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Average amount spent during the second term of the [BillClinton|Clinton] Administration

: $32,000,000

Amount the [HomelandSecurity|Department of Homeland Security] will spend this year directing research at [College|U.S. universities]

: $45,000,000

Percentage of U.S. high-school [Student|students] [Ignorance|who believe] news stories should require “government approval‚” before publication

: 36

Percentage of owners of private [Business|businesses] in [China|China] who are members of the Communist Party

: 34

Percentage of all adults in [China|China] who are

: 5

Average number of [EastGermany|East Germans] who died each year trying to cross to [WestGermany|West Germany]

: 18

Average amount the [GeorgeWBush|Bush] Administration has spent per year on [Corruption|contracts] with P.R. firms

: $62,500,000

Minimum number of miles that a private [AirTravel|jet] has been flown to take U.S. terror suspects to “rendition‚” abroad

: 302,000

Number of nights each week that a [Boise|Boise] strip club now distributes sketch pads and pencils

: 2

[AirTravel|Round-trips] from [WashingtonDC|D.C.] to [Iran|Tehran] that this many frequent-flyer miles on [AmericanAirlines|American Airlines] will buy

: 4

Average self-esteem of a U.S. [Teenager|teenager], as measured by sociologists on a scale of 0 to 10

: 7.6

Average self-esteem of a [Baghdad|Baghdad] [Teenager|teenager]

: 7.9

Number of “certified [Comedy|laughter] leaders‚” [Jobs|employed] by the [Army|U.S. Army] to help families of reservists

: 20

Minimum number of [Comedy|laughter] clubs in [India|India]

: 381

Number of [NewYorkCity|New York] stand-up comedians who formed a [Labor|union] in [December|December]

: 300

Percentage of [Jobs|employers] that require at least one of these meetings to be one-on-one

: 78

Percentage in [1950s|1950] of U.S. [Men|men] [SeniorCitizen|over 65] who were in the [Labor|workforce]

: 46

Minimum age at which [Massachusetts|Massachusetts] allows [Boy|boys] to marry, with [Parenting|parental] permission

: 14

Percentage of [Philippines|Filipino] couples who “do not know how [Sex|pregnancy] happens,‚” according to the country’s health minister

: 30

Gallons of human [Breast|breast] [Milk|milk] dispensed last year by milk [Banking|banks] in [NorthAmerica|North America]

: 4,438

Year that [Boise|Boise], [Idaho|Idaho], banned full nudity in public unless it had “serious artistic merit‚”

: 2001

Number of [Women|female] [Army|U.S. soldiers] disciplined this year for mud-[Wrestling|wrestling] at an [Iraq|Iraqi] [Prison|prison] camp

: 2

Number of U.S. [Media|newspapers] with a full-time reporter in [Afghanistan|Afghanistan]

: 2

Number of full-time reporters for [Baseball|ESPN] who are covering only [Corruption|Barry Bonds]

: 1

Percentage by which this exceeds the seating capacity of [Baseball|Wrigley Field]

: 14

Minimum number of [Cow|cows] whose skins are used each year for Major League [Baseball|baseballs]

: 45,000

Average price of a Grāpple, a [Washington|Washington State] [Fruit|apple] made with [Science|artificial] grape flavoring

: $1.25

Percentage change since [1920s|1920] in the number of [Caucasian|white] and [AfricanAmerican|black] U.S. [Agriculture|farmers], respectively

: ???62, ???97

Chance that a U.S. adult thinks a “conservative‚” is someone who supports affirmative action

: 1 in 4

Minimum number of U.S. adults who think [GeorgeWBush|Bush] is “liberal‚” or “very liberal‚”

: 11,800,000

Percentage of [RepublicanParty|Republicans] who say they would vote for [GeorgeWBush|Bush] over [GeorgeWashington|George Washington]

: 62

Percentage who say he is a “divider‚”

: 49

Percentage of Americans who say [GeorgeWBush|Bush] is a “uniter‚”

: 49

Ratio in America of [Housing|mobile homes] to homes in gated communities

: 1:1

Number of the top-ten states for [Bankruptcy|bankruptcy] filings per capita that voted for [GeorgeWBush|President Bush]

: 10

Minimum number of [Midwest|Midwestern] towns offering free land to new residents

: 18

Average number of [Mexico|Mexicans] who have died each year since 2000 trying to cross to the United States

: 407
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