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Percentage change since 2001 in applications from U.S. [Judaism|Jews] under this provision

: +168

Percentage of Americans aged 18 to 29 who speak to their [Child|parents] every day

: 48

Number of [Child|preteen] “secret agents‚” in the [Girl|Girls] Intelligence Agency, a market-research firm

: 16,000

Average age of a [California|Bay Area] career-day audience this year to which a speaker touted [Sex|stripping] as a profession

: 13

Extra amount that he said a [Sex|stripper] earns for “every two inches up there‚”

: $50,000

Number of [Canada|Canadian] work permits granted since [1990s|1998] to stem a labor shortage in “exotic dancing‚”

: 2,000

Length, in miles, of a rubber hose used until last [Fall|fall] to smuggle [Vodka|vodka] from [Belarus|Belarus] to [Lithuania|Lithuania]

: 2

Number of prime ministers of Baltic states since [1990s|1990] who have finished a full term

: 0

Back [Taxes|taxes] on [AdolfHitler|Mein Kampf] sales owed by Adolf Hitler while chancellor in [1930s|1934]

: $11,500,000

Year in which [Germany|Germany] offered “right of return‚” to [Judaism|Jews] persecuted there

: 1949

Average percentage of its [Food|food] that an American household wastes

: 14

Estimated number of visitors each week to the grave of [HarryPotter|Harry Potter], a [Britain|Briton] buried in [Israel|Israel] in [1930s|1939]

: 45

Ratio of ultra-Orthodox jaywalkers in [Israel|Israel] to secular jaywalkers

: 3:1

Percentage of born-again U.S. [Christianity|Christians] who have been [Divorce|divorced]

: 35

Percentage of other Americans who have been

: 35

Chances that the [Divorce|divorce] of a born-again [Christianity|Christian] happened after he or she accepted [JesusChrist|Christ]

: 9 in 10

Estimated number of [Age|young] [Christianity|Christians] in [1990s|1995] who had pledged to wait until [Marriage|marriage] for [Sex|sex]

: 2,500,000

Price a [California|California] company charges for a chain-[PostalService|mail] [Sex|condom]

: $75

Percentage of [Mexico|Mexico] City residents who have

: 23

Total [SeniorCitizen|pension] costs of the company per [Transportation|vehicle] it produces

: $675

Percentage of [SocialSecurity|Social Security] contributions that go toward administrative costs

: 0.6

Average percentage of contributions to [Britain|Britain’s] privatized [SeniorCitizen|pension] system that do

: 30

Number of the 701 arrests under [Britain|Britain’s] [Terrorism|Terrorism] Act since 2001 that have led to conviction

: 17

Number of U.S. residents convicted of [Terrorism|“international terrorism‚”] between [Fall|fall] 2001 and fall 2003

: 184

Date on which USA Today added [Cuba|Guantanamo] to its [Weather|weather] map

: 1/3/05

Percentage of U.S.-born [Mexico|Mexican] Americans who have suffered from some [Psychiatry|psychological] disorder

: 48

Percentage of [Mexico|Mexican] [Immigration|immigrants] who have

: 29

Ratio of active workers at [GeneralMotors|General Motors] to retirees on its [SeniorCitizen|pension] rolls

: 2:5

Rank of [Colombia|Colombia’s] [Economics|stock exchange] among the best performers tracked by The Economist last year

: 1

Rank of [China|China’s] among the worst

: 1

Rank of [China|China] among nations where world [Business|business] leaders say they are “most confident‚” to invest this year

: 1

Number of private [AirTravel|jets] in [China|China]

: 2

Maximum [Fashion|hair length] for [NorthKorea|North Korean] [Men|men], in centimeters, as prescribed by state [Media|media]

: 5

Extra centimeters allowed [Men|men] over 50, for [Vanity|covering] baldness

: 2

Amount a [Nebraska|Nebraska] [Men|man] made this year by auctioning his forehead to [Advertising|advertisers]

: $37,375

Price of an original [Art|Picasso] drawing [Business|sold] in [January|January] on

: $39,999.99
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