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Percentage by which Dick Gephardt’s $460,000 [Politics|overexpenditure] exceeded the limits for [Iowa|Iowa’s] nomination caucus in [1980s|1988]

: 60

Amount [Corruption|earmarked] by the [HouseOfRepresentatives|House] last [December|December] to create an indoor [Nature|rain forest] in [Iowa|Iowa]

: $50,000,000

Estimated value of [Senate|Senate] majority leader [BillFrist|Bill Frist’s] household’s stake in [HealthCare|HCA], his [Family|family’s] [Medicine|hospital] [Business|chain]

: $26,000,000

Rank of the U.S. [HealthCare|health-care] system among the most efficient in the world, according to the [WHO|World Health Organization]

: 37

Rank of [CostaRica|Costa Rica] and the [UnitedStates|United States] among countries whose citizens live longest

: 18, 19

Percentage of [Mexico|Mexicans] who had a “bad” or “very bad” opinion of the [UnitedStates|United States] in 2000 and 2003, respectively

: 22, 58

Estimated percentage of the 2.9 million U.S. [Employment|jobs] [Globalization|lost] since [March|March] 2001 that have [Economics|not reappeared] abroad

: 83

Number of [Labor|factory] [Employment|jobs] that [China|China] has [Globalization|lost] since [1990s|1995]

: 25,000,000

Percentage of [China|Chinese] [Globalization|exports] to the U.S. accounted for by merchandise [Business|sold] at [WalMart|Wal-Mart]

: 10

Price a [Britain|British] company [Business|charges] for its Purring Kitty software, which converts a mobile [Telephone|phone] into a “discreet massager”

: $2.65

Percentage of [Japan|Japanese] and [Italy|Italian] [Men|men], respectively, who [Folly|rate] their [Sex|kisses] a 9 or a 10

: 14, 72

Number of [Girl|girls] under age six in [India|India] for every [Boy|boy]

: 0.93

Rank of the death rate for [Women|women] in [Parenting|childbirth] in [Afghanistan|Afghanistan’s] Badakhshan region among the highest ever recorded

: 1

Rank of [Rwanda|Rwanda] among countries with the largest proportion of [Women|women] in their lower [Democracy|legislative] house

: 1

Percentage by which that election’s turnout fell short of the threshold Serbia requires for lawful elections

: 11

Percentage margin by which a [SlobodanMilosevic|Milosevic-supported] candidate won [Serbia|Serbia’s] [Democracy|presidential] election last [November|November]

: 12

Ratio of 2004 [GeorgeWBush|Bush] campaign [Corruption|donations] from [Business|Merrill Lynch] [Jobs|employees] to those from Bechtel employees

: 60:1

Minimum price a [Russia|Russian] company charges to [Business|provide] an alibi for an [Adultery|adulterer’s] absence

: $34

Percentage by which [HealthCare|health-care] spending by an [Obesity|obese] American exceeds that by an American of normal weight

: 36

Percentage by which [HealthCare|health-care] spending by a daily [Drugs|smoker] exceeds that by a non[Tobacco|smoker]

: 21

Number of a [Texas|Texas] [Child|toddler’s] burned fingers amputated in [1990s|1992] after she was left in a [Driving|car] with her [Motherhood|mother’s] lit [Drugs|cigarette]

: 9.5

[Justice|Settlement] [Business|Philip Morris] paid the [Girl|girl’s] [Family|family] last [May|May]

: $2,000,000

Percentage of lawsuits decided last year under the Americans with Disabilities Act that were [Justice|won] by [Jobs|employers]

: 94.5

Number of disabled [California|Californians] whose home aid Governor [ArnoldSchwarzenegger|Arnold Schwarzenegger] plans to eliminate

: 65,000

Average number of years before reaching the White House that a twentieth-century [USPresident|U.S. president] won his first [Democracy|elected] post

: 14

Percentage points by which [RonaldReagan|Ronald Reagan’s] approval rating changed in [1980s|1983]

: +17

Percentage points by which [GeorgeWBush|George W. Bush’s] rating changed last year

: 0

Percentage of the [Democracy|vote] in last [November|November’s] New Haven, [Connecticut|Connecticut], mayoral race won by the Guilty Party candidate

: 15

Roll of the dice with which a [Utah|Utah] mayor won [Democracy|reelection] after a tied vote last [November|November]

: 4, 1

Percentage increase since [1990s|1999] in U.S. households in which there was [Hunger|hunger] due to [Poverty|poverty] during the year

: 22

Number of times a [Folly|Hummer H2] could be [Driving|driven] around the world on the [Obesity|excess calories] Americans consume each year

: 244

Calories of fuel [Energy|energy] used in [1970s|1974] per calorie of [Food|food] produced

: 1

Calories of fuel [Energy|energy] used by U.S. [Agriculture|farms] in [1940s|1940] per calorie of [Food|food] produced

: 0.4

Percentage of this accounted for by [Technology|disposable batteries]

: 26

Pounds of gear carried by a U.S. Special Operations [Business|soldier] in [Iraq|Iraq]

: 135

Ratio of [SuicideBombing|suicide bomb] attacks carried out by [Palestine|Palestinians] to those carried out by [SriLanka|Sri Lanka’s] Tamil Tigers since [1980s|1987]

: 3:4

Ratio of the number of bias [Crime|crimes] against [Judaism|Jews] to those against [Islam|Muslims] reported in the U.S. in 2002

: 6:1

Percentage change between 2001 and 2002 in [SaudiArabia|Saudi Arabia’s] [PublicRelations|PR] spending in the [UnitedStates|United States]

: +1,700

Amount [BillGates|Bill Gates] has pledged to fight [Disease|malaria] through 2008, expressed as a percentage of USAID spending since [1990s|1998]

: 86

Months before [GeorgeWBush|Bush] signed the [HealthCare|Medicare] bill in [December|December] that the [NewYorkTimes|New York Times] last mentioned [BillFrist|Frist’s] holdings

: 4
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