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Portion of [BillClinton|Clinton] supporters who said this about [BarackObama|Obama]

: 1/4

Estimated portion of global [Child|births] that go undocumented

: 2/5

Number of [Men|men] in Madhya Pradesh, [India|India], who have undergone [Genitalia|vasectomies] this year in exchange for [Gun|gun] licenses

: 191

Chance that each entrant has of winning [Insurance|insurance] this year

: 1 in 9

Number of [Poverty|poor] [Oregon|Oregonians] who have entered the state’s [HealthCare|health-care] lottery system

: 91,675

Percentage change since [HurricaneKatrina|Katrina] in the number of [NewOrleans|New Orleans] residents on [Food|food] stamps and [Welfare|welfare], respectively

: ???51, ???73

Percentage change since then in the amount of [Food|food] that the [FederalGovernment|federal government] has donated to the [Banking|banks]

: ???9

Percentage change since last year in the number of people receiving assistance from U.S. [Food|food] [Banking|banks]

: +20

Number of assaults on the [Homelessness|homeless] in 2005 and last year, respectively

: 86, 160

Chance that an assault on a [Homelessness|homeless] American is perpetrated by a [Child|minor]

: 1 in 2

Number of U.S. public [Education|schools] whose entire [Student|student] body remains in classes year-round

: 2,764

Minimum percentage that had been consumed by [Child|children] in school [Lunch|lunches]

: 23

Estimated percentage of the 143 million pounds of U.S. [Meat|beef] recalled in [February|February] that had already been eaten

: 50

Average number of cases handled each year by the U.S. government’s Mutilated [Currency|Currency] Division

: 20,000

Average number of $1 million stock gifts [Mendacity|made] each year by U.S. [CEO|CEOs] and chair[Men|men] to foundations they control

: 60

Portion of [BarackObama|Barack Obama] supporters who said in [April|April] they would not vote for [HillaryClinton|Hillary Clinton] if she became the nominee

: 1/5

Percentage of [JohnMcCain|John McCain] supporters in [March|March] 2000 who said they would not vote for George W. [GeorgeWBush|Bush]

: 51

Percentage who still said this in [October|October] 2000

: 39

Number of the last four general elections in which the nominee who served in an overseas war lost to the one who didn’t

: 4

Number of these elections in which the loser was a decorated war hero

: 3

Minimum number of [Army|U.S. Army] generals [Business|fired] or replaced for cause during [WWII|World War II]

: 23

Portion of [Afghanistan|Afghanistan] now controlled by its government, according to the U.S. national-intelligence director

: 3/10

Number of [Iraq|Iraqis] who receive regular payments from the U.S. government in exchange for not fighting

: 91,600

Number of [Senate|U.S. senators] who have paid campaign funds to [Family|family] members since 2000

: 16

Pages of [Propaganda|ads] that a company must buy each year in [Hypocrisy|Good Housekeeping] in order to win its seal of approval

: 1

Average percentage change in the company’s stock price in the month after the gifts

: ???3

Number during the [Iraq|Iraq] and [Afghanistan|Afghanistan] wars combined

: 1

Percentage of independents who do

: 45

Percentage of [RepublicanParty|Republicans] and [DemocraticParty|Democrats], respectively, who believe in Hell

: 69, 52

Factor by which spanked [Child|children] are more likely to enjoy masochistic [Sex|sex] as adults

: 2

Percentage of similarly [Wealth|wealthy] [Women|women] who do

: 20

Percentage of [AmericanMen|American men] with a net worth of at least [Wealth|$20 million] who admit to having [Prostitute|paid] for [Sex|sex]

: 34

Minimum number of [Italy|Italian] parliamentarians from Silvio Berlusconi’s party who are former [Television|TV] showgirls

: 3

Chance that a [France|French] [Men|man] aged 18 to 24 is “uninterested in [Sex|sex],‚” according to a government study

: 1 in 5

Average number of inches by which entrepreneurs in [China|China] are taller than normal for their demographic

: 0.3

Average annual per-capita income in the three other than the United States

: $1,226

Number of nations that do not legally guarantee [Women|women] any paid maternity leave

: 4

Number of couples [Marriage|married] in absentia in [Montana|Montana] last year

: 285

Estimated portion of global [Death|deaths]

: 2/3
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