a [Business|Fortune 500] company today is

: 1 in 6

Chance that a U.S. [Business|MBA] obtained since [1980s|1980] was awarded to a [Women|woman]

: 1 in 3

Average for the dads on today’s ten top-rated shows

: $207,000
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