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Number of the three states that have canceled their 2004 primaries whose legislatures are GOP-controlled

: 3

[Hours|Hours] [FoundingFathers|Alexander Hamilton] spent in 1787 arguing at the [Constitution|Constitutional] Convention that America should have a king

: 5

Number of presidents [Argentina|Argentina] has had in the past two years

: 6

Minimum number of [LatinAmerica|Latin American] residents whose personal data the U.S. government has bought since 2001

: 100,000,000

Minimum number of people reported [Death|killed] by militants in [Congo|Congo] since the beginning of the [Iraq|Iraq] war

: 1,280

Number of [Serbia|Serbian] Orthodox [Religion|churches] burned down since the end of [NATO|NATO’s] [1990s|1999] Operation Allied Force

: 134

Percentage who said it will have been worthwhile even if [Weapons|weapons] of mass destruction are never found

: 60

Percentage who said that the [Iraq|Iraq] war will have been worthwhile even if [SaddamHussein|Saddam Hussein] is never captured or [Death|killed]

: 53

Estimated number of foreign human-rights violators living in the United States

: 1,000

Chance that an American lives full-time in an [Housing|RV]

: 1 in 290

Chance that a human being alive today is a [Refugee|refugee]

: 1 in 318

Percentage by which its sales of [Iraq|Iraqi] [NationalisticIdea|flags] did

: 10,000

Percentage by which a [Britain|British] flag maker’s sales of U.S. [NationalisticIdea|flags] in [March|March] exceeded those a year earlier

: 25

Percentage of Americans who said at the end of [April|April] that their nation commanded less respect abroad than a year ago

: 41

Years by which the 1831 invention of the electric dynamo preceded the first documented use of the word “[Ennui|boredom]”

: 21

Estimated percentage of U.S. workers who were “creative professionals” in [1900s|1900], [1980s|1980], and 2000, respectively

: 10, 19, 30

Weekly wage above which new federal regulations forbid the payment of overtime in [Jobs|jobs] requiring “talent”

: $425

Estimated amount spent on [Sex|lap dances] in [LasVegas|Las Vegas] each year

: $25,000,000

Total [Child|child] support that went unpaid in Clark County, [Nevada|Nevada], in the last year

: $63,100,000

Number of years Neil Bush was [Marriage|married] before asking his wife for a [Divorce|divorce] via [Internet|email] last [Summer|summer]

: 22

Percentage of [Marriage|married] U.S. couples that are raising [Child|children]

: 46

Percentage of unmarried, cohabiting U.S. couples that are

: 41

Vote in [April|April] by which the [NorthDakota|North Dakota] [Senate|Senate] upheld the state’s 1890 ban on cohabitation by unmarried couples

: 26-21

Number of American states that have [Folly|revoked] helmet requirements for adult [Motorcycle|motorcycle] riders since [1970s|1975]

: 30

Ratio of [NewYorkCity|New York City’s] minimum fine for [Tobacco|smoking] tobacco in a bar to its minimum fine for possessing [Drugs|marijuana]

: 2:1

Number of [GratefulDead|Grateful Dead] concerts attended by columnist [Mendacity|Ann Coulter]

: 67

Estimated percentage by which the [Sun|sun’s] [Radiation|radiation] has increased since [1980s|1980]

: 0.1

Estimated number of tons of ocean salt spray that enter Earth’s atmosphere each second

: 115

Gallons of water that Boulder, [Colorado|Colorado], saved last year through a water-conservation program

: 1,000,000,000

Minimum number of [Housing|U.S. homes] or properties seized under eminent domain since [1990s|1997] for private development

: 3,722

Tons of toxic soil that the [Army|U.S. Army] Corps of Engineers has removed from the site since 2001

: 10,660

Year in which [WashingtonDC|Washington, D.C.], neighbors of a WWI-era [WMD|chemical-weapons] test site were told it was cleaned up

: 1995

Number of [Wisconsin|Wisconsin] accounting [Student|students] given take-home tests to accommodate an [Enron|Enron] [WhistleBlower|whistle-blower’s] [April|April] [Propaganda|speech]

: 78

Number of them brought against [MiddleEast|Middle Eastern] [Student|students] for paying others to take their [EnglishLanguage|English] proficiency tests

: 60

Number of [Terrorism|terrorism] indictments brought since [September|September] 2001 by the U.S. [Lawyer|Attorney’s] Office in [NewJersey|New Jersey]

: 62

Amount of the $106,185 price of a [Transportation|Hummer H1] that [Business|businesses] may deduct under the proposed [GeorgeWBush|Bush] [Taxes|tax] plan

: $88,722

Amount by which the number of government [Jobs|jobs] in the U.S. exceeds the number of manufacturing [Labor|jobs]

: 5,129,000

Number of [NATO|NATO] countries besides the [UnitedStates|United States] and [Canada|Canada] that use no form of proportional representation

: 0
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