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Percentage of Americans who say they support air strikes against [Iran|Iran] “if diplomacy fails‚”

: 51

Number of the participants who reduced their [Alcohol|alcohol] intake, quit the study, or died, respectively

: 11, 3, 3

Number of tunnels that have been discovered under the U.S.–Mexico border since 2001

: 34

Number under the U.S.–Canada border

: 1

Percentage of [Canada|Canadians] who say that [Immigration|immigrants] are a “good influence‚” on their nation

: 77

Percentage of Americans and [Germany|Germans], respectively, who say this

: 49, 35

Chance that a Western [Europe|European] believes 2006 will be better than 2005

: 1 in 3

Chance that an [Africa|African] believes this

: 1 in 2

Portion of the grants in [GeorgeWBush|President Bush]’s $15 billion [AIDS|AIDS] initiative that has gone to [Religion|religious] groups

: 1/4

Ratio, in the United States, of [Abortion|antiabortion] “pregnancy centers‚” to abortion clinics

: 6:1

Number of glasses of [Wine|wine] or sherry that seventeen [Homelessness|homeless] [Alcohol|alcoholics] were allowed daily, in a [Canada|Canadian] study

: 15

Estimated number of [NorthKorea|North Korean]–produced [Mendacity|counterfeit] $100 “supernotes‚” discovered worldwide since [1980s|1989]

: 500,000

Number of [Dog|dogs] that a [California|California] clinic trained to diagnose [Cancer|cancer] by sniffing patients’ breath

: 5

Percentage of lung- and [Breast|breast]-[Cancer|cancer] cases that they accurately detect, respectively

: 99, 88

Percentage of [Breast|breast]-[Cancer|cancer] cases that are detectable by mammogram

: 85

Chance that a passenger on a [AirTravel|flight] of two and a half [Hours|hours] or longer will have a cold within a week

: 1 in 5

Percentage of U.S. couples who regularly sleep in [Bedding|separate beds]

: 23

Percentage of U.S. adults in [1980s|1985] who said they found [Obesity|overweight] people less [Ugliness|attractive] than others

: 55

Percentage who said this last year

: 24

Estimated number of [Sweets|Marshmallow Peeps] that will be consumed around [Easter|Easter] this month

: 800,000,000

Estimated number of [Pig|pigs] who died to make them

: 125,000

Number of adults each [Student|student] can have approved in the system

: 4

Percentage of [Iraq|Iraqis] who say they approve of insurgent attacks on U.S.-led forces

: 47

Percentage who approve of attacks on [Iraq|Iraqi] security forces

: 7

Minimum number of times that U.S. forces have kidnapped the wives of suspected [Iraq|Iraqi] insurgents

: 2

Number of U.S. [Veterans|veterans] who have been denied Veterans Administration health care since 2003

: 263,257

Estimated ratio this year of the U.S. [Pentagon|defense budget] to that of the rest of the world combined

: 01:01

Percentage of Americans who say they trust the military, the presidency, and [Congress|Congress], respectively

: 74, 44, 22

Rank of the National Security Agency among top U.S. [Jobs|employers] of mathematicians

: 1

Chance that an American believes his or her [Telephone|phone] has been tapped by the [FederalGovernment|federal government]

: 1 in 5

Cost of a U.S. pilot project in a [NewJersey|New Jersey] school to use an eye scanner to identify all adults who enter

: $369,000

Number of consecutive decades that the amount of [Sun|sunlight] in [China|China] has [Pollution|declined]

: 5

Price for which companies can purchase the personal data of all [Minnesota|Minnesota] [Driving|drivers]’-license holders from the state

: $1,500

Estimated number that have bought the data so far

: 800

Rank of [WalMart|Wal-Mart] and Target, respectively, among the top online retailers of 2005

: 3, 4

Amount by which Americans’ total spending last year exceeded their earnings

: $41,600,000,000

Last year in which spending outstripped earnings

: 1933

Estimated labor cost of complying with the U.S. [Taxes|tax] code each year, expressed as a percentage of U.S. tax receipts

: 22

Percentage of [Estonia|Estonians] who file their [Taxes|tax] returns online

: 75

Pounds of radioactive produce grown near [Chernobyl|Chernobyl] that were confiscated in [Moscow|Moscow] markets last year

: 1,820
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