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Percentage change from 2000 to 2003 in the number of [Immigration|immigration] [Justice|appeals] sent to the U.S. 9th Circuit Court

: +355

Price paid on [Business|eBay] last [November|November] for two bottles of [TurkeyBird|turkey][Sweets|-and-gravy][Soda|soda]

: $63

Distance in feet traveled by the winning [Pumpkin|pumpkin] at [Delaware|Delaware]’s [Sport|Punkin Chunkin] Competition last year

: 4,434.28

Length in feet of the barrel of “[Gun|The Second Amendment]‚” [Pumpkin|pumpkin] cannon from which it was shot

: 150

Maximum number of rounds a semi-automatic [Firearms|rifle] may hold to be considered legal in [NewJersey|New Jersey]

: 15

Maximum number allowed by the recently lifted federal ban on [Firearms|assault rifles]

: 10

Minimum number of [California|Californians] serving a [Justice|life sentence] for [Adultery|cheating] on a [Driving|driving] exam

: 1

Percentage of judges nominated by [GeorgeWBush|George W. Bush] since 2000 who have been confirmed by the [Senate|Senate]

: 89

Last year in which there was as low a federal judicial vacancy rate as in 2004

: 1984

Percentage by which [JohnAshcroft|John Ashcroft] cut the number of judgeships on the federal Board of [Immigration|Immigration] Appeals in 2002

: 50

Average number of [Seconds|seconds] by which orders placed at these franchises are processed more quickly than at others

: 30

Estimated chance that a classified document is “over-classified,‚” according to a [Pentagon|Pentagon] official this year

: 1 in 2

Years since U.S. law began defining [Abortion|aborted fetuses] with “pulsation of the umbilical cord‚” as legal persons

: 2.5

Rank of antidepressants and anti-ulcer [Drugs|drugs] among the best-selling [PrescriptionDrugs|prescription drugs] worldwide last year

: 3,2

Rank of cholesterol-lowering [Drugs|drugs]

: 1

Percentage change between 2002 and 2003 in the number of U.S. [SelfHelp|buttock-augmentation] surgeries

: +533

[Obesity|Weight] in pounds of a “[Wealth|millionaire]‚” seeking “Cinderella‚” in a New York [Magazine|magazine] personal ad last [Summer|summer]

: 444

[Days|Days] after the [1960s|1964] [VietnamWar|Gulf of Tonkin Resolution] that [DickCheney|Dick Cheney] [Marriage|married], securing a draft deferment

: 22

Price charged on this year for Lynne [DickCheney|Cheney]’s out-of-print [Homosexuality|lesbian] historical novel, Sisters

: $1,000

Number of U.S. [Media|newspaper] editorials and op-eds published this year that included the phrase “pot calling the kettle black‚”

: 16

Number of [Army|U.S. soldiers] returned from [Iraq|Iraq] in the last year who have been diagnosed with [MentalHandicap|mental-health problems]

: 5,375

Chance that a [DemocraticParty|Democratic] president has not

: 0

Number of [NewYork|New York] [Democracy|voters] who are also registered in [Florida|Florida]

: 46,000

Deadline for completion of the first federally mandated national list of registered [Democracy|voters]

: 2006

Number of U.S. states in which voters can cast ballots in advance by [PostalService|mail] or in person without providing a reason

: 30

Number of states with such a policy in [1990s|1996]

: 11

Ratio of [Hours|hours] of live U.S.-convention [Television|coverage] per U.S. network this year to hours of live coverage on Al Jazeera

: 1:2

Number of [Death|dead bodies] pictured in the [NewYorkTimes|New York Times] during the first week of [September|September]

: 16.5

Number of countries [Death|they] represented

: 5

Chances that one of them [Death|died] in [Iraq|Iraq]

: 2 in 3

Chance that a [RepublicanParty|Republican] president has not won the [Democracy|popular vote]

: 1 in 6

Ratio of [Suicide|suicides] worldwide in 2001 to [War|war] [Death|deaths]

: 7:2

Ratio of Americans [Death|killed] by [Disaster|lightning] since [January|January] 2002 to those killed by [Terrorism|terrorism]

: 3:2

Factor by which the annual number of [Africa|Sahara] [Disaster|dust storms] has increased in the last 50 years

: 10

Minimum number of customers trampled to death in [September|September] at the opening of a [SaudiArabia|Saudi Arabian] [Business|Ikea]

: 2

Percentage of [Britain|Britons] [SeniorCitizen|over the age of 50] who have [Medicine|hurt] themselves attempting to open [Business|product packaging]

: 71

Estimated number of [Afghanistan|Afghans] who [Death|died] in last year’s [Nut|pistachio] [Agriculture|harvest]

: 50

Number of [Food|restaurants] in Guizhou, [China|China], closed in [April|April] for adding [Drugs|opium] to their dishes

: 215

Number of U.S. [Food|McDonald’s] franchises whose drive-through order taking has been [Business|outsourced] to another state

: 2
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