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Number of [Terrorism|terrorism] convictions resulting

: 2

Number of them dismissed in [June|June] due to a “pattern of mistakes” by the prosecution

: 2

Revenue generated by [Corruption|Halliburton] under [CEO|CEO] [DickCheney|Dick Cheney] from [Business|business] deals with [Iraq|Iraq] under [SaddamHussein|Saddam Hussein]

: $30,000,000

Number of U.S. [Terrorism|terrorism] trials brought before a jury since [September11|September 11, 2001]

: 1

Total number of [UnitedStates|federal] executives in each of those years

: 451, 2,592

Degrees of [Freedom|freedom] accorded each eyebrow of an “Emotion Expression” [Technology|robot] under development

: 4

Percentage of [Poverty|poor] Americans who lived in the [Suburbs|suburbs] in [1950s|1959] and last year, respectively

: 17,39

Ratio of the number of [Poverty|poor] Americans living in cities to the number who live in [Suburbs|suburbs]

: 21:20

Number of the 20 fastest-growing U.S. counties that are [Disaster|coastal]

: 17

Number of body bags a [NewOrleans|New Orleans] [Suburbs|suburb] secured for this year’s [Disaster|hurricane] season

: 10,000

Estimated number of [Britain|Britons] sent government warnings last [Fall|fall] of their increased chance of having [MadCowDisease|mad cow disease]

: 6,000

Minimum number of countries with a greater capacity to produce [Nuclear|nuclear weapons] than [Iraq|Iraq] at the time of the U.S. invasion

: 35

Ratio of U.S. spending on [Iraq|Iraq] each week to total U.S. aid to [Sudan|Sudan] since [February|February] 2003

: 2:1

Minimum number of tribes and ethnic groups in [Sudan|Sudan’s] [Darfur|Darfur] region

: 80

Chances that an adult [Men|male] citizen of Pitcairn Island has been arrested for a [SexualAssault|sex-related crime] this year

: 2 in 5

Minimum number of those [SexualAssault|arrested] who are direct descendants of [Piracy|mutineer Fletcher Christian]

: 4

Estimated average price of a [Child|female newborn] in a [Bulgaria|Bulgarian] infant-selling ring busted this [Summer|summer]

: $6,000

[Bulgaria|] Estimated average price of a [Child|male newborn]

: $18,000

Average black-market price in [Iraq|Baghdad] of a DVD showing the beheading of a foreigner or Iraqi “collaborator”

: 50?

Price of the bottle of [Champagne|champagne] a [NewYorkCity|New York] club requires patrons to buy in order to use a [Folly|diamond-encrusted table]

: $5,000

[Minutes|Minutes] of weightlessness that Virgin Galactic passengers will experience on suborbital [Space|space] [AirTravel|flights] in 2007

: 5

Ratio of the [Mendacity|original estimate] of these programs’ total cost to the estimate today

: 1:2

Estimated revenue generated by [Business|Halliburton] last year through subsidiaries in [Iran|Iran]

: $63,506,000

Value of the [Corruption|Halliburton] shares owned by [NewYorkCity|New York City’s] [Fire|Fire] Department [SeniorCitizen|Pension] Fund

: $3,359,095

Number of times since 2002 the city has filed a shareholders’ resolution questioning the risk of doing [Business|business] in [Iran|Iran]

: 3

Number of companies in which Tom Ridge holds stock that have a [Corruption|contract] with the [HomelandSecurity|Department of Homeland Security]

: 7

Number of overseas [Firearms|bullet] suppliers the [Army|U.S. Army] contracted with last year and this year, respectively

: 1,5

Minimum number of bullets the [USMilitary|U.S. military] purchased for [War|use] this year

: 1,500,000,000

Average number of bullets per [Iraq|Iraqi] this represents

: 58

Number of major [War|weapons systems] the [Pentagon|Pentagon] has under development

: 77

Number of levels of executive positions in the [UnitedStates|federal government] in [1960s|1960] and this year, respectively

: 17,58

Ratio of U.S. [WMD|arms dealers’] campaign [Corruption|contributions] made since [January|January] 2001 to [DemocraticParty|Democrats] to those made to [RepublicanParty|Republicans]

: 1:2

Number of U.S. states with a [LibertarianParty|Libertarian Party] [Democracy|presidential] candidate on the ballot last month

: 48

Number with a Reform, Green, and/or Socialist Workers Party candidate on the [Democracy|ballot], respectively

: 35,28,14

Weeks the [GreenParty|Green Party’s] vice-[Democracy|presidential] candidate spent staying in [Homelessness|homeless] shelters as part of her campaign tour

: 2

Average number of [Fashion|clothing] items an adult American acquired in 2002

: 52

Estimated average amount of textiles thrown out by each U.S. household in 2001, in pounds

: 66

Percentage salary cut that [Business|Delta’s] [CEO|CEO] announced this [Fall|fall] that he would take through the end of the year

: 100

Percentage of 30-year-old [AmericanMen|American men] who were [Marriage|married], self-supporting [Parenting|fathers] in [1960s|1960] and 2000, respectively

: 65,31
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