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Percentage of these [Doctor|doctors] who have witnessed malpractice in the past three years and failed to report it

: 46

Number of them who earn more than the school’s [Football|football] coach

: 2

Amount that [Louisiana|Louisiana] State University has raised since 2001 to care for its live tiger mascot

: $3,750,000

Number of [HurricaneKatrina|Hurricane Katrina]–relief claims filed by individuals to the U.S. government that have exceeded $1 billion

: 232

Dollar value of the largest claim

: $3,000,000,000,000,000

Percentage of [DemocraticParty|Democrats] who rate their mental health as “excellent‚”

: 38

Percentage of [RepublicanParty|Republicans] who do

: 58

Chances that a rejected application for [SocialSecurity|Social Security] disability benefits is approved if appealed

: 3 in 5

Average number of [Days|days] before an appeal is heard by a judge

: 497

Percentage of U.S. [Doctor|doctors] who say they have a responsibility to report another doctor’s malpractice

: 95

Average compensation of the ten highest-salaried presidents of U.S. public universities

: $533,000

Percentage increase since 2001 in the amount the U.S. government has spent on [Mendacity|paper shredding]

: +587

Minimum number of U.S. personal-data records compromised in security breaches last year

: 126,000,000

Number of cases of alleged fraud in virtual worlds that [SouthKorea|South Korean] courts have heard

: 730

Number of [SouthKorea|South Koreans] who work as on-call “replacement [Driving|drivers]‚” for customers too drunk to drive home

: 83,000

Estimated number of customers they serve each day

: 700,000

Weekly fee an [Italy|Italian] company charges to send three images of [CatholicFaith|saints] to a customer’s cell [Telephone|phone]

: $4.38

Range, in miles, of a [Russia|Russian] interceptor [Missile|missile] blessed by an Orthodox priest last [August|August]

: 250

Rank of “god‚” and “satan‚” among the top [Internet|Google] searches beginning with “who is‚”

: 1, 10

Number of [Color|pink] Tasers purchased in the past year

: 2,560

Portion of [China|China]’s [GDP|GDP]

: 1/3

Percentage change since 2005 in the worldwide price of [Food|food], as tracked by The Economist

: +77

Factor by which the price of [Wheat|wheat] has increased in the past year alone

: 2

Ratio in [1980s|1980] of U.S. spending in grocery stores to that in [Food|restaurants]

: 2:1

Projected number of enclosed [Shopping|shopping] malls that will be built in the United States this year

: 0

Estimated total value of mortgages on which U.S. borrowers will default this year

: $316,000,000,000

Rank of [TedTurner|Ted Turner] among the nation’s largest individual landowners, according to Turner

: 1

Estimated amount that Ike Turner spent on [Cocaine|cocaine] during his lifetime, according to Turner

: $11,000,000

Portion of U.S. [GDP|GDP] that is accounted for by consumer spending

: 7/10

Number of [Women|women] who have made the [FBI|FBI]’s Ten Most Wanted list since its inception in [1950s|1950]

: 8

Percentage of single U.S. [Women|women] in their twenties who are “very‚” or “extremely‚” willing to marry for [Money|money]

: 61

Percentage of [Women|women] in their thirties who are

: 74

Chance that a [Britain|British] [Men|man] admits to fantasizing about his favorite [Sport|sports] team during [Sex|sex]

: 1 in 9

Number of the [Baseball|baseball] players implicated in last year’s steroid scandal who were caught because they had paid by check

: 16

Percentage of [Men|male] U.S. steroid users who are not involved in competitive [Sport|sports]

: 89

Chance that a University of [NewHampshire|New Hampshire] [Student|student] has taken Ritalin illegally

: 1 in 6

Percentage of full-time [College|university] faculty in [1990s|1992] who taught less than four [Hours|hours] per week

: 15
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