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Percentage of [EPA|EPA] [Science|scientists] who say they have experienced political interference with their work

: 60

Average percentage by which a bar-[Tobacco|smoking] ban in a U.S. county increases the rate of drunk-[Driving|driving] fatalities

: 13

Chance that a result on an [Internet|Internet] search relating to [Suicide|suicide] will be an anti-suicide website

: 1 in 8

Chance it will be a site offering pro-[Suicide|suicide] advice or suggesting methods

: 1 in 5

Percentage change in applications for [Virginia|Virginia] concealed-handgun permits in the year of the Virginia Tech shootings

: +61

Chance that a [Michigan|Michigan] state [Jobs|employee] works for the corrections department

: 1 in 3

Amount that the [IRS|IRS] has spent since 2006 on an outsourced program to collect unpaid [Taxes|taxes]

: $87,000,000

Amount the [Corruption|contractors] have collected during that time

: $50,000,000

Ratio in [1980s|1980] of the number of NIH grants given [Science|scientists] under age 30 to the number given those over age 70

: 17:1

Minimum number of U.S. cities that have shortened the [Color|yellow] light on traffic signals to under the legal limit

: 6

Change since 2001 in the percentage of Americans who believe that humans are causing [GlobalWarming|climate change]

: -4

Factor by which the average length of a heat wave in Western [Europe|Europe] has increased during the past century

: 2

Estimated percentage of [Africa|Africa]’s [Elephant|elephants] poached each year before the [1980s|1989] ban on ivory trade

: 7

Estimated percentage today, under the ban

: 8

Radius in feet within which a [Insect|bee] can smell a [Flowers|flower] in unpolluted air

: 3,281

[Hours|Hours] each day that house [Cat|cats] must engage in social “activities,‚” according to new [Sweden|Swedish] regulations

: 2

Length, in inches, of a “living coat‚” made of mouse stem-cells that was exhibited in [March|March] at the Museum of Modern Art

: 1.5

Months into the exhibition that a feeding malfunction forced the artists to euthanize the work

: 1

Date on which George W. [GeorgeWBush|Bush] appeared on the game show Deal or No Deal

: 4/21/08

Estimated total value of investments in major [USMilitary|U.S. military] [Corruption|contractors] owned by members of [Congress|Congress]

: $150,000,000

Amount of the federal budget that [JohnMcCain|John McCain] says he could cut in a “New York minute‚”

: $100,000,000,000

Minimum number of times since 2000 that [JohnMcCain|McCain] has voted against increased funding for [Veterans|Veterans] Affairs

: 10

Price for which a [JohnMcCain|McCain] donor could enter a contest last [Winter|winter] to win a day on the [Mendacity|Straight Talk Express]

: $50

Number of [JohnMcCain|John McCain]’s 507 donation “bundlers‚” who are registered [Corruption|lobbyists]

: 70

Number of [BarackObama|Barack Obama]’s 361 bundlers who are

: 14

Number of Americans who gave the maximum legal donation to both [JohnMcCain|McCain] and [BarackObama|Obama] in the primaries

: 359

Percentage of registered voters who said in [March|March] that they would “seriously consider‚” [Democracy|voting] for Ralph Nader

: 14

Rank of Ross Perot and [BillClinton|Bill Clinton], respectively, in Gallup’s general-[Democracy|election] poll on [June|June] 26, [1990s|1992]

: 1, 3

Average amount spent lobbying [Congress|Congress] last year each day it was in session

: $16,279,069

Percentage by which the ratings of that night’s show lagged the average

: 19

Number of the forty-three national elections held worldwide since December 2007 whose results were contested

: 7

Number of [Kenya|Kenya]’s 210 members of parliament who have been given cabinet positions in the new administration

: 93

Projected annual budget of the enlarged cabinet, as a portion of [Kenya|Kenya]’s total government revenues

: 1/8

Number of [Somalia|Somali] government officials assassinated since [February|February] 2007

: 30

Ratio last year of the number of [Palestine|Palestinians] [Death|killed] by [Israel|Israeli] security forces to the number killed in infighting

: 1:1

Ratio so far this year

: 115:1

Number of official corporate-sponsored events in this year’s [Palestine|Palestinian] motor-racing season

: 5

Number of racetracks in [Palestine|Palestinian] territory

: 0
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