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Amount the [Pentagon|Defense Department] has lost track of, according to a 2000 report by its inspector general

: $1,100,000,000,000

Amount a judge ordered the Anti-Defamation League to pay in [April|April] for calling a [Colorado|Colorado] couple anti-Semitic

: $10,500,000

Percentage of South Carolinians prosecuted under the state’s “anti-lynching” law since [1990s|1998] who are [AfricanAmerican|black]

: 63

Rank of [Detroit|Detroit] among major U.S. cities whose residents give the largest portion of their income to [Charity|charity]

: 1

Percentage change since last year in the number of U.S. [Christianity|Christian] adults who tithe at least 10 percent of their income

: ???62

Percentage of Americans who say they have “always had [CreditCards|credit card] [Finance|debt]”

: 11

Price paid for the bill

: $18.50

Number of consecutive 7s in the serial number of a $20 bill [Business|sold] on eBay in [April|April]

: 5

Rank of [LasVegas|Las Vegas] among the top destinations of such trips

: 1

Number of industry-funded trips that [FCC|FCC] officials have taken since [1990s|1995]

: 2,514

Number of U.S. commercial sites besides [Disney|Disneyland] and Disney World that have been granted [HomelandSecurity|no-fly]-zone protection

: 0

Rank of [California|California] governor Gray Davis’s approval rating in [May|May] among the lowest in the 55-year history of the state poll

: 1

Number of years [SanFrancisco|San] Francisco has given itself to realize the goal of [GreenEnergy|recycling] all of its trash

: 17

Number of years since [Space|Mars] was as close to Earth as it will be on [August|August] 27

: 50,000

Minimum [Hours|hours] of [Basketball|basketball] required for an 85-pound [Child|child] to burn off the [Diet|calories] from that many [Sweets|candy] bars

: 100

Ratio of [Iran|Iran’s] military budget to the amount spent by the [Pentagon|Pentagon] since last [Fall|fall] for “increased worldwide posture”

: 1:1

This amount to the rest of the world’s military budgets combined

: 2:1

Approximate number of accounting systems in use at the [Pentagon|Defense Department]

: 2,300

Percentage change since 2001 in the median annual [Wealth|compensation] of [CEO|CEOs] of major U.S. defense [Corruption|contractors]

: +79

Change since [March|March] 2001 in the number of working-age Americans who are neither [Labor|working] nor looking for work

: +3,600,000

Number of years that the new increase in the federal [Child|child] [Taxes|tax] credit is scheduled to last

: 1

Number of [Student|students] who have earned Emory University’s joint M.B.A./divinity degree since it was first offered in [1990s|1990]

: 3

Estimated percentage change since 2002 in applications requested for a “[HomelandSecurity|homeland security]” camp in [Pennsylvania|Pennsylvania]

: +100

Number of [Sweets|candy-bar] wrappers that Cadbury’s new [Obesity|anti-obesity] campaign offers to exchange for a [Basketball|basketball]

: 90

Average number of micrograms by which replicas of the international reference-kilogram cylinder now exceed it in mass

: 50

Average amount spent lobbying one

: $130,000

Percentage of pedestrian fatalities on U.S. [Transportation|roadways] last year in which the [Driving|driver] was drunk

: 18

Number of U.S. states where it is legal to [Folly|drive while drinking]

: 3

Ratio of the estimated number of people [Death|killed] worldwide by [War|war] last year to the number killed by [Transportation|traffic]

: 1:4

Ratio of [Afghanistan|Afghanistan] residents to Western peacekeepers there now

: 5,000:1

Ratio of [Kosovo|Kosovo] residents to Western peacekeepers there in [1990s|1999]

: 40:1

Number that were democracies ten years after the withdrawal of U.S. forces

: 4

Number of countries to which the U.S. sent troops between [1900s|1900] and [1990s|1993] for the purpose of establishing [Democracy|democracy]

: 14

Number by [NewYorkTimes|New York Times] reporter Judith Miller

: 1

Number of [Literature|books] by [HenryKissinger|Henry Kissinger] [Science|found] in [Iraq|Iraqi] deputy prime minister Tariq Aziz’s [Wealth|mansion] in [April|April]

: 2

Percentage by which the amount of [Drugs|drugs] [Crime|stolen] by [Guatemala|Guatemalan] [Policing|police] last year exceeded the amount officially seized

: 100

Number of [Entertainment|magicians] who won damages from [Brazil|Brazil’s] largest [Television|TV] network in [May|May] after their tricks were revealed on the air

: 22
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