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Minimum number of [September11|9/11] memorials constructed so far in [NewYorkCity|New York City]

: 700

Ratio of the total square footage of the world’s [WalMart|Wal-Marts] to that of [Manhattan|Manhattan]

: 9:7

Percentage of Americans who said they were among the “have-nots‚” in [1980s|1988] and last year, respectively

: 17, 34

Percentage change since [1990s|1999] in the number of Americans on [HealthCare|Medicaid]

: +34

Portion of U.S. [Doctor|doctors] who now say they limit or no longer accept new [HealthCare|Medicaid] patients

: 1/2

Portion of the $1.7 billion in federal [HurricaneKatrina|Hurricane Katrina] relief spent by [Mississippi|Mississippi] that has benefited [Poverty|poor] residents

: 1/10

Percentage of post-[HurricaneKatrina|Katrina] recovery [Corruption|contracts] that were awarded without full and open competition

: 70

Amount that D.C. city officials were found last [Fall|fall] to have embezzled through a dummy firm called Bilkemor LLC

: $346,700

Government salary at which Bernard Kerik in [1990s|1999] said that he felt like he was on “welfare‚”

: $150,500

Percentage of likely [RepublicanParty|Republican] voters last [October|October] who knew that [RudolphGiuliani|Rudolph Giuliani] was pro-choice

: 37

Ratio of this to the total military spending on both wars so far

: 1:1

Minimum number of U.S. [BoyScouts|Boy Scout] or Cub Scout troops that are sponsored by [Islam|Islamic] organizations

: 97

Year by which an [Iran|Iranian] automaker plans to build the first “Islamic car‚”

: 2011

Size in acres of the world’s largest handmade carpet, completed in [Iran|Iran] last [Summer|summer]

: 1.4

Percentage of U.S. consumers of [Judaism|kosher] [Food|food] who buy it because they lack [Islam|halal] options

: 16

Number of different skin tones that members of the [Asia|South Asian] matchmaking site can register as having

: 6

Number of different “castes‚” to which they can register as belonging

: 275

Number of members of The Atlasphere, an [Evil|Objectivist] dating site

: 7,125

Amount that [Prostitute|prostitutes] at [Nevada|Nevada]’s BunnyRanch have contributed to [LibertarianParty|Ron Paul], according to the brothel’s owner

: $15,000

Number of U.S. states where a court has held that [Women|women] must return engagement rings if the [Marriage|wedding] doesn’t happen

: 18

Projected total cost of [Medicine|medical] care for U.S. [Veterans|veterans] of the [Iraq|Iraq] and [Afghanistan|Afghanistan] wars

: $500,000,000,000

Chance that an [Iraq|Iraq] war [Veterans|veteran] who has served two or more tours now has [PTSD|post-traumatic stress disorder]

: 1 in 4

Percentage change since [1990s|1997] in the number of [VietnamWar|Vietnam-era] [Veterans|veterans] seeking treatment for [PTSD|PTSD]

: +108

Number of years since accurate record-keeping began in [1980s|1981] that the rate was as high

: 0

Percentage of [DemocraticParty|Democrats] in 2006 who said they supported the [Iraq|Iraq] war when it began

: 21

Percentage of [DemocraticParty|Democrats] in [March|March] 2003 who said they supported the war

: 46

Number of the three [Israel|Israeli]-[Palestine|Palestinian] peace summits since [1970s|1979] that were held in the last two years of a U.S. presidency

: 3

Chances that an [Israel|Israeli] settlement in the [Palestine|West Bank] has built beyond its official borders

: 9 in 10

Number of checkpoints and barriers in the [Palestine|West Bank] that were removed between [April|April] and [October|October] of last year

: 80

Number of suspected living [Nazi|Nazis] still being hunted by the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s “Operation Last Chance‚”

: 488

Length, in feet, of a prehistoric sea scorpion whose fossil was first reported last [November|November]

: 8.2

Number of votes tallied in an online [Greenpeace|Greenpeace] poll last [Fall|fall] to name a humpback [Whale|whale] in the South [PacificOcean|Pacific]

: 152,000

Percentage that favored the name “Mr. Splashy Pants‚”

: 79

Number of the 195 accredited U.S. law [Education|schools] that offer courses in [Law|animal law]

: 90

Total liability for [IntellectualProperty|copyright] infringement that one [Utah|Utah] professor estimates he amasses in a typical day

: $12,450,000

Number of customers who have gotten the two-for-one special by saying “I’m [Prostitute|pimpin]’ for Paul‚”

: 58

Average percentage by which a [Women|woman]’s left [Breast|breast] is larger than her right

: 4
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