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Number of [Senate|Senate] bills that [JohnMcCain|John McCain], [BarackObama|Barack Obama], and [HillaryClinton|Hillary Clinton] have co-sponsored together since 2005

: 86

Number of U.S. presidential elections so far in which the two major-party nominees were both sitting Senators

: 0

Ratio of the estimated number of [Mendacity|fake] [Doctor|doctors] practicing in [Delhi|Delhi], [India|India], to the number of real ones

: 1:1

Current annual deficit of the [IMF|International Monetary Fund]

: $140,000,000

Minimum number of world nations that had government [Internet|websites] taken over by cybersquatters last year

: 3

Chances that a story in a [Britain|British] [Media|newspaper] is a reprinted or rewritten press release

: 3 in 5

Percentage of all articles about [Islam|Muslims] in national [Britain|British] [Media|newspapers] last year that were negative

: 91

Percentage of [Britain|Britons] [Ignorance|who believe] that Winston Churchill is a [SupernaturalBeing|mythical figure]

: 23

Percentage, in a recent study, by which the average weight gain of [Rats|rats] eating saccharin exceeded that of rats eating sugar

: 25

Estimated number of [1950s|1950s] [Suburbs|suburban] [Housing|homes] that [Arizona|Arizona] has added to the National Register of Historic Places

: 670

Number of [SiliconValley|Silicon Valley] workers earning between $30,000 and $80,000 who have lost their [Jobs|jobs] since 2002

: 62,000

Percentage change since then in the [AfricanAmerican|African-American] population of nearby exurban Riverside County

: +29

Percentage of the population of [LosAngeles|Los Angeles] County in [1990s|1990] and 2006, respectively, that was [AfricanAmerican|African American]

: 14, 9

Chances that a [Caucasian|white] American thinks conditions will improve for [AfricanAmerican|African Americans] in the future

: 11 in 20

Chances that an [AfricanAmerican|African American] thinks his or her “life will improve‚” in the future

: 9 in 20

Date on which the [Racism|Ku Klux Klan] released a statement denying it had endorsed [BarackObama|Obama] for president

: 2/25/08

Ratio of the total donations [BarackObama|Obama] received from [USMilitary|U.S. military] personnel last year to those [JohnMcCain|McCain] received

: 10:9

Rank that the age gap between [JohnMcCain|McCain] and [BarackObama|Obama] would hold among the largest ever between nominees

: 1

Number who have been hired into [Jobs|jobs] making less than $30,000 during the same period

: 66,000

Estimated percentage change since then in the leftover [Oil|oil]’s nominal value

: +333

Amount a [Business|businessman] in the United [Arab|Arab] Emirates paid this year for the nation’s license-plate number “1‚”

: $14,000,000

Portion of all [Sex|sex]-change [Medicine|surgery] costs for the [Poverty|poor] that the government of [Iran|Iran] now covers

: 1/3

Factor by which a [Homosexuality|gay] U.S. [College|college] [Student|student] is more likely to attempt [Suicide|suicide] than a straight one

: 2

Factor by which a closeted [Student|student] is

: 6

Average amount that a sad person was willing to pay for “a [Sport|sporty], insulated water bottle‚” in a recent study

: $2.11

Average amount that a happy person was willing to pay for the same item

: $0.56

[Days|Days] of “[Love|heartache leave]‚” that [Jobs|employees] of one [Japan|Japanese] [Fashion|cosmetics] company are allowed to take each year

: 3

Number of different e-cards that a nonprofit [Internet|website] offers for informing [Sex|sexual] partners of their exposure to an [Disease|STD]

: 7

Ratio of the number of scabies cards sent so far to the number of chlamydia cards

: 2:1

Estimated percentage change since 2001 in the amount of [Oil|oil] at the site of the Exxon [ExxonValdez|Valdez] spill

: ???9

Estimated percentage of the world’s [BodyofWater|oceanic waters] that have not been damaged by human activity

: 4

Minimum number of U.S. [Psychiatry|therapists] who offer “eco-psychology‚” treatment for those anxious about the environment

: 102

Subsidy that the [FederalGovernment|federal government] paid the [AirTravel|airline] per flight

: $770

Average number of passengers on Big Sky [AirTravel|Airlines]’ daily flight from Lewistown, [Montana|Montana], to Billings last year

: 2

Length, in miles, of [Beijing|Beijing]’s [AirTravel|newest airport] terminal

: 2

Portion of all [China|Chinese] [Cancer|cancer] [Death|deaths] that are pollution-related, according to the government

: 7/10

Factor by which an uninsured American is more likely than an insured one to be diagnosed with late-stage [Breast|breast] [Cancer|cancer]

: 3

Percentage change between [1990s|1997] and 2003 in [Death|deaths] from treatable causes in the developed world

: ???17

Percentage of Americans today who look positively on the phrase “socialized medicine‚”

: 45
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