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Average number of new federal [Crime|crimes] that [Congress|Congress] creates each year

: 56

Date on which the U.S. must leave its only [SouthAmerica|South American] military installation, by order of [Ecuador|Ecuador], its host

: 11/12/09

Date on which Playgirl [Magazine|magazine] will become an online-only publication

: 11/18/08

Amount that Paris Hilton’s [Parenting|parents] have donated to [JohnMcCain|John McCain]’s campaign

: $4,600

Amount the co-founder of the [Homosexuality|gay] dating [Internet|website] [Men|Manhunt] has

: $2,300

Number of registered users on, a site for people who “want to explore the new [Adultery|infidelity]‚”

: 2,540,000

Number of scenes of or references to [Sex|sex] between a [Marriage|married] couple shown during an average week of [NBC|NBC] programming

: 1

Number showing or referencing [Adultery|adultery] or [Sex|sex] with minors, respectively

: 1, 1

Chances that a U.S. [Women|woman] who gives [Child|birth] is [Marriage|unmarried] at the time

: 2 in 5

Minimum number of [Child|children] in the United States who have at least one [Parenting|parent] in the country illegally

: 5,100,000

Portion of U.S. [Housing|subprime mortgage] buyers since 2003 who might have qualified for a prime mortgage

: 3/5

Chance that a 411 call in the United States is handled by a federal [Prison|prisoner]

: 1 in 136

Number of [Marijuana|marijuana] [Plants|plants] found under cultivation inside [Miami|Miami]’s Mall of the Americas in [August|August]

: 360

Average number of [Hours|hours] per week that an American and a [China|Chinese] person, respectively, spend [Shopping|shopping]

: 4, 10

Number of the 77 applications to [FreeSpeech|protest] during the [Beijing|Beijing] [Olympics|Olympics] this [Summer|summer] that were denied

: 1

Number that were withdrawn by the petitioners or suspended for incorrect paperwork

: 76

Number of [SouthKorea|South Koreans] pardoned by the country’s president on [August|August] 15

: 341,864

Total votes cast online last [Fall|fall] to decide which [Thanksgiving|Thanksgiving] [TurkeyBird|turkeys] [GeorgeWBush|President Bush] should pardon

: 27,726

Margin by which U.S. [Dog|dog] owners favor [JohnMcCain|John McCain] over [BarackObama|Barack Obama]

: 43???34

Percentage of Americans in 2006 who were “not at all‚” confident that [GeorgeWBush|President Bush] had won reelection “fair and square‚”

: 32

Estimated value of U.S. economic growth lost due to the [Recession|global credit crisis]

: $2,000,000,000,000

Number of times that speakers at the [RepublicanParty|Republican] National Convention said the word “economy‚”

: 31

Number of times they referred to [GeorgeWBush|President Bush] by name

: 1

Minimum number of reporters who traveled to Wasilla, [Alaska|Alaska], in the two weeks following Sarah Palin’s selection as VP

: 90

Estimated number of votes that [Oprah|Oprah Winfrey’s] endorsement swung to [BarackObama|Barack Obama]’s primary campaign

: 1,015,559

Amount that corporate donors to both conventions have spent lobbying [Congress|Congress] since 2005

: $1,316,151,129

Minimum amount the U.S. government has paid [Corruption|contractors] in [MiddleEast|the Middle East] since 2003

: $8,200,000,000

Total value of federal small-[Business|business] [Corruption|contracts] obtained by [AfricanAmerican|Blackwater] between 2005 and 2007

: $110,000,000

Percentage of former terrorist groups worldwide that stopped operating because of military force used against them

: 7

Percentage that stopped because they had achieved their stated goals

: 10

Percentage of [Afghanistan|Afghans] who say they would support a coalition government that included the [Taliban|Taliban]

: 54

Chances that an [Israel|Israeli] [Arab|Arab] says he or she would rather live in Israel than anywhere else

: 3 in 4

Average number of [Religion|religions] practiced in each world nation

: 32

Estimated number in [PapuaNewGuinea|Papua New Guinea], which has the most

: 648

Percentage of U.S. [Doctor|doctors] who think God has the power to cure a fatally injured patient

: 20

Chance that a U.S. [RepublicanParty|conservative] today believes church leaders should be involved in politics

: 1 in 2

Margin by which Americans would rather watch [Football|football] with [BarackObama|Obama] than with [JohnMcCain|McCain]

: 50???47

Number of free tattoos of [BarackObama|Obama]’s face given out so far by a body artist in Moore, [Oklahoma|Oklahoma]

: 300
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