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Rank of [Texas|Texas] among states in which the largest percentage of citizens lack [HealthCare|health insurance]

: 1

Minimum number of [WMD|nuclear weapons] in the oceans as a result of U.S. and [Russia|Soviet] accidents

: 50

Number of times [OsamaBinLaden|Osama bin Laden] used the term “[AlQaeda|Al Qaeda]” publicly before [September11|September 11, 2001]

: 0

Percentage change since then in the number of [Israel|Israelis] living abroad

: +9

Percentage change since 2000 in [Immigration|immigration] to [Israel|Israel]

: ???65

Number of the 4 million [Bosnia|Bosnians] made [Refugee|refugees] since [1990s|1991] who are still waiting to go home

: 400,000

Number of [Army|U.S. soldiers] whose retirement or leave has been postponed by the [Pentagon|Army] to maintain troop strength

: 3,500

Chance that an American felt that way by [November|November]

: 1 in 3

Ratio of the number of [Business|privately contracted] military workers in [Iraq|Iraq] to the number of [Britain|British] troops there

: 5:4

Year in which then-[HouseOfRepresentatives|congressman] [DonaldRumsfeld|Donald Rumsfeld] gave a speech criticizing war [Business|profiteering] by [Halliburton|Brown & Root]

: 1966

Fine paid by two of [JohnAshcroft|John Ashcroft’s] PACs for [Democracy|breaking] campaign-finance laws during the 2000 election cycle

: $37,000

Percentage of Americans living at twice the [Poverty|poverty] level who [Democracy|voted]

: 68

Percentage of Americans living below the [Poverty|poverty] level who [Democracy|voted] in the 2000 presidential election

: 38

Years of [Insurance|insurance] that the [Money|money] lost annually to [HealthCare|health-care] fraud and [Business|overbilling] could buy every uninsured U.S. [Child|child]

: 3

Chances that an American said three weeks after the [Iraq|Iraq] invasion began that the U.S. casualty count was acceptable

: 2 in 3

[Days|Days] after [Italy|Italian] magistrates began investigating [Food|food] conglomerate [Business|Parmalat] last [December|December] that its former [CEO|CEO] was [Policing|jailed]

: 8

Months after the [JusticeDepartment|Justice Department] began investigating [Enron|Enron] in 2001 that an Enron executive was [Prison|jailed]

: 21

[Days|Days] after a columnist outed an undercover [CIA|CIA] officer last year that the [JusticeDepartment|Justice Department] began investigating it

: 74

[Days|Days] after Paul O’Neill criticized the [GeorgeWBush|President] on [Television|TV] in [January|January] that the former treasury secretary came under [JusticeDepartment|investigation]

: 1

Number of the 420 [Democracy|demonstrators] arrested at [Philadelphia|Philadelphia’s] 2000 [RepublicanParty|Republican] National Convention who were convicted

: 23

Number whose cases are still pending

: 9

Percentage of U.S. [Justice|defendants] who require a public defender

: 80

Maximum [Prison|prison] [Justice|sentence] in months for causing the death of a U.S. worker by willfully violating federal safety regulations

: 6

Maximum [Prison|prison] [Justice|sentence] in months for harassing a wild [Animal|burro] on federal lands

: 12

Number of [Monkey|monkeys] fed a nine-course [Cookery|meal] at last year’s [China|Chinese] Banquet for Monkeys in Lopburi, [Thailand|Thailand]

: 3,000

Average number of handstands an adult [Men|male] [Animal|panda] does daily

: 8

Estimated percentage of [Britain|British] [Food|food]-poisoning [Disease|infections] caused by bottled water

: 12

Ratio of the number of [Cow|cows] [France|France] [MadCowDisease|tests] each week to the number the United States has tested in the last decade

: 7:6

Cost of testing each slaughtered U.S. [Cattle|cow] for [MadCowDisease|mad cow disease] per pound of [Food|beef] produced

: 5?

Estimated number of [Doctor|doctors] in [China|China] with experience in treating [AIDS|HIV/AIDS]

: 100

Chance that a resident of [China|China] has [Ignorance|never heard of] [AIDS|AIDS]

: 1 in 5

Weeks required to [Science|create] the second such [Disease|virus] last [Fall|fall]

: 2

Years required for the [Science|creation] in 2002 of the first [Disease|virus] made from scratch with commercially available ingredients

: 3

Average percentage change in the amount of [Sun|sunlight] reaching the Earth per decade between [1960s|1960] and [1990s|1990]

: ???3

Estimated percentage of [Television|television] static that derives from the [Science|Big Bang]

: 1

[Days|Days] after [GeorgeWBush|George W. Bush] announced plans for a [Space|Moon] base that the [Science|Hubble telescope’s] maintenance was discontinued

: 2

Estimated cost to replace Lawrence Livermore [WMD|weapons] laboratory’s locks after master keys were lost last year

: $1,700,000
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