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Number of new [Labor|government jobs] created since 2000

: 721,000

Chance that a civilian federal worker is [Jobs|employed] by the [HomelandSecurity|Department of Homeland Security]

: 1 in 12

Rank of 2002 among fiscal years since [1980s|1980] in which the fewest [Immigration|refugees] entered the United States

: 1

Number of [Immigration|refugees] the United States accepted in the last year, expressed as a percentage of the legal maximum

: 40

Percentage change since last year in the annual U.S. cap on such visas

: ???66

Percentage change last year in the number of applications for the most common U.S. [Labor|professional-worker] visas

: ???40

Date on which [ArnoldSchwarzenegger|Arnold Schwarzenegger] met with [Enron|Enron] [CEO|CEO] Kenneth Lay to discuss [California|California’s] energy policy

: 5/17/01

Chance that a mention of [BillClinton|Clinton] was made by Wesley Clark

: 0

used the [Language|word] “jobs‚” in their first four debates after [Labor|Labor Day]

: 111

Average percentage of Americans asked to participate in [Polling|Gallup polls] who do

: 40

Number of citizen reports on file at the [NorthAmerica|North American] Reporting Center for [Animal|Amphibian Malformations]

: 2,240

Average number of gallons of blood spilled to produce one [Fashion|mink coat]

: 1.65

Percentage change since last year in the number of U.S. [Wealth|millionaires]

: ???3

Percentage change since 2001 in the number of U.S. families in [Poverty|poverty]

: +6

Amount by which the number of U.S. [Death|deaths] in 2000 from lack of [Insurance|medical insurance] exceeded those from [AIDS|AIDS]

: 967

Factor by which [Medicine|antibiotic] treatment before the age of 6 months increases the chance of developing asthma by age 7

: 2.6

Average price paid per metric ton last [September|September] at the first U.S. auction of [Pollution|carbon-emission] allowances

: 98?

Factor by which the average price paid on [Europe|Europe]’s open market exceeds this

: 11

Percentage change in the price of a share of [Education|Edison Schools] stock since [February|February] 2001

: ???95

Number of [NewYorkCity|New York City] eighth-graders deemed “proficient‚” on last year’s end-of-[Summer|summer]-school reading exam

: 0

Percentage of those who took the test who were promoted to the ninth grade

: 78

Number of candidates who ran for a school-board seat in the South [Mississippi|Mississippi] County School District last [Fall|fall]

: 1

Percentage of [Iraq|Baghdad’s] citizens asked to participate in a [Polling|Gallup poll] last [September|September] who agreed to do so

: 98

Percentage of [Iraq|Iraq’s] [Urban|urban] areas with access to potable water a year ago and today, respectively

: 92, 60

Average number of [Iraq|Iraqi] civilians [Death|killed] by [Gun|gunfire] in [Baghdad|Baghdad] each day last [August|August]

: 17

Average number [Death|killed]

: 1.6

Average number of [Army|U.S. soldiers] wounded in [Iraq|Iraq] each day since the invasion began

: 9.2

Percentage change since [1990s|1999] in the number of desertions from the [Army|U.S. Army]

: +36

Percentage change between 2001 and 2002 in [Toy|G.I. Joe] sales

: +46

Estimated number of [Mendacity|artificial] [Christmas|Christmas] [Trees|trees] displayed in [Housing|U.S. homes] each year for every real one

: 2.6

Spending Winston Churchill approved in [1940s|1943] to research [Folly|making an aircraft carrier] out of [Ice|ice] and wood pulp

: $136,000

[Days|Days] after a [1960s|1961] meeting with Khrushchev that [JohnFKennedy|President Kennedy] leaked claims of U.S. [Nuclear|nuclear]-[Missile|missile] superiority

: 29

Year in which a [Terrorism|terrorist] threat against “[Holiday|S. Claus],‚” the “Prime Minister‚” of the [NorthPole|North Pole], was declassified by the [CIA|CIA]

: 1997

Percentage of U.S. [Islam|Muslims] who said in 2000 that they would vote for [GeorgeWBush|George Bush]

: 40
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