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Chance that an American who was [Education|home-schooled] feels this way

: 1 in 25

Minimum number of [Tennessee|Tennesseans] who have ordered new license plates bearing the [Racism|Confederate flag]

: 3,000

Average percentage of [AfricanAmerican|African-American] [Men|men] age 16 to 64 in [NewYorkCity|New York City] who were [Jobs|employed] each month last year

: 52

Factor by which the unemployment rate of [AfricanAmerican|African-American] [College|college] graduates exceeds that of [Race|white] graduates

: 1.9

Percentage of U.S. companies that threaten to close the work site when faced with a [Labor|unionization] effort

: 51

Percentage of senior [Business|management] positions at equivalent U.S. companies that are

: 20

Percentage of senior management positions in medium-size [Russia|Russian] [Business|companies] that are held by [Women|women]

: 42

Median household income of a U.S. heterosexual [Marriage|couple] with [Child|children]

: $59,461

Median household income a pair of U.S. single [Motherhood|mothers] would have if they [Marriage|married] each other

: $40,568

Percentage of U.S. heterosexual [Marriage|marriages] that are dissolved within five years

: 20

Percentage of the 958 [Homosexuality|same-sex] [Marriage|unions] granted to [Vermont|Vermont] residents since [July|July] 2000 that have since been dissolved

: 3

Number of times that [Florida|Everglades] [Plants|saw grass] switches gender during a week of [Flowers|flowering]

: 2

Minimum number of [Italy|Italian] [Men|men] accused of paying for a “[Sex|sexual] anxieties” diagnosis to avoid military service last [Winter|winter]

: 150

Number of suspensions a [Dallas|Dallas-area] high school handed out last [Fall|fall] for [Education|dress-code] violations

: 1,116

Number of [Cattle|Holsteins] disqualified from the [Ohio|Ohio] State Fair last [August|August] because they were wearing a [Fashion|hair piece]

: 2

Months into the war that [Britain|Britain] confirmed that all its troops were outfitted with desert [Fashion|clothing]

: 9

Chance that an American adult believes that “[Democracy|politics] and government are too complicated to understand”

: 1 in 3

Number of blank [Democracy|votes] recorded by touchscreen machines in a [January|January] election for [Florida|Florida’s] [HouseOfRepresentatives|House of Representatives]

: 137

Number of Haiti’s elections since 1994 called “bogus electoral exercises” by the State Department’s Roger Noriega

: 3

Last year in which one of these elections took place under President Jean-Bertrand Aristide

: 1995

Percentage of Western Hemisphere countries besides [Cuba|Cuba] whose leaders Noriega believes have been “freely elected”

: 100

[FederalGovernment|Federal funds] given last [September|September] to a group organizing the recall of [Venezuela|Venezuelan] president [HugoCh?vez|Hugo Ch?vez]

: $53,400

Minimum number of misleading statements on [Iraq|Iraq] made by the [GeorgeWBush|Bush] Administration’s top officials since [March|March] 2002

: 237

Percentage of these that contradicted, made selective use of, or mischaracterized existing government intelligence

: 100

[Days|Days] before last year’s invasion of [Iraq|Iraq] that [OsamaBinLaden|Osama bin Laden] called [SaddamHussein|Saddam Hussein] a “socialist infidel”

: 36

[Days|Days] into the [1990s|1999] [NATO|NATO] bombing of [Kosovo|Kosovo] that candidate [GeorgeWBush|George W. Bush] observed, “Victory means exit strategy”

: 17

Months into the war in [Iraq|Iraq] that all U.S. personnel there were equipped with antiballistic body armor

: 11

Estimated percentage of [France|French] schoolgirls who wore an [Islam|Islamic] head scarf to school last [Fall|fall]

: 0.02

Minimum revenue the Sons of Confederate [Veterans|Veterans] stands to collect through such sales

: $20,000

Amount the federal Individual Indian Trust cannot account for, per [NativeAmerican|Native American] it serves

: $26,000

Total overruns at [Boston|Boston’s] “Big Dig” attributed to mistakes and [Business|mismanagement] by the Bechtel Corporation

: $1,100,000,000

Percentage of the 13,129 varieties of [Nature|dirt] in the United States that are endangered

: 4

Amount that [Hypocrisy|Tom DeLay’s] [Corruption|political action committee] spent at the [WashingtonDC|Washington, D.C.], [SexualAssault|Hooters] last [November|November]

: $117.19

Years in [Prison|prison] to which two [Pentagon|ex-Pentagon] officials were sentenced last year for taking bribes of [Money|money] and [Prostitute|prostitutes]

: 24

Number of years a [NorthCarolina|North Carolina] [Men|man] has been in [Justice|prison] for stealing a [Television|television]

: 33

[Days|Days] after [Firearms|Smith & Wesson] Holding appointed a chairman last [Winter|winter] that he resigned over old armed-robbery [Crime|convictions]

: 38

Caliber of his first [Gun|gun], a Smith & Wesson used for armed robbery

: .38
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