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[Economics|Percentage change] as valued in [Europe|euros]

: ???8

Price a [WashingtonDC|D.C.] hotel charges for its [Folly|”Presidential Privilege 2005″] inauguration package, which includes a [Murder|mink coat]

: $200,500

Number of [Ohio|Ohio] counties besides Clark that switched from backing [AlGore|Al Gore] in 2000 to backing [GeorgeWBush|President Bush] in 2004

: 0

Number of U.K. Guardian readers who signed up last [Fall|fall] to write [JohnKerry|pro-Kerry] letters to voters in Clark County, [Ohio|Ohio]

: 14,000

Number of [Nicaragua|Nicaragua’s] seventeen regional capitals whose governments are now controlled by the [Sandinista|Sandinistas]

: 14

Rank of the Vlaams Blok, [Belgium|Belgium’s] far-right anti-[Immigration|immigration] party, among the most popular in Flanders

: 1

Number of political parties registered for Iraq’s national elections scheduled for January

: 72

Ratio of the number from [Britain|Britain] to the number from [Italy|Italy], the third-largest contributor

: 3:1

Ratio in [December|December] of the number of [USMilitary|U.S. troops] in [Iraq|Iraq] to the number from [Britain|Britain], the second-largest contributor

: 16:1

Number of these devices the U.S. [Army|Army] plans to deploy in [Iraq|Iraq] this [Spring|spring]

: 18

Cost of “The Sword,” an unmanned [Army|robo-soldier] equipped with a [Firearms|rifle], machine [Gun|gun], or rocket launcher

: $230,000

Amount that makers of the [Entertainment|video game] [JohnFKennedy|JFK Reloaded] will pay the player who best replicates the [Murder|murder] of Kennedy

: $100,000

Number of copies of Helping Your [Child|Child] Learn History destroyed by the Department of [Education|Education] last [Summer|summer]

: 338,500

Number of [AfricanAmerican|black] U.S. [Senate|senators] during the entire 1800s, the entire [1900s|1900s], and today, respectively

: 2, 2, 1

Estimated change since [1990s|1999] in the number of [CivilRights|civil-rights] complaints reported to the [JusticeDepartment|Justice Department]

: 0

Percentage change since then in the number of [CivilRights|civil-rights] [Justice|criminal] charges brought by the department

: ???47

[Economics|Percentage change] since [March|March] 2002 in total U.S. [Business|corporate profits], as valued in dollars

: +39

Chances of a [UnitedStates|U.S.]”[Economics|currency crisis]” within five years, according to former Federal Reserve chief Paul Volcker

: 3 in 4

Number of [Economics|free-trade] agreements between [DevelopingNations|developing nations] and developed nations in [1990s|1990] and today, respectively

: 23, 109

Projected change in [Economics|world income] over fifteen years if all [DevelopingNations|developing nations] were to enter such deals today

: +$112,000,000,000

Projected change, in this scenario, in the [Economics|total income] of [DevelopingNations|developing nations]

: ???$21,500,000,000

Estimated percentage by which the number of [Transportation|automobiles] made in [Canada|Ontario] last year exceeded the number made in [Detroit|Detroit]

: 4

Rank of the [UnitedStates|United States] among the largest world exporters of [Drugs|cigarettes]

: 1

Rank of the [UnitedStates|United States] among nations that consume the most [Folly|cigarettes] per capita

: 16

Number of U.S. states where [Women|women] seeking [Abortion|abortions] are required to be told that abortion increases the risk of [Cancer|breast cancer]

: 3

Number of the eighty-nine experts convened in 2003 by the National [Cancer|Cancer] Institute who found any evidence of such a link

: 1

Year by which the median full-time wage of a [UnitedStates|U.S.] [Feminism|woman] will equal that of a U.S. [Men|man], based on current trends

: 2050

Page on which the [Media|Gainesville Sun] ran the story

: A1

Bail set in [December|December] for a Gainesville, [Florida|Florida], [Men|man] accused of biting a [Dog|dog]

: $25,000

Number of [Foxes|foxes] eaten by a [Britain|British] [Entertainment|performance artist] to protest the protests of the proposed ban

: 2

Number of [Britain|Britons] who have signed a declaration stating they will disobey any ban on [Foxes|fox] hunting

: 50,000

Percentage of these friends who are [Animal|animals]

: 41

Percentage of [Child|children] who by age seven have had at least one [Mendacity|imaginary] friend

: 65

Estimated amount each member is owed

: ?150

Number of [Child|children’s] choir members from [Entertainment|Pink Floyd’s] [1970s|1979] hit “Another Brick in the Wall” who are now seeking royalties

: 1

Ratio last year of the amount spent declassifying former U.S. [Security|secrets] to the amount spent safeguarding others

: 1:120

Minimum damages sought by a builder last [Fall|fall] against a [Housing|homeowner] who had broken the rule

: $15,000

Estimated number of [Florida|Florida] [Housing|homeowners] who signed contracts last year forbidding them to complain about their homes

: 4,000

Average cost to live them out in an assisted-living facility

: $228,075

Average total cost for a U.S. eighty-year-old to live out the rest of his or her [Days|days] on a [Wealth|luxury] [Transportation|cruise ship]

: $230,497
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