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Year in which it is expected to run out of digits

: 2007

Number that broaden access

: 284

Number of U.S. state [Law|laws] enacted since [September|September] 2001 that restrict [CivilRights|access to information]

: 616

Chance since 2001 that a [Crime|criminal] case in U.S. District Court in [WashingtonDC|Washington, D.C.], has been tried off the docket

: 1 in 6

Estimated percentage of [Women|women] in U.S. [Prison|prisons] or jails who are single [Motherhood|mothers]

: 77

Percentage of U.S. [Abortion|abortions] in [1970s|1973] and 2002, respectively, that took place in the first trimester

: 38, 61

Percentage change since [1990s|1990] in the number of [UnitedStates|Americans] who describe themselves as “nonreligious‚”

: +106

Chances that a U.S. [Transportation|commuter] both lives and works in a [Suburbs|suburb]

: 2 in 5

Chances that a U.S. federal [Justice|judge] has requested a government-supplied home security system since [May|May] 2005

: 3 in 4

Factor by which the number of [Iraq|Iraqis] imprisoned now exceeds the number at the time of the [Torture|Abu Ghraib] scandal

: 2

[Days|Days] after her coronation in [April|April] that an [Iraq|Iraqi] [Fashion|beauty] queen resigned, citing [Terrorism|death threats]

: 4

Minimum number of [Iraq|Iraqis] displaced by [Religion|sectarian] [Violence|violence] since [February|February]

: 65,000

Length, in miles, of a barrier that [SaudiArabia|Saudi Arabia] has proposed to build in order to [Immigration|seal its border] with [Iraq|Iraq]

: 560

Number of [Technology|electronically controlled gates] that would be placed along its length

: 135

Year that a signboard tallying the U.S. [Economics|national debt] was erected near [NewYorkCity|Times Square]

: 1989

Percentage change in [UnitedStates|U.S.] discretionary spending during the first five years of [GeorgeWBush|George W. Bush’s] presidency

: +35

Percentage change during [LyndonBJohnson|Lyndon Johnson’s] and [BillClinton|Bill Clinton’s] first five years, respectively

: +25, ???8

Ratio of the average [Labor|manufacturing] wage in the [UnitedStates|United States] to that in [Mexico|Mexico], before [NAFTA|NAFTA] took effect in [1990s|1994]

: 6:1

Estimated number of illegal [Ireland|Irish] [Immigration|immigrants] in the [UnitedStates|United States]

: 25,000

Percentage change since [1960s|1960] in the per-capita U.S. consumption of fresh [Potato|potatoes]

: ???43

Percentage change in per-capita consumption of [Technology|processed] [Potato|potatoes]

: +247

Average number of calories of [Oil|oil] that are used to make each calorie of [Food|food] [Obesity|Americans] eat

: 7

Ratio for portrayals of adults in general

: 10:1

Ratio of negative portrayals of [Education|teachers] on U.S. [Child|children’s] [Television|TV] shows to positive portrayals

: 3:1

Amount a [Pennsylvania|Pennsylvania] [Sport|T-ball] coach paid a player last year to hit an autistic teammate with a ball

: $25

Years that his predecessor had operated under the same policy

: 1

Fee for which a [Florida|Florida] middle-school [Sport|gym] teacher allowed [Education|students] to skip class, before he was [Business|fired] in [January|January]

: $1

Minimum amount that a [Massachusetts|Massachusetts] special-ed teacher received in donations from 2003 to 2005 by faking [Cancer|cancer]

: $35,000

Factor by which total U.S. [Education|student loans] from private lenders last year exceeded the amount in [1990s|1995]

: 10

Percentage that came from the [FederalGovernment|federal government]

: 33, 11

Percentage of U.S. [Media|public-radio] stations’ funding in [1980s|1980] and 2004, respectively, that came from [Business|businesses]

: 8, 18

Chances that an American says he or she uses the word “ [Fuck|fuck] ‚”

: 2 in 3

Chance that an [UnitedStates|American] says he or she views [France|France] as a U.S. ally

: 1 in 6

Percentage of the [France|French] who say this

: 36

Percentage of [China|Chinese] who say the [Economics|free market] is “the best system on which to base the future of the world‚”

: 74

Price for which [China|China] will rent out [Beijing|Beijing’s] Great Hall of the People

: $12,000

Estimated number of [Mendacity|fake] [Internet|blogs] created every day by [Internet|websites] to improve their rankings in search-engine results

: 6,750

Number of [CIA|CIA] workplaces it located

: 24

Number of [CIA|CIA] [Jobs|employees] that the [Media|Chicago Tribune] was able to identify in [March|March] through online databases

: 2,653
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