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Percentage that were responded to

: 0.5

Number in which the government ruled in favor of the [WhistleBlower|whistleblower]

: 17

Estimated number of professional “union-avoidance consultants‚” currently working in the United States

: 2,000

Percentage change since [1970s|1977] in the size of the U.S. labor force

: +61

Percentage change since then in the number of federal wage and hour inspectors

: ???21

Average value of defense [Corruption|contracts] that each [Pentagon|Pentagon] auditor was responsible for vetting in 2007

: $2,030,000,000

Average value each auditor vetted ten years ago

: $642,000,000

Date on which Sears began selling an “All American Army‚” [Fashion|clothing] line, with royalties paid to the [USMilitary|U.S. military]

: 9/15/08

Percentage of U.S. [Christmas|Christmas] [Trees|trees] purchased in 2001 and 2007, respectively, that were [Mendacity|artificial]

: 21, 36

Number of [CreditCards|credit-card] solicitations sent to Americans last year

: 5,200,000,000

Number of complaints filed by corporate [WhistleBlower|whistleblowers] with U.S. workplace-safety officials since 2002

: 1,288

Year in which [Cuba|Cuba]’s [Folly|ban] on toasters will be lifted

: 2010

Year by which [Computer|computer] server [Agriculture|farms] worldwide are projected to produce more [GlobalWarming|greenhouse gases] than [AirTravel|air travel]

: 2020

Year by which [NewOrleans|New Orleans] is expected to be rebuilt, at the current pace

: 2028

Number of years that [Internet|Google]’s [CEO|CEO] says it will take the company to achieve its goals

: 300

Number of members in the [Facebook|Facebook] group “I Just HATE [Pakistan|Pakistan]‚”

: 2,973

Number in the group “[Belgium|Belgium] Doesn’t Exist”

: 1,156

Percentage of total [Internet|Internet] site visits in 2004 and today, respectively, that accessed [Pornography|porn]

: 17, 10

Number of U.S. postage stamps printed in [June|June] whose packaging mistakenly listed a [Telephone|phone]-[Sex|sex] number

: 4,000,000

[Telephone|Telephone] number that was printed in place of 1-800-STAMP-24, the number for reordering

: 1-800-TRAMP-24

Percentage by which it exceeds the cost of the entire New Deal

: 33

Factor by which it exceeds the cost of the [1990s|1990] savings-and-loan bailout

: 3

Minimum number of properties the U.S. government was forced to buy as part of the [S&LCrisis|S&L] bailout

: 43,640

Number of churches and athletic clubs, respectively, that this purchase included

: 3, 27

Ratio of the funds U.S. [Banking|banks] paid into the [FDIC|FDIC] last year to those they received in ATM fees

: 1:1

Percentage of Americans who say they live “[Poverty|paycheck to paycheck]‚”

: 47

Percentage of those making over [Wealth|$100,000 per year] who say this

: 21

Percentage of [Business|Fortune 500] companies that own a Web address in which their name is followed by “‚”

: 26

Chance in 2003 that a [Business|Fortune 500] company was based in an emerging-market country

: 1 in 14

Percentage by which the [Corruption|$750 billion bailout] exceeds the total U.S. [GDP|GDP] of a century ago, adjusted for inflation

: 50

Amount a [China|Chinese] investor paid in [June|June] to have [Lunch|lunch] with Warren Buffett

: $2,110,000

Number of appearances that a [Thailand|Thai] prime minister made this year as a [Television|TV] chef

: 4

Amount he was paid, leading to his ouster in [September|September] for receiving outside income

: $2,300

Tons of international [Food|food] aid provided to [Sudan|Sudan] last year

: 548,400

Estimated tons of [Food|food] [Sudan|Sudan] produces and exports to other countries each year

: 534,000

Chance that a person worldwide lacks adequate drinking water due to socioeconomic conditions

: 1 in 6

Estimated portion of all freshwater drawn from U.S. sources each year that is used to cool power plants

: 1/2

Percentage of [Business|Fortune 1000] companies that say a water shortage would be “severe‚” or “catastrophic‚” to their business

: 40

Percentage that say they have made preparations for such a shortage

: 17
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