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Estimated percentage that were subsequently [Murder|foamed to death]

: 100

Ratio of the number of [Computer|computer] viruses targeting [Microsoft|Microsoft] Windows–based computers to those that target Macs

: 1,000:1

Minimum number of songs [Business|sold] on Apple’s online music store that consist entirely of silence

: 291

Year that testimony to [Chile|Chile]’s [Torture|torture] commission last year can be divulged or used in court

: 2054

Number of times [Italy|Italy]’s judges have gone on strike since 2001

: 3

Minimum number of [Days|days] that a [Florida|Florida] couple picketed their home in [December|December] to get their [Child|children] to do more chores

: 17

Amount that the U.S. [Marriage|wedding] industry would gain each year if [Homosexuality|gays] wed at the same rate as straights

: $17,000,000,000

Amount that U.S. [Divorce|divorce] [Lawyer|attorneys] would gain if [Homosexuality|gays] also divorced at the same rate

: $1,900,000,000

Number of [Homosexuality|homosexual] [Penguin|penguins] found in [Japan|Japan]’s aquariums and zoos last year

: 46

Number of live [Insect|bees] spilled onto a [LasVegas|Las Vegas] [Driving|highway] in [December|December]

: 22,400,000

Year projected by the trustees in 2004

: 2042

Minimum number of [Snake|snakes] living in captivity in [Ireland|Ireland]

: 2,000

Number of Americans who called poison-control centers in 2003 to report rodenticide exposure

: 18,545

Chances that an [FDA|FDA] [Science|scientist] lacks confidence in the agency’s ability to monitor the safety of current drugs

: 2 in 3

Average number of years by which a 2004 study found the cells of chronically stressed [Women|women] to have prematurely aged

: 13

Microseconds by which [December|December]’s [IndianOcean|Indian Ocean] [Disaster|earthquake] permanently shortened the length of a day

: 3

Chance that a [Disaster|tsunami] will hit the U.S. [PacificOcean|Pacific] Northwest in the next thirty years

: 1 in 10

[Days|Days] after Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston separated in [January|January] that an Us Weekly executive called the story “our [Disaster|tsunami]‚”

: 4

Number of [Trees|saplings] that Pitt paid to have planted in [Bhutan|Bhutan] last year to counteract his personal [Pollution|CO2 production]

: 1,700

Number of [Vanity|plastic surgeries] undergone by the winner of last year’s “Miss [Mendacity|Artificial Beauty]‚” pageant in [China|China]

: 4

Number of Web postings [Polling|surveyed] in 2003 and 2004 by the “Global Hatred Index‚”

: 2,000,000

Year that the [SocialSecurity|Social Security] trustees in [1990s|1994] projected the program would no longer be able to pay out full benefits

: 2029

Amount to which a [California|San Diego] defense analyst’s payments to [SocialSecurity|Social Security] had appreciated when he retired in [1990s|1994]

: $261,372

Amount to which he calculated they would have grown if he had invested in a [DowJones|Dow Jones] index fund instead

: $248,166

Estimated total federal assistance for which [WalMart|Wal-Mart] [Jobs|employees] were eligible last year

: $2,500,000,000

Percentage of [Music|songs] on Billboard’s [Entertainment|Top 20 list] during 2004 whose lyrics mention at least one brand name

: 40

Percentage that mention [Firearms|weaponry]

: 50

U.S. troops] in [Iraq|Iraq] to the number of Iraqi resisters, as estimated by Iraq’s new director of intelligence

: 3:4

Size of cash “gifts‚” given to reporters by Iyad Allawi’s party in [January|January]

: $100

Percentage of [Britain|Britons] who say their neighborhood would disapprove if more [Iraq|Iraqi] [Immigration|immigrants] moved in

: 64

Percentage who say this about [AfricanAmerican|black] [Immigration|immigrants] from [Africa|Africa]

: 43

Portion of the land normally cultivated in [Darfur|Darfur], [Sudan|Sudan], that went unplanted last year

: 1/2

Minimum percentage of [Darfur|Darfuris] expected to require emergency [Food|food] assistance this month

: 39

Number of new [Doctor|doctors] sub-Saharan [Africa|Africa] would need for its per-capita number to match America’s

: 3,900,000

Number of new [Doctor|doctors] produced by sub-Saharan [Africa|Africa]’s universities each year

: 4,000

Number of [Africa|African] nations that have trade deals with [China|China]

: 41

Amount that [Egypt|Egypt] owes the United States in unpaid parking tickets

: $1,700,000

Percentage that Libyan [Nuclear|nuclear] compliance “contributed‚” to [GeorgeWBush|President Bush]’s reelection, according to Muammar Qaddafi

: 50

Percentage that were found to contain some degree of anti-Americanism

: 35

Number undergone by the runner-up

: 10
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