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Years of “elevated‚” or “high‚” [Terrorism|terror] alerts since then

: 2

Number of its international workers that [Charity|Doctors Without Borders] has lost to political [Violence|violence] in its 34-year history

: 8

Projected lifespan in years of a [Zimbabwe|Zimbabwean] born in [1980s|1989] and one born in 2002, respectively

: 60, 34

Chance that a southern [Sudan|Sudanese] [Girl|girl] will complete primary school

: 1 in 100

Chance that a southern [Sudan|Sudanese] [Women|woman] will die in [Child|childbirth]

: 1 in 9

Number of countries susceptible to such a plague

: 65

Rank of this year’s desert-locust plague in northern [Africa|Africa] among the world’s worst in 15 years

: 1

Square miles of [Nature|wetlands]

: 98,460

Square miles of surface areas between [Canada|Canada] and [Mexico|Mexico] that are impervious to water

: 112,610

Rank of last year among those in which the largest number of [Child|children] died this way

: 1

Minimum number of U.S. [Child|children] [Death|killed] since [1990s|1998] as a result of heat stroke after being left locked in cars

: 219

Chance that a new light vehicle bought in the United States last year was a truck or [WMD|SUV]

: 1 in 2

Percentage of [Mississippi|Mississippians] who have failed their written [Transportation|driver’s-license] test since it became [Computer|computerized] last year

: 60

Date on which [Turkmenistan|Turkmenistan] added questions on the president’s spiritual writings to its [Driving|driver]’s-license test

: 6/12/04

Ratio of the minimum number of [Justice|beheadings] by the [SaudiArabia|Saudi] government last year to those by Saudi terrorists so far this year

: 50:1

Number of non-[Iraq|Iraqis] detained there by U.S. forces in the last year

: 400

Minimum number of Guant?namo detainees who boycotted their military [Justice|tribunals] in [August|August]

: 13

[Days|Days] since the U.S. government first placed the nation under an “elevated [Terrorism|terror] alert‚” that the level has been relaxed

: 0

Aid that U.S. leaflets dropped on [Iraq|Fallujah] in [July|July] threatened to freeze if insurgent attacks continued

: $102,000,000

Number of insurgent attacks in [Iraq|Fallujah] in the week before and after the leafletting, respectively

: 21, 36

Compensation the U.S. government has paid [Iraq|Iraqis] for [War|wrongful deaths], injuries, and property damage since 2002

: $4,475,643

Total “ [Justice|death gratuities] ‚” the U.S. government has paid since then to survivors of [Army|U.S. soldiers] [Death|killed] in [Iraq|Iraq]

: $11,436,000

Total amount [Ohio|Ohio]’s [Crime|crime]-victims [Justice|compensation fund] has paid the survivors of one [Army|U.S. soldier] [Death|killed] in [Iraq|Iraq]

: $5,656.77

Maximum percentage income- and corporate-[Taxes|tax] rate under laws made for [Iraq|Iraqis] by the Coalition Provisional Authority

: 15

[Days|Days] a House committee postponed [July|July] hearings on [Drugs|antidepressants] while its chair [Mendacity|considered] a [Corruption|pharmaceutical-lobbyist] [Jobs|job]

: 50

Number of the 5 [RepublicanParty|Republicans] investigating Rep. Tom DeLay on [Ethics|ethics] charges who have taken [Corruption|donations] from his PAC

: 4

Number of [Ohio|Ohio] [Democracy|election] boards being sued over erroneously informing parolees that they may not vote

: 21

Number of [Banking|banks] [Crime|robbed] in Davenport, [Iowa|Iowa], while [JohnKerry|John Kerry] and [GeorgeWBush|George Bush] gave speeches there on [August|August] 4

: 3

Estimated number of right-wing [Judaism|Jewish] extremists [Israel|Israel] monitors as potential threats to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon

: 300

Years after leaving his post during the [VietnamWar|Vietnam War] that a [Connecticut|Connecticut] [Men|man] was arrested for desertion in [July|July]

: 34

Average number of kidnappings per week in [Iraq|Iraq] since [March|March]

: 5

Number of [Charity|them] [Death|killed] in [Afghanistan|Afghanistan] in [June|June]

: 3

Number of American states in which one may legally shoot [Fish|fish] with a semi-automatic [Firearms|rifle]

: 2

Record number of skips achieved by a [Sport|stone skipper]

: 40

[Seconds|Seconds] by which this year’s winner of the [Men|men]’s [Olympics|Olympic] 400-meter [Sport|dash] was faster than the winner of the [Women|women]’s

: 5.81

[Seconds|Seconds] difference in [1970s|1972]

: 6.42

Factor by which the number of U.S. [Girl|girls] under 19 who got [SelfHelp|breast implants] last year exceeded the number who did in 2002

: 3

Price a haunted-house supplier charges for a [Men|male] figure “being [Torture|tortured] like never before,‚” flesh-ripping sounds included

: $2,295

Estimated price a [Britain|British] cable company will charge for a kit to track “ [Science|evidence] of the paranormal‚” via the [Internet|Internet]

: ?150
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