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Number of the five [Taxes|tax-cut] questions asked the [GeorgeWBush|president] on Meet the [Journalism|Press] last [Winter|winter] that concerned the cuts’ inequity

: 0

Factor by which [Florida|Florida’s] [Caucasian|white] defendants are more likely than [AfricanAmerican|blacks] to get a [Justice|plea bargain] blocking felony conviction

: 1.5

Number of U.S. states in which felons who have completed their sentence are not allowed to [Democracy|vote]

: 11

Number of U.S. states that do not use the word “[Religion|evolution]” in their [Science|science] curricula

: 5

Number of plaques bearing [Christianity|biblical] verses that the Park Service reinstalled at the [Arizona|Grand Canyon] last year

: 3

Factor by which a blimp being developed for the U.S. government by [Business|Lockheed Martin] exceeds the size of Goodyear’s

: 25

Estimated number of years that guards at the top U.S. [Nuclear|nuclear] storehouse have cheated during [Terrorism|anti-terrorism] drills

: 20

Number of countries that have received [Pakistan|Pakistani] [Nuclear|nuclear] [Technology|technology]

: 4

Number of countries whose technologies are suspected of having contributed to [Pakistan|Pakistan’s] [Nuclear|nuclear] program

: 6

Monthly bonus an [India|Indian] chief of [Policing|police] is paying his officers who grow mustaches, which, he believes, command respect

: 66?

Minimum number of [Iraq|Iraq’s] [SaddamHussein|Saddam Husseins] who have officially changed their names or are in the process of doing so

: 300

Amount [Iraq|Iraqi] [Parenting|parents] were paid for naming sons born on [SaddamHussein|Saddam Hussein’s] birthday after him

: $200

Ratio of the number of [Afghanistan|Afghan] [Men|men] who have registered to the number of [Women|women] who have done so

: 10:3

Percentage of [Afghanistan|Afghans] who have registered to [Democracy|vote]

: 3

Number of [Democracy|votes] by which George W. [GeorgeWBush|Bush] won the state in [November|November] 2000

: 7,211

Percentage of U.S. [Democracy|voters] whose 2004 vote will be cast via a [Computer|computer] system producing no paper record

: 29

Number of articles in major U.S. [Journalism|newspapers] that have called any [BushAdministration|White House] statement on [Iraq|Iraq] a lie

: 0

Average amount a [BushAdministration|Bush Cabinet] member will save this year due to cuts in capital-gains and dividend [Taxes|taxes]

: $42,000

Median U.S. household income in 2002

: $42,409

Number of [Angola|Angola’s] seven [Wealth|richest] citizens who are government officials and former government officials, respectively

: 6, 1

Percentage change in [Mexico|Mexico’s] inflation-adjusted [Poverty|minimum wage] since the implementation of [NAFTA|NAFTA] in [1990s|1994]

: ???21

Last year in which U.S. commercial [Oil|crude-oil] inventories were as low as they were in [January|January]

: 1975

Rank of 2003 among years in which the most [AIDS|HIV] infections and AIDS-related [Death|deaths] occurred worldwide

: 1

Percentage discount that [SouthAfrica|Lesotho’s] [Prostitute|prostitutes] offered truckers in 2002 who used a [Condoms|condom]

: 50

Number of [Denmark|Danes] who died from [Drugs|heroin] or morphine in 2002 for every Dane who died from methadone that year

: 1.06

Number of people in [France|France] who are injured each year opening [Food|oysters]

: 2,000

[Hours|Hours] it took two [Doctor|surgeons] to separate conjoined [Turtle|turtles] in [Arizona|Arizona] last [February|February]

: 4

Number of the 76 reported attempts by [Bear|bears] to break into [NewJersey|New Jersey] homes last year that were successful

: 53

Estimated percentage of [Internet|web] links for requests to “unsubscribe” from mass emails that fail

: 63

Number of [Democracy|votes] cast in [NewHampshire|New Hampshire’s] [RepublicanParty|Republican] primary this year for write-in [DemocraticParty|Democratic] candidates

: 8,092

Median income of [AfricanAmerican|black] U.S. families as a percentage of [Race|white] families’ in [1960s|1968] and 2002, respectively

: 60, 58

Number of cents a U.S. [Women|woman] earned for every [Economics|dollar] that a U.S. [Men|man] did in [1980s|1983] and 2000, respectively

: 80.4, 79.7

Factor by which the [Economics|average pay] of a pro [Baseball|baseball] player and a [Business|Fortune 500] [CEO|CEO], respectively, have increased since [1970s|1973]

: 16, 4

Maximum fine in [Maryland|Baltimore] for dancing or not standing during the singing of the [UnitedStates|national anthem]

: $100

Amount spent worldwide on [Technology|mobile-phone] ring tones, expressed as a percentage of the global [Entertainment|music] market

: 10

Number of [Music|MP3] players designed to be clipped inside an [Entertainment|AK-47’s] ammunition chamber [Business|sold] worldwide last year

: 10,000

Percentage of U.S. elementary [Education|schools] that eliminated recess between [1970s|1977] and [1990s|1997]

: 40

Number of [Snow|snowballs] a [NewYorkCity|New York City] [Men|man] [Business|sold] on the street one day last [December|December]

: 10

[NewYorkCity|] Profits he reaped

: $9.50
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