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Number of press conferences at which [GeorgeWBush|President Bush] has referred to a question as a “trick”

: 11

Number of [NewYorkTimes|New York Times] articles about [PublicRelations|Pfc. Jessica Lynch] that were written by [Mendacity|Jayson Blair]

: 7

Factor by which a U.S. [GulfWar|Gulf War] [Veterans|veteran] is more likely to develop Lou Gehrig’s [Disease|disease] than an average American

: 2

Reward offered by the [Pentagon|U.S. military] to any [Iraq|Iraqi] who turns in a hand-held launcher and [Missile|missile]

: $500

Amount such a [Weapons|weapon] can reportedly fetch on the international [Business|black market]

: $5,000

Ratio of the number of words in the last State of the Union [GeorgeWBush|address] to those in [GeorgeWashington|George Washington’s] first

: 5:1

[Days|Days] in [1970s|1970] that northern [Alaska|Alaska] was [GlobalWarming|cold enough] to operate [Oil|oil]-drilling machinery without damaging the tundra

: 213

Inches by which the [France|Eiffel Tower] shrinks in [Winter|winter]

: 6

[Days|Days] in 2002 that [Alaska|it] was [GlobalWarming|cold] enough

: 106

Rank of [Oil|oil] exports and [Money|money] sent home by U.S. [Immigration|immigrants], respectively, among [Mexico|Mexico’s] largest sources of income

: 1,2

Number of political candidates [Murder|murdered] during [Colombia|Colombia’s] regional [Democracy|election] campaigns last year

: 26

Percentage approval rating of [Peru|Peruvian] president Alejandro Toledo last [July|July]

: 11

Amount by which 2004 campaign [Democracy|contributions] to Lyndon LaRouche had exceeded those to Wesley Clark last [Fall|fall]

: $1,900,000

Chance that an American believes a “major” third [Democracy|political party] is needed

: 2 in 5

Minimum number of [Democracy|political parties] registered in the United States

: 46

Number of them represented in [California|California’s] gubernatorial [Democracy|race] last year

: 6

Ratio of the first month’s sales of the new [Elvis|Elvis] 2nd to None album to those of the last album released in Presley’s lifetime

: 3:1

Minimum amount [Sport|boxer] Mike Tyson earned in the nine years before filing for [Bankruptcy|bankruptcy] last [August|August]

: $300,000,000

Price of a dozen action figures of one’s [Vanity|self], prototype included

: [Folly|$889.45]

Rank of [Vanity|rhinoplasty] and liposuction among the most common [Vanity|plastic] [Medicine|surgeries] performed on [Men|men] in the U.S.

: 1,2

Rank of rhinoplasty and [Vanity|penile enlargement] among those most commonly [Medicine|performed] on [Men|men] in the [Britain|U.K.]

: 2, 1

Percentage of Americans over the age of 27 who [Abortion|do]

: 34

Number of U.S. states enrolled in the [JusticeDepartment|Justice] Department’s Multistate Anti-[Terrorism|Terrorism] Exchange, or MATRIX, in 2002

: 13

Number that have since dropped out or refused to provide DMV records

: 5

Months after a data firm was hired to run MATRIX that its [CEO|CEO] resigned, admitting to past [Drugs|drug] [Business|smuggling]

: 18

Estimated percentage of [Afghanistan|Afghanistan’s] [Economics|GDP] last year accounted for by [Heroin|opium] exports

: 39

Ratio of the U.S. spending on [Iraq|Iraq] approved last [November|November] to total [AIDS|AIDS] spending in [DevelopingNations|developing countries] last year

: 18:1

Percentage of new [AIDS|HIV] infections worldwide accounted for by people under the age of 25

: 58

Percentage of Americans who say they would prefer a universal [HealthCare|health-care] system to the current one

: 62

Percentage of Americans between the ages of 15 and 22 who favor [Abortion|abortion] restrictions

: 44

Percentage [GlobalWarming|change] in the thickness of the [Arctic|Arctic] [Ice|ice] pack since the [1960s|1960s]

: ???40

Estimated number of times a one-year-old was bitten by his peers at a [Croatia|Croatian] [Education|day-care center] one morning last [Fall|fall]

: 30

Percentage change since [1990s|1994] in the annual budget of the [UnitedNations|U.N.’s] Balkan war-[Crime|crimes] tribunal

: +780

Estimated number of people currently imprisoned in [Uzbekistan|Uzbekistan] for their [Religion|religious] or political beliefs

: 6,500

Percentage increase in [USMilitary|U.S. military] aid to [Uzbekistan|Uzbekistan] since 2001

: 1,800

Estimated number of Americans who refuse to pay some or all of their federal income [Taxes|taxes] to protest [War|military spending]

: 2,000

[Days|Days] that the [NewYorkCity|NYPD] suspended a cop without pay last [Winter|winter] for refusing to [Policing|arrest] a [Men|man] for sleeping in a parking lot

: 30

[Days|Days] of below-freezing [Weather|weather] last [Winter|winter] in Hell, [Michigan|Michigan]

: 86
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