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Estimated number of people who have been taken into such detention since then

: 4,000

Years since the [JusticeDepartment|Justice Department] last released the number of U.S. [Terrorism|terror] suspects taken into “preventive detention”

: 3

Number of [Congress|House] members in [1970s|1979] who voted against making [MartinLutherKing|Martin Luther King] Jr.’s birthday a national [Race|holiday]

: 133

Estimated number of the twenty-five provisions in the first phase that have yet to be completed

: 17

Year by which the third and final phase of the 2003 “road map” to a [Palestine|Palestinian] state was to have been reached

: 2005

Number of American five-year-olds named [Child|Lexus]

: 353

Change since then in the amount of [Gasoline|gasoline] Americans consume per capita

: 0

Percentage change since 2002 in the average U.S. price of [Gasoline|gasoline]

: +35.2

Estimated number of calls the line received last year from [Business|soldiers] seeking a way out of the military

: 34,800

[Telephone|Phone] number of The G.I. Rights Hotline, a nongovernmental service for U.S. [Pentagon|military] personnel

: 800-394-9544

Average number of Americans [Violence|injured] every year by air [Firearms|rifles], paintball [Weapons|weapons], and BB [Gun|guns]

: 22,000

Factor by which the cause of [Death|death] is more likely to be [Violence|violence]

: 58

Factor by which an [Iraq|Iraqi] is more likely to die today than in the last year of the Hussein regime

: 2.5

Percentage “more intelligence” given up by [Prison|prisoners] in [Iraq|Iraq] since [Torture|coercion] of them was banned, according to a U.S. general

: 25

Minimum number of [AlQaeda|Al Qaeda] suspects from overseas whom the United States has now “[HumanRights|disappeared] ,” by legal standards

: 11

Percentage of [Pentagon|Pentagon] [Corruption|contracts] since [1990s|1998] that have been awarded on a no-bid basis

: 44

Portion of [Germany|German] trash that does

: 2/5

Meters of the [BerlinWall|Berlin Wall] rebuilt by an entrepreneur last year as a “monument to peace”

: 200

Minimum number of [Animal|wild boar] living in [Berlin|Berlin]

: 3,000

Total number of [Cat|cats] that entered the Cat Fanciers’ Association 2004 “Best Cat in Championship” competition

: 31,899

Points by which a [Cat|cat] named [ColinPowell|Colin Powell] defeated the runner-up

: 114.35

Average number of [Suicide|suicides] per 100,000 residents in states carried by [GeorgeWBush|President Bush] in [November|November]

: 13.5

Average number of [Suicide|suicides] in states carried by [JohnKerry|John Kerry]

: 9.9

[Hours|Hours] after [JohnKerry|Kerry] conceded that a [NewYorkCity|New Yorker] posted a personal ad seeking a [GeorgeWBush|Bush] supporter for a “fair, physical fight”

: 5

Number of people who volunteered within twenty-four [Hours|hours]

: 3

Number who asked to watch

: 9

Portion of [Britain|British] trash that ends up in landfills

: 4/5

Percentage by which they are less likely to make regular visits

: 50

Percentage by which [Britain|British] [College|university] graduates are less likely than non-graduates to [Telephone|phone] their [Motherhood|mothers] regularly

: 20

Chance that a [Japan|Japanese] grade-school [Student|student] reports never having seen a [Sun|sunrise] or sunset

: 1 in 2

Estimated number of different languages spoken at home by [Alaska|Alaskan] schoolchildren

: 110

Population per square mile of that territory, the Nunavut region of [Canada|Canada]

: 0.03

Number of states, provinces, or territories of the [UnitedStates|United States], [Canada|Canada], and [Mexico|Mexico] that lack a [McDonalds|McDonald’s]

: 1

Rank of [Business|Wal-Mart] among [Mexico|Mexico’s] largest private [Jobs|employers]

: 1

Ratio of the number of people in [Haiti|Haiti] to the number of permanent full-time [Jobs|jobs] there

: 80:1

Percentage of [SouthAfrica|South African] [Agriculture|farmland] owned by [Race|whites] in [1990s|1994] and today, respectively

: 87, 84
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