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Percentage change since [July|July] in the number of U.S. [Media|newspaper] articles each month using the word “recession‚”

: +1,300

Chances that an American believes the [Economy|economy] is in a [Recession|recession]

: 3 in 5

Number of copies [Business|sold] of [BarackObama|Barack Obama]’s two [Literature|books] since [January|January]

: 94,000

Rank of [JohnMcCain|John McCain] among the most [RepublicanParty|conservative]-[Democracy|voting] [Senate|senators] in 2001 and 2007, respectively

: 45, 8

Percentage change between 2001 and 2007 in the number of instances per year

: +76

Number of times that U.S. [Media|media] have called [JohnMcCain|John McCain] a “[folly|maverick]‚” since [1990s|1995]

: 6,757

Total amount that [BarackObama|Barack Obama] and [HillaryClinton|Hillary Clinton] have given to the campaigns of [DemocraticParty|Democratic] “superdelegates‚”

: $1,601,925

Number of [Ohio|Ohio]’s five [Democracy|voting]-machine systems that had “critical security failures‚” in a state-commissioned study

: 5

Last year that the population of the [Nebraska|Nebraska] Panhandle was as low as it is today

: 1930

Chances that a U.S. county has seen its population decline since 2000

: 2 in 5

Percentage of Americans [Ignorance|who believe] that their home is still [Housing|gaining in value]

: 55

Percentage change last year in the number of Americans declaring personal [Bankruptcy|bankruptcy]

: +40

Number of the systems that have been removed from operation

: 0

Estimated portion of worldwide [Immigration|immigration] that is into Second or [DevelopingNations|Third World] nations

: 2/5

Factor by which the increase in income inequality in developed nations since [1980s|1981] has exceeded that in [DevelopingNations|developing nations]

: 2

Percentage of its taco shells that Taco Bell [Mexico|Mexico] imports from the United States

: 100

Number of consecutive months that sales at [McDonalds|McDonald’s] franchises have increased

: 57

Chances that a U.S. [PublicSchools|public school] accepts [Advertising|advertising] from [Business|corporations] that sell [Obesity|junk food]

: 2 in 3

Chances that these [Education|schools] wind up receiving no income from the [Advertising|advertisements]

: 3 in 4

Shelf life, in years, of a [Germany|German] company’s “Cheeseburger in a Can‚”

: 1

Estimated number of bacteria transferred to a dip via “double-dipping,‚” according to a Clemson University study

: 2,750

Prize that a [Britain|British] [Science|scientist] is offering to anyone who breeds and raises a “Methuselah mouse‚” that lives five years

: $660

Membership price for [Science|ScientificMatch].com, a dating site that recommends mates based on genetic compatibility

: $1,995

Minimum number of members whose accounts were paid for by their [Judaism|rabbis]

: 40

Average percentage by which the income of an [Ugliness|attractive] [AmericanMen|American man] differs from the mean

: +4

Average by which the income of an [Ugliness|ugly] [AmericanMen|American man] does

: ???13

Estimated amount that Americans spend on [Sport|yoga] each year

: $6,000,000,000

[Minutes|Minutes] it took the IPO of an [India|Indian] power company in [January|January] to become oversubscribed with investors

: 1

Rank that next year’s giving goal of [BillGates|Bill Gates]’s foundation would hold on the Forbes 400 if it were a person

: 91

Amount it would have cost him to win the nomination at this rate, expressed as a percentage of [BillGates|Bill Gates]’s net worth

: 97

Amount that [RudolphGiuliani|Rudy Giuliani]’s campaign spent to win a single [RepublicanParty|Republican] delegate

: $48,000,000

Estimated number of wild [NewYorkCity|New York City] [Pigeon|pigeons] illegally caught and [Business|sold] to shooting clubs each year

: 144,000

Average number of pounds of waste produced by a [Pigeon|pigeon] each year

: 26

Number of actual [Murder|homicides] last year in [Manhattan|Manhattan]

: 69

Minimum number of [Murder|homicides] committed in the last full seasons of the three Law & Order [Television|TV] shows

: 83

Number of the five top-grossing U.S. [Cinema|films] last year that were the third or higher installment in a series

: 4

Rank that the sales of 2007’s top album nationwide would have given it on the 2000 list

: 14

Number of Grammys won to date by [BarackObama|Barack Obama] and [Radiohead|Radiohead], respectively

: 2, 2

Factor by which this exceeds the total sales of the seventeen [Literature|books] by [HillaryClinton|Hillary Clinton], [JohnMcCain|John McCain], and Mike Huckabee

: 4
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