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[Seconds|Seconds] it took a [Maryland|Maryland] consultant last [Winter|winter] to pick a Diebold [Democracy|voting machine’s] lock and remove its memory card

: 10

Annual spending on the Marshall Plan, per [Europe|European] it was meant to serve

: $96.45

Average amount an American spent on [Drugs|pharmaceuticals] in 2002

: $202.81

Ratio of U.S. and [Canada|Canadian] spending on [Drugs|pharmaceuticals] last year to the amount the rest of the world spent

: 31:32

Percentage of his salary [Minnesota|Minnesota] senator Mark Dayton spends on bus trips for seniors buying [Drugs|drugs] in [Canada|Canada]

: 100

Percentage increase in the SBA’s travel budget requested by the [Caucasian|White] House last year

: 107

Number of [Days|days] this year that the Small [Business|Business] Administration’s largest loan program shut down for lack of funds

: 8

Number of publications on [Feminism|women’s rights] that the Labor Department has removed from its [Internet|website] since [1990s|1999]

: 25

Percentage change between 2001 and 2002 in the number of [Labor|Teamster] officials earning six-figure salaries

: +20

Estimated percentage of U.S. [Business|corporations] that paid no federal [Taxes|taxes] between [1990s|1996] and 2000

: 61

Number of U.S. [Business|companies] whose applications for such [Insurance|insurance] are pending

: 34

Ratio of [Death|deaths] of U.S. [Business|contractors] worldwide in the last three months to those between [April|April] and [September|September] last year

: 2:1

Value of the “political risk [Insurance|insurance]” that the U.S. government is providing two private [Business|investors] in [Iraq|Iraq]

: $30,000,000

Weeks the [Freedom|Patriot Act] allowed the government this year to delay the [ACLU|ACLU’s] announcement of a suit over the Act itself

: 3

Number of U.S. states where a shift of no more than three seats this [Fall|fall] could change [Democracy|party control] of a legislative chamber

: 23

Percentage of U.S. state legislative seats that [DemocraticParty|Democrats] controlled in [1980s|1980] and today, respectively

: 60, 50

Last year in which [Death|deaths] due to [Terrorism|terrorism] in [Israel|Israel] and the [Palestine|Occupied Territories] exceeded those in [Kashmir|Kashmir]

: 2001

Percentage of [Death|deaths] due to [Terrorism|terrorism] last year that took place in [Asia|South Asia]

: 49

Percentage change since 2002 in the annual number of attacks by [Piracy|pirates] on ships worldwide

: +20

Estimated number of [Gun|guns] that the U.S.-led force in [Haiti|Haiti] has confiscated since Aristide’s departure last [February|February]

: 100

[Haiti|] Months it took [UnitedStates|the force] to start a program offering cash for tips leading to [Weapons|weapons] seizures

: 2

Last year in which [France|French frogs] were served at the Brotherhood of the [Frog|Frog] Thigh Tasters’ annual fair in Vittel, France

: 1977

Number of [Sweets|fried chocolate sandwiches] served at a [Britain|British] hotel chain in [April|April] after their debut

: 1,256

Average inches by which an [UnitedStates|American] [Men|man’s] height falls short of a [Britain|British] man’s today

: 0.4

Average inches by which a [Britain|British] [Men|man’s] height fell short of an [UnitedStates|American] man’s in the eighteenth century

: 3.1

Years after symptoms of his deranging [Genetics|genetic disorder] appeared that King George III held the throne in [Britain|England]

: 56

[Days|Days] after [McDonalds|McDonald’s] [CEO|CEO] died of a [Heart|heart] attack last [April|April] that the firm’s ex-CEO for [Japan|Japan] did the same

: 2

Ratio of ambient fine-particle [Pollution|emissions] from [Gasoline|gasoline]-powered vehicles to those from cooking [Meat|meat] in [Houston|Houston] in [Summer|summer]

: 5:4

Average number of “[Tobacco|smoking incidents]” per hour in major U.S. [Cinema|films] in [1950s|1950] and 2002, respectively

: 10.7, 10.9

Percentage by which average earnings of a major U.S. [Cinema|film] with [Sex|no sex] in 2003 exceeded those of one with [Entertainment|graphic sex]

: 120

Percentage change in Mattel’s first-quarter earnings last [Winter|winter], when [Toy|Barbie] and Ken’s “break-up” was announced

: ???73

Number of individual “songs” for sale in Apple’s iTunes Music Store that consist of utter [Music|silence]

: 17

Price of a [Censorship|bleepinator], a device for [Television|TV] broadcasters that “surgically removes indecent words and phrases”

: $9,995

Amount [NBC|NBC’s] [Parenting|parent] company, General Electric, stands to earn from [Iraq|Iraq’s] [Corruption|reconstruction]

: $600,000,000

Number of times after [Prison|prison]-abuse photos aired in [April|April] that the President boasted of freeing [Iraq|Iraq] of [Torture|torture] chambers

: 13

Amount the U.S. spent partially reconstructing it

: $1,900,000

Minimum portion of [Iraq|Iraq’s] [Torture|Abu Ghraib] [Prison|prison] destroyed by [May|May] 2003

: 4/5

Minimum number of [Prison|prisoners] under the age of 17 or over the age of 70 held by coalition forces in [Iraq|Iraq] last [April|April]

: 79

Amount the United States allocated this year for [Iraq|Iraq’s] reconstruction, per Iraqi

: $727.27
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