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Number of the sixteen remaining provisions that were made permanent by [Congress|Congress] in [March|March]

: 14

Percentage of the 156 provisions of 2001’s [UnitedStates|USA Patriot Act] that were permanent in the original law

: 88

Number of times that [VirginMary|Mary], [JesusChrist|Jesus’] [Motherhood|mother], is referenced by name in the [Bible|Bible] and the [Islam|Koran], respectively

: 19, 34

Rank of “ [Christianity|Christian] ‚” among one-word descriptions of [GeorgeWBush|George W. Bush] offered by Americans in [February|February] 2005

: 15

Estimated number of different official names that have been applied to them

: 6,000,000

Estimated number of [Animal|animal] and [Plants|plant] [LivingOrganism|species] known to [Science|science]

: 1,800,000

Chances that an [UnitedStates|American] believes that the U.S. will suffer a “major [Terrorism|terrorist] attack‚” by next [March|March]

: 2 in 3

Percentage of U.S. [Army|soldiers] in [Iraq|Iraq] who say the war was a retaliation for [SaddamHussein|Saddam Hussein’s] role in the [September11|9/11] attacks

: 85

Ratio of the entire [UnitedStates|U.S.] federal budget in [1940s|1948], adjusted for inflation, to the amount spent so far on the [Iraq|Iraq] war

: 1:1

Number of U.S. cities and towns so far that have passed resolutions calling for the impeachment of [GeorgeWBush|President Bush]

: 8

Years by which the other two were extended

: 4

Number of beetles that right-wing [Science|entomologists] have named after [BushAdministration|Bush Administration] officials

: 3

Minimum number of world nations that have at least one legislator from a [Communism|communist] party

: 27

Percentage of [SouthKorea|South Korean] youth who say their country should back [NorthKorea|North Korea] in the event of war with the [UnitedStates|U.S.]

: 48

Percentage of [China|China’s] investable assets that are controlled by the [Wealth|richest] half-percent of households

: 62

Percentage of [Wealth|white-collar] [China|Chinese] workers who have personal [Internet|blogs]

: 52

Chances that an [Technology|unprotected PC] will become infected with a [Telecommunications|virus] within an hour of being on the [Internet|Internet]

: 9 in 10

Chance that a [Britain|British] youth reports having been bullied via [Telecommunications|text message]

: 1 in 7

Number of billboards with the names and faces of convicted [SexualAssault|sex offenders] that [Mississippi|Mississippi] will put up this [Spring |spring]

: 100

Percentage change last year in the number of [Crime|stolen] cattle recovered in [Texas|Texas] and [Oklahoma|Oklahoma]

: +104

Minimum number of ranches in [Texas|Texas] where one can [Sport|shoot a zebra]

: 56

Weeks in advance that [AlQaeda|Al Qaeda] operatives must request vacation time, according to seized documents

: 10

Number of Harlequin [Literature|novels] published last year that feature love between a Western [Women|woman] and an [Islam|Arab sheikh]

: 15

Number by 2008 that will feature [NASCAR|NASCAR races]

: 22

Estimated percentage from those nations today

: 49, 51

Estimated percentage share of global [Economics|GDP] in [1970s|1974] that came from “developed‚” and “emerging‚” nations, respectively

: 61, 39

Average number of [Africa|Africans] who have legally [Immigration|emigrated] to the [UnitedStates|United States] each year since 2000

: 55,000

Maximum number of [Africa|Africans] brought to America in any single year during the trans-[AtlanticOcean|Atlantic] [Slavery|slave] trade

: 35,000

Estimated number of [Uganda|Ugandan] [Prison|prisoners] who escaped in [February|February] while guards celebrated the president’s [Democracy|reelection]

: 400

Months after [Hamas|Hamas’s] electoral victory that the only [Palestine|Palestinian] [Beer|brewery] will release its non[Alcohol|alcoholic] beer

: 5

Percentage [Alcohol|alcohol] content in a 300-year-old [Whiskey|whiskey] [Cookery|recipe] being revived by a [Scotland|Scottish] distillery

: 90

Percentage change since [1940s|1940] in the average iron content of [Food|milk]

: ???62

Ratio, in the United States, of the number of [WalMart|Wal-Mart] [Jobs|employees] to the number of [Education|high school teachers]

: 1:1

Number of “Wal-ocaust‚” [Fashion|T-shirts] [Business|sold] by a [Georgia|Georgia] [Men|man] before [WalMart|Wal-Mart] ordered him to [Law|cease and desist]

: 1

Minimum number of [Shopping|shopping] carts that went missing from [California|L.A.–area] stores last year

: 6,220,000

Percentage change last year in the number of CDs [Business|sold] at [Starbucks|Starbucks]

: +307

Percentage of [UnitedStates|U.S.] [Christianity|megachurches] that “always‚” or “often‚” use [Entertainment|electric guitar] or bass in services

: 93
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