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Number of the ten [Corruption|missile-defense] components to be deployed this [Fall|fall] that have been field-tested as a system

: 0

Number of [Africa|African] countries in which the average life expectancy has [Death|declined] since [1970s|1978]

: 22

Number of countries in which the average [Death|life expectancy] was less than 40 in 2002

: 6

Percentage who are at risk of losing regular access to [Food|food] if conditions there persist or deteriorate

: 31

Percentage of [Palestine|Palestinians] in the West [Banking|Bank] and Gaza Strip who lack regular access to [Food|food]

: 40

Average number of people who die every day in [Mumbai|Bombay] [Train|commuter-train] accidents

: 10

Estimated percentage of [Women|women] in [Pakistan|Pakistani] [Prison|prisons] whose [Crime|crime] was [Sex|fornication]

: 80

Minimum number of times a [Houston|Houston] [Women|woman] stabbed her [Marriage|husband] last year

: 193

Estimated revenue lost by an [Oregon|Oregon] county since it suspended granting heterosexuals [Marriage|marriage] licenses last [March|March]

: $2,000

Ratio of the average number of [Entertainment|television] sets to the number of [Child|children]

: 7:2

Ratio of the average number of [Transportation|vehicles] to the number of [Child|children] per U.S. household

: 5:2

Number of accidents on [Florida|Florida] [Driving|highways] in 2002 caused by [Transportation|cars] parked on the side of the road

: 4,220

Number of Americans who died in 2002 from infections they [HealthCare|contracted] while [Medicine|hospitalized] for other ailments

: 90,000

Minimum number of U.S. surgical patients sewn up each year with [HealthCare|sponges], clamps, or other tools left inside them

: 1,500

Year in which the [Medicare|Medicare] [Medicine|hospital] trust fund will be “completely exhausted,” according to the trustees

: 2019

Year in which trustees [Mendacity|predicted] in [1990s|1991] that the fund would be exhausted

: 2005

Minimum U.S. spending on [Corruption|missile defense] each year since President [RonaldReagan|Reagan’s] [1980s|1983] “[StarWars|Star Wars]” speech

: $2,700,000,000

Amount that next year’s [Pentagon|Defense Department] budget proposal requests for researching [Mendacity|low-yield] [WMD|nuclear weapons]

: $9,000,000

Number of years that [WMD|such research] was illegal before [Congress|Congress] repealed the ban last [November|November]

: 10

Number of countries given [Weapons|weapons]-grade [Uranium|uranium] since the [1950s|1950s] under the U.S. [Mendacity|Atoms for Peace] program

: 51

Minimum amount, per kilogram, that the U.S. charges “high income” countries to return spent [WMD|nuclear] fuel

: $3,500

Number of actors, musicians, and clowns in a [UnitedNations|U.N.] troupe touring [Liberia|Liberia] to convince citizens to disarm

: 101

Number of members of the [Iraq|Iraqi] Communist Party who belong to the Governing Council

: 1

Number of times that [Democracy|none-of-the-above] won a Duma seat last [Winter|winter] in Ulyanovsk, [Russia|Russia], [Communism|Lenin’s] birthplace

: 2

Chance that a Western [Europe|European] has a positive opinion of [GeorgeWBush|George W. Bush]

: 1 in 10

Average price per gallon Americans would have paid for [Gasoline|gasoline] in [March|March] if U.S. [Oil|gas] [Taxes|taxes] were as high as [Europe|Europe’s]

: $2.31

Amount by which total [SocialSecurity|Social Security] contributions since [1980s|1983] exceed total benefit payments since then

: $999,059,000,000

Street value of a rock of [Drugs|crack cocaine] the size of the [Sun|sun]

: $5.6 x 10^34

Weight in carats of the 2,500-mile-diameter diamond resulting from the crystallization of the [Space|star] BPM 37093

: 1 x 1034

Chances that [God|God] exists, according to a [Britain|British] physicist working as a risk analyst in [Ohio|Ohio]

: 2 in 3

Decimal places to which [Japan|Japanese] [Science|scientists] have estimated [Mathematics|pi]

: 1,241,100,000,000

Chance that a [Britain|British] [Child|infantry] recruit’s reading and writing [Education|skills] are no better than the average 11-year-old’s

: 1 in 2

Chances that a sixth-grader at one [OklahomaCity|Oklahoma City] school was suspended for being [Education|disruptive] during [Lunch|lunch] last [March|March] 24

: 4 in 5

Number of Library of [Congress|Congress] [Literature|book] collections it would take to hold the data created worldwide in 2002

: 36,764

Number of the brand holders that are sponsoring [Dublin|Dublin’s] centennial [Literature|Bloomsday] celebration this month

: 2

Minimum number of the brand names [Men|mentioned] in [Ireland|James Joyce’s] [Literature|Ulysses] that are still extant

: 28

Value of the [Corruption|solid-gold] model of a [SaudiArabia|Saudi] fortress on display in his [GeorgeHWBush|father’s] [Democracy|presidential] library

: $1,000,000

Estimated value of a painting that the [SaudiArabia|Saudi] ambassador has [Corruption|given] [GeorgeWBush|George W. Bush] for his future [Democracy|presidential] library

: $1,000,000

Rank of [Venice|Venice] and [Kuwait|Kuwait] City among cities where hotels generate the most revenue per room

: 1,2

Estimated percentage change since [1970s|1970] in sub-Saharan [Africa|Africa’s] share of world [Economics|trade]

: ???57
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