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Estimated number of new private-sector [Jobs|jobs] created by government spending during that time

: 2,800,000

Last date on which the [Media|newspaper] [Business|sold] as many copies

: 9/12/01

Percentage by which [Britain|Britain’s] The Independent outsold its daily average on [May|May] 16, the day [RockMusic|U2]’s Bono was guest editor

: 30

Percentage of [Ireland|Irish] [CatholicFaith|Catholics] who think that priests should not have to be celibate

: 76

Rank of [Islam|Muslims] and [AfricanAmerican|African Americans], respectively

: 2, 3

Rank of [Superstition|atheists] among minorities whom Americans are least willing to allow their [Child|children] to marry

: 1

Percentage who viewed “[HillaryClinton|Hillary Rodham Clinton]‚” favorably

: 23

Percentage of [RepublicanParty|Republicans] who viewed “[HillaryClinton|Hillary Clinton]‚” favorably in an [April|April] poll

: 16

Minimum number of close-up photographs of [GeorgeWBush|President Bush’s] hands owned by his new chief of staff, [BushAdministration|Josh Bolten]

: 4

Total number of times for all other presidents since [GeorgeWashington|Washington]

: 568

Number of times that [GeorgeWBush|President Bush’s] “signing statements‚” have exempted his administration from provisions of new laws

: 750

Number of U.S. residents the [FBI|FBI] investigated last year using Patriot Act powers that waive the need for a warrant

: 3,501

Percentage of [Peru|Peruvians] who say their nation needs leaders who “impose order‚” and “authority‚”

: 74

Amount the [Brazil|Brazilian] teams have earned from these sales

: $918,819,900

Number of players that [Brazil|Brazilian] [Soccer|soccer] teams have [Business|sold] to teams overseas since [1990s|1993]

: 6,700

Percentage of this total attributed to [Insect|insects’] value as a [Food|food] source for larger [Animal|animals]

: 88

Estimated change since 2001 in the total number of U.S. [Business|private-sector] [Economics|jobs]

: +1,900,000

Percentage of U.S. [Business|workers] who say they are confident that they will be able to live comfortably after retirement

: 68

Percentage who have saved less than $25,000 toward retirement

: 53

Percentage of Americans who believe that most Americans are too [Obesity|fat]

: 90

Percentage who believe that they themselves are [Obesity|too fat]

: 39

Average number of extra [Obesity|calories] [Child|children] consume for every hour of [Television|television] they watch

: 167

Size, in inches, of Panasonic’s new top-of-the-line [Television|plasma TV]

: 103

Factor by which [Transportation|Hummer] sales in [April|April] exceeded those a year earlier

: 3

Percentage change in average U.S. [Gasoline|gas] prices over that year

: +80

Volume of new reserves added by major [Oil|oil] companies in 2005, expressed as a percentage of oil pumped that year

: 51

Ratio of the amount of energy used in producing [Corn|corn ethanol] to the amount yielded when it is burned in [Gasoline|gasoline]

: 1:1

Ratio of the amount of energy used in producing [Gasoline|gasoline] itself to the amount yielded when it is burned

: 6:5

Amount it costs the U.S. [Economics|Treasury] to [Labor|manufacture] and distribute a [Folly|penny]

: 1.4?

Ratio of the average U.S. import of [Mexico|Mexican] lettuce each year to the average Mexican [Food|import] of U.S. lettuce

: 1:1

Number of [Literature|books] that [ArtGarfunkel|Art Garfunkel] has read since [June|June] [1960s|1968], according to a comprehensive list on his [Internet|website]

: 948

Length, in [Hours|hours], of a [Literature|book] appearance that author Lawrence Lessig made in [January|January] inside an [Telecommunications|online fantasy world]

: 2

Minimum number of different characters who showed up

: 100

Number of users featured by [Pornography|Playboy] in its [June|June] “Girls of MySpace‚” photo spread

: 9

Minimum number who sent pictures to try out

: 2,000

Estimated number of [HotDog|hot dogs] that will be eaten in the United States over the Fourth of [July|July] weekend

: 150,000,000

Tons of [Food|mud] a Mongolian [Girl|girl] has eaten since [1990s|1994], because she finds it “delicious‚”

: 1.7
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