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Number of American cities where all regularly scheduled [AirTravel|airplane] service has been eliminated during the past year

: 38

Average word count of top-ten songs during the [1960s|1960s]

: 176

Number of times per year that [Canada|Canada]’s defense ministry requires a think tank it funds to be mentioned in the press

: 29

Number of op-ed pieces the think tank’s staff must publish, including letters

: 15

Tons of foreign [Rice|rice] that [Japan|Japan] must buy each year, according to WTO agreements

: 751,776

Portion of it that [Japan|Japan] allows to be [Business|sold] for human consumption

: 1/7

Maximum per-day purchase of [Rice|rice], in pounds, that Sam’s Club has limited each customer to since [April|April]

: 80

Percentage change since 2006 in the price of used cooking [Oil|oil], which can be [GreenEnergy|recycled] to make biodiesel fuel

: +240

Percentage of all worldwide [GlobalWarming|carbon emissions] attributable to tourism

: 5

Percentage of U.S. [Student|students] aged 12 to 17 who say they use text-message slang in their written school assignments

: 38

Number of new U.S. [AirTravel|airports] built since [1990s|1993]

: 1

Additional cost to U.S. [AirTravel|airlines] this year due to increases in the price of fuel

: $20,000,000,000

Total earnings for the U.S. [AirTravel|airline] industry in [1990s|1999], its most profitable year to date

: $5,300,000,000

Years that the [EuropeanUnion|E.U.] kept a secret list of items banned from [AirTravel|air travel], before it agreed to publish the list this year

: 5

[SocialSecurity|Social Security] number of Todd Davis, [CEO|CEO] of the identity-protection firm LifeLock

: 457-55-5462

Months after he published the number as a dare to thieves that his identity was, in fact, [Crime|stolen]

: 13

Weeks apart that a pair of twins in [India|India] were born this year

: 6

Number of circumcisions that Kotabaru, [Indonesia|Indonesia], paid for this year to celebrate the city’s anniversary

: 1,050

Number of [Condoms|condoms] shipped to [Antarctica|Antarctica]’s McMurdo Station in [January|January], just before [Winter|winter] began

: 12,132

Percentage of U.S. [Housing|homeowners] who reported last year that they had bought a [Driving|car] using a home-equity loan

: 27

Number for the [RepublicanParty|Republican] National Convention

: 50

e by 2012 in the after-[Taxes|tax] income of the top 0.1 percent of U.S. earners, under [BarackObama|Barack Obama]’s tax plan

: ???5

Percentage change under [JohnMcCain|John McCain]’s [Taxes|tax] plan

: +12

Percentage of all income gains during the [GeorgeWBush|Bush] Administration that have gone to the top 1 percent of earners

: 75

Percentage of Americans who say that they or someone in their [Family|family] has [Marriage|married] in order to get health [Insurance|insurance]

: 7

Chance that a [Housing|U.S. home] is currently vacant

: 1 in 35

Rank of this among the highest recorded vacancy rates in U.S. history

: 1

Percentage change between [1980s|1989] and 2007 in the [Media|median] price of an American single-[Family|family] home

: +130

Percentage change in the median down payment

: +3.7

Number of [Business|corporations] that have publicly committed to sponsoring the [DemocraticParty|Democratic] National Convention, as of [June|June]

: 75

Estimated amount by which per-gallon [Gasoline|gas] prices would change if the [Arctic|Arctic] National Wildlife Refuge were drilled

: ???4¢

Number of [USMilitary|U.S. troops] sent to [Iraq|Iraq] and [Afghanistan|Afghanistan] since 2003 after being deemed [Medicine|medically] “non-deployable‚”

: 43,000

Square footage of new [Prison|jail] space slated for construction at Bagram Air Field in [Afghanistan|Afghanistan]

: 1,742,400

Minimum number of extraordinary renditions that the United States has made since 2006

: 200

Estimated number of juveniles whom the United States has detained as enemy combatants since 2002

: 2,500

Number of skateboards being sent to [Iraq|Iraq] for the “[Baghdad|Baghdad] [Animal|Zoo] and [Entertainment|Entertainment] Experience,‚” now under construction

: 2,000

Number of [Texas|Texas] school districts that keep track of truants with electronic monitoring devices

: 3

Percentage of U.S. [Child|children] who think kids who wear glasses are smarter than those who do not

: 66
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